Mark of the destiny

Pen drive

Pen drive


"You dare skip the most important point! Am I really your friend?" 4

"It's not what you are thinking. He asked it for work purposes, that's it." Zhao Suyin passed a washed dish to let him wipe dry.

"Any plans to call him?" James asked, but somewhere deep he knew the answer. No!

"No! Not without any reason. Besides, there's a huge difference between him and me, I know my limits very well." She said.

James didn't say a word, concentrating on wiping the dishes with a dry towel. Suyin knew something was on his mind, but he would not say afraid she might feel hurt.

"Spit it out, otherwise you'll feel constipated."

"If you are talking about money, your crush doesn't give importance to it." He said, looking serious "If it's about your trashy ex, and you are taking yourself as a used product who is not worthy for a nobleman, you are being unfair to yourself."

She breathed out from the mouth, "Why are you being so serious, Wang Shi is just a crush…. Only a crush!" She leaned closer, "And don't take that trash's name again, suddenly I'm having an urge to puke at you."

A smile came on his lips, his long blond bangs covering one of his hazel eyes curved into two crescent moons. Preferring not to bother her with the topic anymore as these things are best if left to the destiny he changed the subject.

"My friend has sent me a list of flats available. They are all as per your requirements. Since you don't want to share the flat with me, why not check them out?" He tried sounding hurt.

"Stop acting, I love my privacy, Okay? Besides, I'll bring mom to live with me, she's alone there." She said, "Let's go this weekend. Till then I'll share with you."


James Apartment

As per her habit, Zhao Suyin woke up early to make breakfast. Buttered toast, boiled eggs, a fruit with a spoon of whipped cream and a cup of strong coffee, she enjoyed it while running through the newspaper. She had already kept aside James breakfast in case he wakes up. Though the chances are low, he would wake up at lunchtime.

For the first day of the new job, she took her 'uniform' out of the wardrobe to get ready. Yeah, uniform! It's annoying to stand before the cupboard, looking at the mountain of clothes with a thought 'What to wear today?'

A typical morning struggle for every working woman!

On an average, a woman wastes a minimum of thirty minutes daily with the same thought, increasing their stress when they arrive late at work. They try on different outfits, lacking any real direction and plan.

Since she has complete freedom over what to wear, she tackled the problem by selecting a 'uniform' for herself that's apt for the working environment.

The solution to her problem came in the form of fifteen knee length black dresses of the same type, design, length, neck, sleeve, and fitting. To add a touch of color and not made it look monotonous, she added different colors of blazers to go with it. And a pair of black chunky heels are good to go with any dress.

Today she opted for a plum blazer; put on light makeup, wear her contact lenses, curl the ends of hair, wore light jewelry to look presentable and put her documents in a tanned leather bag.

Before leaving she didn't forget to take a very important pen-drive that contains information equal to a death warrant for someone, a mischievous smile teased her red lips.


The Ministry of women and child affairs- eighteenth floor- Zhao Suyin's office.

It was the first day of their newly appointed boss, the staff didn't dare to be late or underdressed. Zhao Suyin's ruthlessness has reached before her as everyone discussed her and how strict and the heartless person she is.

"It's our new boss's first day. I'm scared already."

"Yeah, I've heard she is cold and gives strict punishments at every mistake. I've heard yesterday she scolded senior Bai Xu and the new intern Woo Meng in front of the entire people's hospital."

"Oh! So that's why senior Bai Xu is looking so pale and restless. Looks like it's not over for him yet!"

"Exactly! She has called him for a meeting today. Let's see what will become of this cunning man. I'm happy he is suffering; he never works but takes credit."

"Well, I don't mind a strict boss if she is reasonable."

The conversations in the office stopped when they some higher-ups coming towards them, most influential among them was the second deputy minister Wei. Their gaze fell on the woman in a plum blazer, walking with a commanding aura and confidence. Zhao Suyin!

"Good morning, everyone."

Everyone straighten their posture, greeting politely. "Good morning, sir."

Wei Yuan smiled, "After a long wait of three months, finally Miss. Zhao Suyin is here to take over the position of Secretary-General. I won't read out the long list of her achievements that you can search online, all I can say is it's an honor to have a talent like her on board."

Only Wei Yuan knew how many efforts they have put to steal her from one of the largest private organization working for women's development. If it was not because of the request of an old colleague who happened to know her, they could not have gotten her.

"Let's welcome her with a round of applause."

Zhao Suyin took a step forward, from the corner of her eyes she looked at the rat who was trying to hide from her hawk eyes.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhao Suyin. I know my job is legal advisory, communication, planning, and fundraising. But let me tell you, apart from that I'll be going on the field jobs too with selected members and interns. Book your slots with my assistant before time.

Apart from that, I have selected the intern Yu Mixi to work by my side until the end of her internship. That's because she analyzed the situation at People's hospital smartly and didn't follow the crowd."

She glanced at a direction where Bai Xu was trying to hide, thinking he might go unnoticed and escape the hammer hanging over his head.

"Work with me honestly, and you'll get opportunities to grow. But I won't let go of any dishonesty or carelessness AT ANY COST." She said as she took a pen-drive from her pocket and hand it over to a man standing near. "Play it!"

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