Mark of the destiny

Better say oops

Better say oops

1After eating the tastiest lunch cooked by Suyin's mother, James left for his home. Though he wanted to spend more time with them, he was not selfish to not let them have some time with each other. Especially when Suyin had a lot to talk about.     

Throughout the day, Suyin helped her mother set her wardrobe, and talked about her time in the city, including how she swindled money from Qi Wren at the art event. Excluding Wang Shi!     

But mother being mother, it didn't take long for her to notice something was bothering Suyin. When was the last time Suyin faked her smile or zoned out in front of her?     

Throughout the day she waited for Suyin to open up with her, however, after eating dinner, she caved into her room.     

Si Han went to Suyin's room and knocked. Getting no reply even after waiting for a good one minute she turned the knob and saw her sitting in the breezy balcony wearing a thin nighty as she hugged a mickey mouse plush.     

"This girl!!! When will you stop being careless? Or is it because I'm finally here that gives you the liberty to do anything?" she dragged her in and shut the door to the balcony.     

"Sorry, I was just looking at the moon. Will sleep now. Is there anything you need?" Suyin sat down on the bed, hugging her mickey mouse plush.     

"I thought of sharing a hot chocolate with you. And discuss where have you lost it?"     

"Lost it?" she accepted the mug of hot chocolate.     

"Yup. Your smile. It's no more sincere anymore." Si Han pointed at her cheekbones, "I've googled the term for the genuine smile marker. It's called Duch….duchh….."     

"Duchenne marker[1]."     

"Yeah… No involvement of the orbicularis oculi muscles around the eyes. Which concluded it was fake."     

Suyin chuckled, "You mugged the medical terms?"     

"Yup and that was a genuine smile….. keep it intact baby." Reaching up, she touched Suyin's cheekbones. "Now tell me what's wrong?"     

One of her hand squeezed the mickey plush; the other's fingers turned white with the force she used on the mug, "Nothing."     

"That's your signature reply, meaning there's definitely something wrong. Besides, you only hug this Mickey Mouse when something bothers you."     

"I'm good, mom. You must be tired, sleep early."     

"Don't fool me, sweetheart. You even ignored your favorite chocolates that I got for you." Suyin's gaze fell on the untouched box of chocolates kept at the table. "Although my daughter is strong, brave, and can help thousands of people. But when it comes to her own problems, she always pretends to be okay when deep in her heart she's not. Tell me, love, what's bothering you."     

"Mum," Suyin sniffed and hugged her mother. "What would I do without you?"     

In response, she got a kiss on her shoulder as Si Han wrapped her, stroking her back gently expressing her gratitude. Five years back Suyin had lost her will to live after her child's death and had tried to kill herself. If it was not for James's and their therapist's support, she might never be able to recover from it.     

She's thankful that her daughter was alive, healthy, happy, and an inseparable part of her life. "Though I've raised a strong woman, sometimes even strong people need help. Tell me."     




"He confessed!?! And it confuses you, weather to go ahead or step back!?! This means somewhere you like him too. Otherwise, you wouldn't have wasted a single second over it." Si Han pushed the strand of hair off of Suyin's face.     

"It's true, I like him. But it's just like 'like'…. Not love. Besides, he's too good for me, I'm nowhere his match."     

"Don't you dare weigh my daughter lower. Her capabilities are no less, only the luckiest man will get her," she warned. Besides, how do you know it's only like and not love? Can it be examined too?"     


"The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart. Close your eyes and just feel, answer lies within you." She placed her hands at Suyin's eyes and moved it after a minute. "Don't tell me, I can read the answer at your red face."     

"Mom…." She covered her cheeks. "But I'm skeptical. What if….."     

"Oh sweetheart, it's better to say 'oops then 'What if'. At least you won't have any regrets. Don't think what if you fail? Just think of the possibilities, what if you fly?" Suyin saw her mother grabbing a piece of chocolate and take a bite sharing the other half with her. "Sweet?"     

"Very sweet."     

Si Han went to flick Suyin's forehead. "Don't forget to brush before sleeping, silly girl. You scared me for a minute. Can't you handle this trivial matter yourself?"     

Suyin's grin flashed as she squeezed her mother tight, placing a wet kiss on her cheek. "You know you are the best mother."     

"I know. Only the best mother can raise a blockhead daughter."     

"Argh… I'll let it pass  since I'm not in a mood to fight."     

"Go sleep,"     

Suyin received a pat but didn't let her mother go. "Won't you ask anything about that man? You accepted everything so easily? No questions?"     

"Nope. If you are thinking about him so seriously, he must be a capable man. What more, you are the master of your own life and can make better decisions about it. I've already made the worst decision once, won't do it again."     

Smiling, Suyin's gaze drifted to the window, "I can only say, he's the best. Just…."     

"My baby," Si Han lifted Suyin's hand and placed it on her heart, "You already have the answer here. Just remember, whatever your decision is, I'm always with you. As far as that man is concerned, tell him I have a licensed gun with me."     

"Mom, you have got a gun?"     

"Yes, your dad gifted me on anniversary three years back." Seeing Suyin giving weird looks Si Han hit her head, "Don't give me these looks. Your stubborn father was worried for our safety. I tried giving him back, but all in vain."     

"He loves you,"     

"I'm feeling sleepy," Si Han stifled a fake yawn, "Don't forget to brush. Good night."     

"Night, mom."     

Finally, after two nights, Suyin would sleep…..     

Better say 'oops' then 'What if'…..     


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