Mark of the destiny

Let me be a coward

Let me be a coward

4Glistened with tears but burning in rage, Hong opened her eyes. She recalled she had picked her phone which was at the table before running out.      1

She called at the nearest police station to complain and narrated the incident. However, the moment she named the culprits, something unbelievable happened.     

"Madam, these are powerful people, why do you want to make your life miserable? Don't you know what else they can do? Just let it go."     

Let it go!     

LET IT GO!     

They actually said that!?     

She kept on dialling, but none answered. If answered, they hung up hearing her voice.     

Hours passed by, sitting in despair as she stared at her phone screen, it was her two best friends. Xiu Mei and Junjie that crossedher mind!     

If she calls them, without a doubt they will come here no matter what time it is. But she waited until sunrise.     

The night was difficult to pass. She heard nurses whispering and saw patients coming into the emergency. People shouting. Crying.      

It was barely seven in the morning; her hands were now white by clenching the phone entire night. Pressing the power button, she was about to call Mei but it was...….. dead!?!     

Desperate, she somehow managed to borrow a power bank from one of the staff against her watch as a price.     

It was only five minutes when the phone was plugged to the power-bank, she switched it on…..     




A never-ending series of notifications popped up…..     

Over a hundred missed calls from her parents and a video.     

Her heart sunk!     

Fear crept in!     

Ignoring the video, she called her mother and for the first time heard her crying, panic-stricken voice quivering in fear.     

"Hong, you okay sweetie?"     

Mrs. Fei was only concerned of her daughter's wellbeing and heaved in relief upon knowing she's fine. Though she had no intention to talk anything else, on Hong's insistence she gave up and told her some people had barged into their house two hours before and vandalized it beyond recognition.     

They beat up her father when he intervened and tried to call cops on them under the fake charges. Before leaving, they warned them to keep their daughter in control.     

The more Fei Hong heard her mother's voice, the more guilt-stricken she was. "How is dad?"     

"Sleeping. The doctor gave him injection to let him take a rest." The reply came, and she probed further, "Who were these people? Why are they after you? Tell me the truth, are you really safe?"     

Unconsciously Hong looked at her bandaged hand, her mother's voice kicked her emotions and she wanted to pour her heart out. But if she let her know, she'd definitely push her to get the culprits punished.      

"I'm fine." With a heavy voice, she forced the words out. Her heart shouted, 'NO. I'M NOT FINE!'     

"How is Rina?" she changed the subject.     

"I've called to check up on her, she's fine. In her hostel."     

Hong breathed, "Can you shift to our old house for a few days until I take care of this matter?"     

"Don't worry about us, I'll take care of everything. But if these people have done something wrong, don't compromise. I've raised a strong woman who can even make skies shiver. You dare not make me doubt my upbringing."     

Fei Hong broke down; she understood her mother had gotten a hint from her voice. "Hmm…. I will."     

Hanging up, she checked the video message. Her body numbed, turning into as white as chalk. It was a few seconds video of her baby sister Rina sleeping in her hostel dorm and someone was shooting her…. Without letting anyone know! The person shooting the video even dared to caress Rina's cheek and pulled back when she stirred.     

Though there was no sound, she understood the implied meaning.     

…. And that moment Fei Hong lost everything.     



Back to the present,     

Sitting on the bed, she gripped the blanket, tears flowed non-stop as she looked up to see in Wang Shi's eyes. "Let me be a coward, brother Wang Shi. I accept the title happily. I accept everything….. everything….."     

"Shh…." Wang Shi hugged her and gently warmed her shoulder.     

Her smiling facade broke!     

The built-up raw pain oozed out from her entire being, flowing even harder….. one warm hug, and she let everything out….     

A needed hug it was!     

She gripped Wang Shi's scrubs in her fist, her shoulder wrack with every sob, chest rise and fall unevenly, looking for breath. Wang Shi just let her know of his presence by rubbing her shoulder….     

He looked up and took a deep breath, from the corner of his eyes he noticed a silhouette was standing at the threshold of the door.     

Rooted to the ground, Junjie looked as Fei Hong's sobs echoed. He crossed the distance with heavy steps, extended his hand towards her but stopped in the air and walked out.     

Wang Shi's lips pursed tight. The way he left without asking a thing shows he had heard her.     

When she sobered a little, he let her go and passed a glass of water.     

"What else do they want?" Sending police only show they were not done and want something more.     

"It's Tong Po who is acting now. He wants apology and revenge against my actions." she held the glass between her palm, placing it on her lap. "Apparently, it was my fault that I first provoked him and later ran away by injuring him. Last night he called and threatened me to destroy every person around me if I don't give him a public apology."     

"What more, I don't have proof against any of them, whereas, they have my job application, my resignation letter, my fingerprints, my handbag, my blood sample at the crime scene, and the video footage where I was seen entering the lounge at my own will. Even if I dared to tell the truth, they would twist the facts easily. Who would believe me?"     

Wang Shi scoffed, patting her head, "I believe you, and so as everyone will. Don't take us so lightly. But...Let me ensure your parents and sister's safety first."     

"Brother Wang….."     

"Just be the fierce Hong we all know. This helplessness doesn't suit you," He paused in his steps. Btw, before thinking about anything else, you've got a bigger problem to handle. Junjie hheard everything."     



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