Mark of the destiny

Evil glint

Evil glint

0Wang Shi's brows furrowed, "What comments?"      0

"You know everything,"     

Wang Shi frowned, 'No, he doesn't. Why is saying that?'     

He pretended, "I want to hear from you,"     

This time Honey's eyes lowered, "Bad words,"     

"What bad words?"     

"Is it important?"     


Honey pulled his lower lip in, "T-That my mother abandoned me because I'm a wild child."     

Wang Shi fought the urge to slam his fist on the table, but it would only scare Honey.     

He pulled his swivel chair forward and cupped Honey's small face. "You are my baby, my life, my heartbeat, and my everything. Don't forget there are people in the world who loves you unconditionally, and it's only there words that matter, okay? Don't let the words of unimportant people affect you. And never call yourself a wild child. You were never one."     

He jumped and went to sit in Wang Shi's lap.     

"I want to tell you something more…."     

"Right, tell me the name of the student who started the rumor?"     

These types of rumors are not common, especially when everything about Honey had been kept confidential. If this has come out, it can only happen from someone who knows something. Wang Shi had an idea, but he wanted to get it confirmed.     

"Yes, that's what I want to tell you. Aunty Suyin told me you are investigating very hard to know the name of the person who started everything. And because of this, you're stressed."     

A realization struck Wang Shi. So this was how Suyin coaxed Honey to talk to him. Knowing he could never see his father in a stressful situation, she made up a story. Cunning but effective.     

And what was that???     

Aunty Suyin!?!?!?     

When did she become Aunty from Weird Duck?     

These two..... He shook his head. "Then tell me…."     

"It's Wang Nan."     

"But Wang Nan doesn't study in your school."     

"He's a friend with those four boys. They go to the same sports complex to play basketball. I once hear them talking about it."     

When Wang Shi didn't reply, Honey looked up but saw him smiling with an evil glint. "Dad, why does it seem you are up to something?"     

Instead of getting a reply, he got a pat on the head. "Thank you for letting me know his name. You've no idea how big of a help it was. I'm so happy that I want to pull your cheeks." He did exactly that, annoying Honey.     


After breakfast, Wang Shi asked Honey to play in the office, but he decided to eat Daiyu's brain and forced him to teach hacking.     

Poor Daiyu!     

Seeing Honey busy with Daiyu, Wang Shi walked to the balcony to make a phone call.     

"Tell grandpa, Honey and I are coming for dinner."     

[Young master and little master are coming for dinner]     

He heard the butler announcing it, and what followed was the exciting noises and shuffling.     


As Suyin stepped in her office the expected interns were standing, waiting to hear some words. Probably praises. Each of them had dark circles, yet their eyes shone in anticipation.     

"Superb job, team." She's not a stingy mentor who will disappoint her interns. "You. Made. Me. Proud. As a reward, you all receive +5 points and a letter of appreciation confirming your contribution to the case. You can add this to your resume."     

She continued walking and heard a celebratory shriek from behind.     


As she pushed the door to her office, Chen Wenwei was waiting for her already.     

"Hey. Did I make you wait?"     

Chen Wenwei glanced at her watch, "Seven minutes and four seconds."     

"That's more than enough to drink a cup of coffee and re-apply the lipstick."     

They both laughed as Suyin take off her blazer and hang it on the coat-stand.     

"Tell me how Qi Wren embarrassed himself."     

"By walking with a hickey in front of me in the name of a meeting. Can't believe you were married to him once."     

"I know… even I wonder the same."     

Chen Wenwei carefully looked at Suyin's black dress that had been common every time they had met. Only the color of the blazer changes.     

Suyin pointed at her boobs. "I know they are attractive, but yours are nothing less. 36 A! Now give me the money. I've to buy groceries."     

"36B it is. And besides, I was looking at your black dress. It's always the same." Chen Wenwei slides the check Qi Wren gave her. "I saw the news tomorrow. How do you manage to bring attention to such ignored topics? Corporal Punishment and unbiasness! Ouch!"     

"First, this is my uniform. I don't have the strength to battle with the choice of clothes every morning. Second, I don't look for topics but they look for me instead. You are following this case. Send a legal notice to Yang Xiu, his wife, and the principal. I want maximum punishment. And the ministry is taking over the management of the school, handle the legalities."     

"Already on it." Chen Wenwei studied her face. Not even once she asked about their conversation with Qi Wren, "Don't you want to know what Qi Wren had said?"     

"Let me guess…" Suyin rubbed her chin, "He had asked for a meeting with me?"     

"Will you go?"     

"Only if I have the mood to piss me off. Which I don't. Rest assured, sooner or later it's bound to happen." Suyin shrugged and passed a paper. "I'm signing this project with People's group. These are the exclusive terms and conditions between me and Dr. Wang. Ministry has nothing to do with it. Form a separate contract."     

As Chen Wenwei extended her hand to accept the document so Suyin didn't let it go. "You doubt I'll leak this info."     

"This contains one of my biggest secrets. If I'm entrusting you with it, you better not let it out."     

Chen Wenwei looked through it and gasped, "You are the famous Zz!???? I heard it from one of my surgeon friends."     

"Pretend you know nothing." She got herself busy in the day's work. "Please do it ASAP. We are signing this contract this week."     

After Chen Wenwei left, Suyin pressed the intercom, "Assistant Long, come in."     

Barely a minute later Long Tao knocked and entered, "Mam…."     

"Did you get the information?"     

"Yes, mam. It's confirmed Qi Wren and his wife are attending the art event. They are one of the VIP's."     

"You may go."     

Her mischievous smile that followed sends a shiver run down his spine, confirming she's up to no good.     


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