Chapter 471: It Misses You

Chapter 471: It Misses You

4"It misses you." Nate pulled Fannie up with an evil smile on his lips.     

He stared straight at her almost transparent clothing, then swallowed hard.     

Fannie didn't understand him. "It? What's it?"     

Nate pulled her hand and pressed it down on his manhood. "Here, it misses you so much."         

Fannie flushed and tried to draw her hand back, but failed. When she used great force the second time, she felt it rubbing against her palm.     

"Let me go!" Her face was pure red now.        

Nate did let her go, then covered her with his coat. "I don't want others to see your body."          

He hugged her with one arm, telling her how much he missed her along the way to the hotel.     

When Kylie left for the last pickup scene in the might, she was very considerate and didn't call Fannie. Noises still came out from Fannie's room after they finished shooting and came back.     

"Pupu, we can't hear the noises, right?" Kylie hugged Pupu and rubbed its furry neck.     

All of a sudden, Pupu licked Kylie's face. Kylie smiled and stopped it. "Don't kiss me. Do you hear me?"     


The next morning, everyone gathered together in the hall for breakfast.     

Kylie glanced at Fannie's seat, then asked, "Did anyone see Fannie?"         

William was lying on a nearby sofa with his arm laid on his face. "She? I don't think she'll come downstairs for breakfast."     

"Why?" Kylie spread butter on her toast. She somehow felt something wasn't right.     

"Why are you lying here?" she turned to look at William.         

William abruptly sat up, and Kylie didn't see his noticeable dark circles under his eyes until now.     

"Did someone punch you in a nightclub last night?" Kylie joked and laughed.     

"No!" William complained, pointing at the ceiling above his head. "I came back at 12 am last night, and I wanted to have a good sleep, but..."         

He clenched his teeth and took a long breath in a few times. "The piling machine was tearing this house down! I was afraid it would move through the wall when I was in my dream!"     

Dora walked over with a glass of milk at this moment. She laughed when she heard William's complaint. "Are you sure? Fannie stays here alone."          

"She did that alone?" William rounded his eyes with surprise. "Really?" He approached Kylie.           

Seeing Kylie remaining silent eating her toast, William laughed out loud. "Ha-ha, ha-ha, I finally get the ammunition about Fannie. She can't use Uncle Nate to bully me anymore!"        

"What are you talking about?" Nate walked downstairs, fastening the buttons of his shirt.     

He looked quite satisfied.     

Dora was struck dumb for a second. She didn't expect Nate would come here.     

Kylie, instead, beamed at William.     

William soon changed his tone. "Uncle Nate, good morning! Have some milk after loving your girl for a whole night." Saying that William served Nate some milk.     

Nate, however, raised his leg and kicked the back of William's knee.     

William stumbled back to the table and almost pushed the bottle of jam in the front of Kylie off.     

"Uncle Nate, you still have the energy to kick me..." William looked pitiful.     

"I still have the energy to punch you now. Do you want to have a try?" Nate said and started to roll up his sleeves.     

William was an actor, after all. Although he had abs, he was barely comparable to a soldier who had served in the special forces.      

Without hesitation, he escaped and hid behind Kylie's back. "Aunt Ethan, help!"         

Kylie patted his head. "Don't be so naughty. Apologize to your Uncle Nate."           

"Uncle Nate, I'm sorry," William said with a serious face. "Do whatever you want tonight, and I won't say a word about it."          

Nate gave him a side glance, then reached out his hands all of a sudden.     

William thought Nate was going to punch him and lowered his head at once, but Nate just took the glass of milk away in front of his face. "For the sake of your Aunt Ethan, I forgive you this time."     

Afterward, Nate smiled at Kylie to please her. "If you'll excuse me, I need to go upstairs to serve my girl now."           

Kylie nodded like a noble lady and waved her hand.     

When Nate was gone, William collapsed on the sofa again. "I hate to be the junior in the family."        

"You shouldn't argue against Fannie anymore." Kylie tore a piece of her toast and threw it to Pupu. "She's Nate's girl now."         

William pouted. "How about the job offer I told you last time? Have you made your decision yet?"          

Kylie stopped chewing. "There is one condition."          

"What is it?" William got interested, looking at Kylie. "I'm willing to fulfill any conditions you lay down."          

If he couldn't marry Kylie in real life, it was acceptable that he could marry her in the game.     

Kylie cleaned her fingers with a tissue. "Help me gain some attention for my fund."           

William blinked with confusion. "What fund? When did you establish a fund?"     

"Not a long time ago," Kylie said. "Will you help me or not?"     

"Sure, when?" William agreed with alacrity.         

Kylie told him a date, then William called his assistant over to check his schedule in the following days.     

"Clear my schedule for the fund!" William made an order.     

His assistant asked, "What if it breaks an agreement?"     

William rolled his eyes. "Are you an idiot? The last thing Kylie lacks is money."     

"What?" His assistant was struck dumb.     

Dora, who was silent all the time, opened her mouth at this time. "Kylie, if you need me, feel free to let me know."     

"I'm thinking about that right now." Kylie turned to face Dora. "It's the first time that I've established a fund, and there are so many things that I'm not familiar with. Can you be my consultant?"     

"No problem." Dora agreed. "I'll do my best."     

"Dora, do you also know her fund?" William asked with curiosity.     

Dora nodded.     

William suddenly got back to his feet and strode to the front of Kylie. He hit the table with great force and questioned Kylie. "Why did you tell me anything about your fund? Why didn't you bring me to Coco Resort for the vacation? Why?"     

"Nothing!" Kylie blinked her beautiful eyes.     

"I think there is something!" William was mad. "You exclude me from your friends, and you're jealous of me!"     

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