Mark of the destiny

James and Evan

James and Evan

0Under 17 please don't read the content of the chapter. You won't skip any details related to the story.     

Those who don't like BL, skip the chapter. If I read any rude comments about BL, you'll receive my love letter.     

*I know all of you will laugh at my note and read it anyhow.     






On Suyin's hint, James dashed to the bathroom and pulled his breaks right at the door to calm down his crazily beating heart.     

Breath in, breath out!     

Breath in, breath out!     

He stepped in, fixed his hair at the first sight of the mirror, and looked for Evan who was nowhere to be seen. Indeed, the bathroom was luxurious, and there was the said box of condoms. He stuffed a few in pocket… just in case.     

"Ahem…" He harrumphed to let Evan know of his presence and strolled outside the row of cubicles starting from the outermost to inwards.     


The last door opened, and before he could realize a firm grip pulled him in. His back touched the cold wall.     

James eyes widen seeing Evan's face close, glaring into his eyes. His look was uncomfortable, yet it aroused a lingering sensation in him.     

Evan looked down at James' lips and then looked back into his eyes. A sign of warning that raced James's heartbeat. A second later, he dipped, taking James's lips into his and pressed hard, flattening his body against him.     

His mouth was icy, flavored with wine he just had. Yummy. But there was something else… a lingering emotion of desperation. His kiss was wild. His groans were erotic yet vicious.     

"Evi," James breathed, refilling his lungs.     

"Shh…." Evan brushed his thumb on James' lips, "You kissed her with them. This is my territory, let me mark it again. But remember this is the last time…" His hands pushed beneath James' shirt, craving for his bare skin as he lifted him off his feet.     

"She? You mean Susu!?" James struggled to avoid getting his lips kissed and Evan growled. "You f*cking crazy zealous brute…. Should I take you back to Susu and my story?"     

Evan frowned.     

"Don't fight… I know your story already," Evan shoved a hand in James' hair, tugged them backward as he sucked on his lips to get the maximum. "Yet I can't see it."     

James pushed him on the chest in anger, "It was she who send me after you. Must you screw my mood like this? Just go away." Before his hand could touch the doorknob, Evan pulled and pinned him against the door.     

"Then let me fix your mood." Evan pressed his leg against James' manhood, tracing his lips against the shell of his ear. His hand slowly slides into James's trousers. "By screwing…. A literal screwing….." his sexy purr was rewarded when James' moan, bringing a devilish grin to his face.     

No matter how angry James was, he was equally aroused and needed him. His bulge was hard and thick, begging for attention.     

James tried to pull Evan's hand out of his trousers, "Let me go…. Owwww…."     

Evan squeezed him, "Don't!" He took advantage of his tall build up physique and pinned James's. "I'll apologize right now and you'll drop the topic. Are we done?"     

"ARE WE DONE?" He squeezed again when James' didn't reply.     

"OWWWW…..F*ck you BASTARD."     

"Yeah. After this, I will do that."     

James went quiet, submitting in total….. Letting him have the upper hand. He felt Evan withdrew his hands from trousers and wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer.     

Evan rained needy kisses all over James' neck and shoulder; biting, sucking and licking…. "I'm sorry. I got jealous." He heard Evan say.     

"Don't bring Susu in our relationship, Evi,"     

"Can you please not kiss her in front of me?"     

James chuckled, he hooked his hands around Evan's neck. "Fine, I won't. But this does not mean I won't kiss her ever. Just not in front of you…. JUST."     

Evan hummed, bent his head to catch James' perked nipple from the thin wall of clothing and nibbled, drawing long sucks. James' body jolted in sensation, letting out a loud moan, fisting Evan's hair.     

Evan felt his member twitch, about to burst at any moment. His hands went up James' shirt to feel his soft skin. "I can't control anymore….Car or room?"     

"Room," James bit Evan's lower lip, achingly aware of Evan's hard member rubbing against his.     

In the room, they didn't waste a single second and busied themselves extricating each other from clothes.     

James slid down his hand on Evan's hard chest and stopped over his bulge. He clenched it. "I want to be on top," in response Evan kissed him on lips and smiled.     

"Only if you can, my sweetie. Did you take condoms from the bathroom?" James took out a handful of them from his pocket and showed. Evan's muttered curse made him smile. "Enough for me,"     

"You don't need them anyway,"     

Evan yanked his tank over his head, revealing his perfectly sculpted abs that make James drool unabashedly. "Get naked…. NOW," He attacked James' clothes, wrestling them down and out, leaving both in just a pair of briefs.     

James kneeled down on the carpeted floor, "Since I will top you later. Consider this as a small favor," saying he rolled down Evan's brief in a swift motion, revealing the hardened co*k that sprang up.     

