Chapter 472: She Was Too Concern About Stephen

Chapter 472: She Was Too Concern About Stephen

4"So what?" Kylie stared straight at him.     

"Aunt Ethan." William knelt down before Kylie, all of a sudden. "How can you be so cruel to me? Ouch!"      

Someone knocked his head, and William turned to glare at Dora. "Don't interrupt me. I'm expressing my sad feeling."      

"Stop it!" Dora stuffed his mouth with a piece of toast. "Aren't you afraid your Uncle Ethan will punish you?"      

William then stood up and went to sit by Kylie's side. He had a large bite of the toast and swallowed it down with a mouthful of milk.     

"Kylie, you can't treat me like that anymore." William looked at Kylie. "I'm heartbroken now."      

"Relax, it's no big deal." Kylie smiled.     

As planned, they went back home this afternoon.     

Fannie, however, would take the night flight for her body condition.     

The second Kylie walked out of the terminal, she saw a familiar figure.     

The man leaned on the Knight XV in a black coat with a pair of cool sunglasses smiling at her.     

Kylie ran across the road and threw herself into his arms. "Baby, you're so handsome!"      

It was cold in Seattle, and Ethan took off his coat to cover Kylie at once.     

Smelling the fragrance of his body, Kylie felt super safe and happy.     

"Get in now." Ethan opened the car door.     

The air conditioner was on in the car, and Kylie put her hands by the warm wind outlet once she got inside. "How's the acquisition?"      

"The Italian businessman finds a middleman and wants to have a meeting." Ethan started the car and drove ahead. "Should I go?"      

"Don't ask me. I know nothing about business." Kylie covered Ethan's cold cheeks with her hands after she warmed them up. "Do you feel better now?"      

"Yeah," Ethan said.     

It was much warmer in the car, but he still chose to wait for her outside.     

Lucas went to the airport to pick them up, but he only saw Kylie's baggage after a long time.     


Halfway on the road, Kylie suddenly thought of something.     

"Oh, let's go to Stephen's clinic first. It's time for my prenatal examination," Kylie said.     

"Is he back?" Ethan made a turn at the next intersection.     

"Yeah, he called me yesterday," Kylie said and sent old Mrs. Parker a message.     

If Adolph were also in Stephen's clinic, old Mrs. Parker would make an excuse to tell Ethan to meet her.     

The Knight XV stopped downstairs, and Kylie called Stephen for confirmation.     

Stephen was in his clinic right now.     

"It's a regular exam. Why don't you just wait for me in the car?" Kylie said when she saw Ethan stall the car.     

Ethan didn't say a word, but he looked determined.     

He must be at his wife's side for the prenatal examination.     

Besides, he was also curious to know what Stephen had been up to for the past week.     

"Um, don't be displeased. I just think it's not a good place to stop your car. Probably you'll be fined," Kylie said to comfort him.      

"I don't care," Ethan said.     

He could afford it anyway.     

Seeing that, Kylie shrugged and agreed.     

Stephen was waiting for them at the outside of the elevator. When the door of the elevator opened, Kylie could barely recognize him.     

"Did you have plastic surgery in Korea?" Kylie blurted it out.     

Stephen was unusually thin now with too noticeable cheekbones on his face. Only his eyes were as gentle and bright as usual.     

"I had a disease, and I'm fine now." Stephen smiled and nodded at Ethan. "Come on in."      

Ethan followed Kylie walking inside.     

He observed Stephen from head to toe. "Did you see Dinah recently?"      

Stephen adjusted the medical equipment and said, "You're the last person Dinah won't contact."      

After that, he told Kylie to sit by the bedside.     

Kylie followed his lead and reached out her arm for the test of blood pressure.     

"She's working with Vincent. Does Vincent have any news?" Stephen fixed his eyes on the blood pressure gage when he said to Ethan.     

Ethan knew Dinah and Vincent brought Matthew back to their base, but he pretended that he knew nothing about it. "Nope, I lost touch with Vincent too."      

Stephen nodded, then said to Kylie, "Your blood pressure is normal."      

He began to unfasten the medical rubber strap from Kylie's arm. "They should be fine. They're always absent once they leave to fulfill a task."      

"Aren't you worried about Dinah?" Kylie was surprised.      

"There is only one girl I'm worried about in this world," Stephen said, writing on the paper.     

It was the first time that Stephen had said that right in front of Ethan's face.     

Ethan was displeased instantly, but Kylie gave him a look to tell him to stay calm.     

"Dinah is your wife, after all. What if anything bad happens to her?" Kylie said.     

However, Stephen sneered, "If she dares show up right now, I'll divorce her right away."     

"W.." Kylie wanted to say something, but Stephen interrupted her. "Have you eaten in the morning?" It was obvious that he was reluctant to talk about Dinah.     

"Nope," Kylie said.     

"I need to draw some of your blood for Down's screening." Stephen stood up and went to prepare tools for the blood test.     

Kylie seized this chance and asked Ethan, "Did he have an argument against Dinah?"      

Ethan snorted, "He never gets along with Dinah."      

Kylie pouted but had to admit that it was the truth. Although she made them be together, everything didn't go well now.     

It seemed it was getting worse.     

"I need to make a call," Ethan said, then left.     

There was a large glass on the door of the examination room. Kylie could still see Ethan's vague figure if she raised her head up.     

"How's Matthew now?" Ethan asked on the phone.     

"Very bad," Dinah said. "The magical pill has a strong side effect, and Matthew's body is already ruined by it. He's like a walking dead now."     

Dinah stopped for a second. "Ethan, I'm afraid Matthew can't survive it."      

Ethan frowned. "We must help him get rid of it. If he can't persist, make an accident. Even if he's dead, he must get off it."     

"I understand." When Dinah was about to hang up, she asked all of a sudden, "Ethan, how's Stephen..."      

She hadn't seen Stephen for a week. Every time she saw Matthew tortured by the drug addiction, she was too concerned about Stephen.     

Author's Note:     

Hello Dear Lovies,      

Your shameless author here, I have a simple request for all of you. Creation wasn't easy, so your gift, reviews, and power stone vote will be a great motivation for me. There are few chapters left for the novel to end this month, and the sequel will be going to up soon!      

Thank you so much in advance!     

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