Mark of the destiny

I'll run away with Honey if you do it.

I'll run away with Honey if you do it.

2Ling Xeumo's eyes roved over Suyin's appearance just when the later turned at her voice. It was really hard to believe that an ugly nerd would transform into this fire goddess. She never looked this good!     

She sneered, "Where goes the strut you showed at the press conference and pretended as if you really have nothing to do with your ex? Just look at you, how shamelessly you followed Brother Qi here when he declined to entertain your unreasonable request in the name of compensation."      

Standing alongside Chen Wenwei, Suyin had an expressionless face as she enjoyed her wine sip by sip. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed Qi Wren pretending to be busy in conversation with guests but kept his eyes at them.     

"Xeumo, this will attract unnecessary attention. I'm sure Suyin is invited, let's go." Chouming looked at Suyin apologetically, "I'm sorry from my friend's behalf. She can't see me getting wronged."     

"You are too soft on her, Chouming! Can���t you see through her actual intentions? If she's really invited than being her senior, Minister Yuan should also be here. Where is he? Why can't I see him anywhere?"     

Suyin seriously pondered whether to show her invite, save her energy by not replying, or just show off her Hottie bum.     

Naah! She chucked the last idea.     

His beauty is only for her to devour.     

"Wenwei, I had asked you to disclose the amount Mrs. Qi's husband had paid me? Haven't you done it yet? Look, people are barking again."     

 "Who did you call barking?" Ling Xeumo barked again but got ignored.     

Chen Wenwei paused, drinking Champagne; her brows twitched. 'When did she said that? Argh… Suyin, you pulled me into this! I won't give you treat now.'     

"I forgot. It's eighteen million or something for the breach of the contract. Do you want me to check the exact amount?"     

Suyin, "It's okay. Let Mrs. Qi and her father pay the money first. Speaking of which, send a reminder to the only two defaulters of the lot. Some people are born shameless and think too highly of themselves that they take it as their birthright to defame others. A lesson is a must."     

Hui Chouming's blood boiled, "Suyin, don't you—"     

"Excuse me, are you buying this painting?"     

A lady dressed elegantly in a blue and white gown, asked Suyin.     

Suyin briefly glanced at the beautiful painting and stepped away, "I'm not. But you have a taste for art, this is a beautiful piece. Please go ahead."     

"Thank you," However before the lady could stick the colored polka dot sticker, Chouming instantly pasted her own colored sticker.     

"I'm buying it."     

The lady was displeased but went ahead with sticking her own sticker, "You did it deliberately. Anyway, let it go in the auction then."     

The lady left.     

(In art exhibitions every guest is given a unique colored sheet of paper with peelable polka dots. They paste it on the paintings that interest them and pays the price accordingly. However, if a painting had received over one interest, it will go into auction.)     

Ling Xeumo smirked, "Did you see that? That's the reason we are invited, we can afford all of this. All you can do is admire and see someone else take it away."     

Suyin, "Of course you can afford it. Just how you afforded everything five years back. Btw, how is your medical career going? Any more mistakes?"     

"You…" Ling Xeumo subconsciously looked at Chen Wenwei then exhaled harshly, "Don't you dare cross your limits. I don't make mistakes. My medical career is running and thriving unlike yours. You cannot even dream of getting into the theatre again. How does it feel?"     

Suyin chuckled seeing the two ladies feeling proud of their achievements. One was proud of getting Qi Wren as a husband, living a lifestyle that people could only dream of while the other was gloating over her fake medical career built on someone's death.     

"It feels amazing, at least I didn't cause someone's death and sleep peacefully at night. Tell me, are YOU able to sleep well at night? Or something bothers you? Guilt? Nightmares? Fear? Do you feel haunted? Something keeps coming after you, making you feel suffocated? How high is the dose of your sleeping medicine?"     

"SHUTUP! SHUTUP!!!!" Unknowingly Xeumo's voice rose by a few octaves. Suyin had hit right on her weak spot.     

Seeing people's prying eyes on them, Chouming stepped back and didn't say a word. This is the circle of the city's high profile; she doesn't want to embarrass herself.     

"Y-You are trying to deviate from the topic. I'm a hundred present sure you are here with a purpose. Tell me whether you used your influence to get in or have come as an arm candy of a fat- greasy-old-man? There is no way you could have received an invitation. Just get out from here. This is not a place for someone like you."     

"What happened? Is there a problem?"     

Suyin's face lit up hearing this orgasmic voice as Wang Shi came with Gu Feng and his parents. Even Chen Wenwei straighten her relaxed posture, she couldn't help but grin in happiness. This is double entertainment.     

"Sister Suyin," Gu Feng emotionally hugged Suyin, "I knew you would never forget."     

"Why would I? Didn't you receive my message?"     

"I did. But dad got your name checked in the register and it wasn't there." He looked at his parents, "See, she came!"     

Upon seeing Wang Shi, Hui Chouming and Ling Xeumo celebrated in delight. Country's most sought after man has come to them on his own, it's worth sharing a toast.     

At that Xeumo was on cloud nine, her idol was standing in front of her, making her toes curl. She can't help but keep looking at his face, he was too eye-catching….     

"Dr. Wang, I'm Dr. Ling Xeumo, a senior Resident at Ace Hospital." She extended her hand and Suyin swore in her heart if Wang Shi dare to shake hands, she'll make him remember this forever.     

Wang Shi, YOU DARE NOT! I'll run away with Honey if you do it.     

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