He grabs it gently between his palms and flicked his tongue at the tip, sending a jolt of electricity leaving Evan shiver and moan.     

Happy with the outcome, James took the entire him in and bobbed his head up and down, slurping it wet and slimy. His pleasing scent excited him. He felt Evan's hand clench his hair as he flexed his hips, pushing in. "Harder,"     

Without breaking the eye contact, James increased the pace, going deeper and shifted his one hand to massage his balls. His mouth lunges turned into harsher and harder from gentle. Their breath hissed by the searing connection, heating their body.     

Evan, "Ah! I'm about to come,"     

James pulled away, stopping right at the tip and gave an evil grin. Before Evan could understand he squeezed him at the tip. "Hahhhh!!!" The first spurt of semen hit the back of James' throat, and he hollowed his lips, sucking him harder to get every drop.     

James' breath hastened, as he sat down lax on the floor, staring at his hubby's glistening body.     

"You were amazing, sweetie. Let's get down to the actual thing," Evan lifted James and pushed him on the bed before towering over him. His thumbs hooked into the waistband of his briefs and shoved them down and out.     

Seeing James rock hard c*ck, leaking its fluid, Evan growled, conveying his primal desire for him.     

"I want to be on top," James hissed between his teeth, feeling Evan's finger rub his entrance as the latter lifted his leg to wrap around his torso. "WHAT?" James flinched when Evan screwed his finger at the sensitive spot to loosen him first. "Not fair," he moaned, knowing Evan was deliberately ignoring his demands. He always does that.     

"Some other time sweetie. Let me make you feel good tonight."     

"Will I be able to walk tomorrow?"     

"Keep dreaming," James's tensed as Evan slid his finger in and pushed on his chest. "Relax sweetie," Evan entered further. He knew all the secrets and sensitive zones of James' body and expertly stroked exactly at those points to satisfy him. Screwing his fingers, he loosened James, hearing the loudest moans that infatuated him further.     

Seeing James had let go of himself, Evan pulled out his fingers and wrapped James' legs around his torso. "I'm about to enter," he warned, rubbing his wet tip at James's entrance before slowly sliding it in…. James hissed. "Almost in, sweetie," He coaxed, inching in further and finally stopped when fully sheathed.     

Evan leaned to wipe the tears from the corners of James' eyes. "Oh, Jammie… I love you,"     

"Love you too….. AHHH…." James cried at the first thrust and racked Evan's shoulder with his nails. Their gaze was fevered on each other's face as what followed was many more thrusts and meeting each other's core.     

Evan lunged in a fierce tempo, taking James to the brink of euphoria.     

James smiled at the sight of his love working hard to please him.     

He was just amazing!     

Harsh! Manly! And a little gentle!     

The room echoed with the wet sound of thrusts and moans as wave after wave of pleasure hit them.     

"Evi…." James called, "Slow down, please,"     

Evan looked up at James' face and playfully pinched his c*ck, driving him insane. It was so intense that James covered his mouth with the pillow to suppress his groans.     

"Dare you do that," Evan warned, giving a rough thrust. His action and the purr in his voice made James arch his back, taking him to the edge.     


"Again," Evan demanded and James gave a stern eye but saw him gave a teasing look. And then he pounded deep and hard.     

"UGHHHH! F*CK YOU EVAN!" James moaned loud enough to echo around the room. If it was not for the soundproofing, his voice would have echoed in the corridor.     

"Come now," Evan quickened his pace, giving deep harder lunges when he fell himself swelling.     

James' grip on Evan's shoulder tightened. His inner walls stretched to the maximum, precum dripped on his stomach. He let out loud grunts and panted. The building orgasm was sending a sensation in his system as a wave of heat pulsated through. "AHH! EVI…." James let out a loud growl as the orgasm splurt out like a blow.     

Evan gave few more thrusts, his head rolled back before he released his liquid inside him. James held him in his arms as they both lie lax on the bed, panting, drenched in sweat, and their juices. They felt each other's heavy breath and hugged until their bodies cool down.     

By the time Evan pulled out of James, he was already drowsy. He picked the box of tissue from the stand and wiped their liquids.     

Placing a kiss on James' lips, Evan wrapped himself around him and softly whispered, "Good night, sweetie,"     

In response, James turned over and threw his leg over Evan. "Cruel…"     

It was in the early morning when James woke up and found Evan sleeping peacefully. The pain in his body reminded him of their activities at night.     

"Evi, you are a beast." He leaned closer and pecked Evan's lips, "Yet I love you." pulling his worn-out body out of the bed, he showered before leaving for his apartment.     


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