Chapter 473: Show Some Respect

Chapter 473: Show Some Respect

3"He's a doctor," Ethan said in a deep voice. He was reminding Dinah that Stephen was able to take care of himself.      0

He had done that before, no matter how unpleasant the situation had been.     

Even if he had to take the magical pills for a month to gain their enemies' trust, he had the ability to protect himself from its side effects.     

It probably was a serious matter of one's life in other people's eyes, but it was still something Stephen could handle well.     

"Oh," Dinah said all of a sudden. "One of our teammates told me the magical pill appeared again yesterday in Seattle after it has been absent for a long while."     


Ethan frowned, and Dinah added, "Its price is also lower now, which will attract more buyers."     

Ethan turned and met Kylie's eyes.     

Kylie smiled at him.     

"I understand." He nodded, then hung up the call.      

"When did you get back to Seattle?" Ethan walked into the room and asked Stephen.     

Stephen was drawing blood from Kylie's arm with a calm face. "Yesterday."     

Ethan didn't ask further, but Kylie sensed something unusual.     

"It'll be done in seconds," Stephen said to comfort her.     

"You lost too much weight. Did you have a serious disease?" Kylie asked him with concern.     

Ethan, who stood behind her, was displeased hearing that she cared about Stephen.     

Stephen, however, felt happier when Ethan was annoyed.     

"Yeah, it almost killed me," Stephen said.     

"What happened? I called your company, but they told me you didn't go to work. I was so worried about you." Kylie secretly pulled the corner of Ethan's coat.     

Ethan slightly pressed her back with his thumb behind her shoulder.     

They understood each other very well.     

Kylie continued. "You should tell me when you were sick. We're friends after all, and I could take care of you."     

Stephen glanced at Ethan, then smiled at Kylie. "I will tell you the next time."      

Kylie nodded, then made a joke, "Was it an infectious illness?"      

Stephen was amused. "Nope, but lovesickness."      

Kylie was struck dumb for a second and stopped talking about that.      

"When can we have the result of this blood test?" she asked a while later when the blood draw was done.      

"It should be quick, and I'll contact you tomorrow," Stephen said.      

After that, Kylie stood up and walked outside with Ethan. Right at this moment, a woman walked inside. "Stephen?"     

Hearing the familiar voice, Kylie got nervous and subconsciously squeezed Ethan's hand.     

Ethan pulled her into his arms, and the three of them in the room stared at the woman who was walking near. "Stephen, why did you..."     

Agnes wanted to criticize Stephen because he had been absent for a long time, which caused the loss of dozens of million dollars, and Adolph was in a rage now.     

Nevertheless, her heart ached for him the second her sight fell on his unusually thin face.     

Agnes reached out her hand, trying to touch Stephen's face, but Stephen turned his head away.     

"May I help?" Stephen said, keeping a distance away from Agnes.     

"I..." When Agnes wanted to say something, she noticed Kylie, who stood aside and got mad in an instant. "No, I know why Stephen left his work behind and has been absent for so long. He must have left to meet you, a little bitch!"      

"Please show some respect." A low cold voice sounded all of a sudden.     

"How dare you..." Agnes raised her head, but her body shook in shock when she saw Ethan's face.     

She had searched for this man for a long time, but found no clue at all. To her astonishment, he showed up right in front of her face out of the blue now!     

Agnes fixed her eyes on Ethan's cold face, which reminded her of Adolph's angry face after seeing the photo which humiliated him.     

Back at that time, Adolph hit the photo on her face, which was quite painful, and she would never forget that feeling.     

Ethan tightened his arms around Kylie to protect her. "This lady is my life. Please apologize to her."      

"She..." Agnes couldn't believe it, "is your woman?"      

"Of course, yes." Ethan gave Stephen a cold glance, then looked at Agnes's shocked face.     

Does she believe Kylie is Stephen's woman all the time?     

The expression on Agnes's face proved everything. She bit her lips, stepping backward at a slow pace.     

Kylie had good sight and noticed the bracelet on Agnes's wrist was exactly the same as the one around her wrist.     

She moved a step forward at once to attract Ethan's attention. "This is Stephen's mother, Ethan."      

Saying it, she gave Stephen a quick look for help.     

Just by that look, Kylie saw it clearly that Stephen's sight moved away from Agnes's wrist to her face.     

After that, Stephen opened his mouth. "Mother, this is my close brother, Ethan, and Kylie is his wife."     


Ethan's name occupied Agnes's mind before she put on a sarcastic smile. It seemed she realized something.     

She looked to Ethan again with a kind smile this time. "Ethan, please don't be mad at me. I didn't mean it. Kylie, please accept my sincere apologies."      

Agnes reached out her hand to hold Kylie's. "Kylie, I know you're always a good girl, and you'll forgive me, right?"      

Kylie was surprised by the about-face.     

"Um, it's fine, Mrs. Cecil. I understand you care about Stephen very much." Kylie raised a smile, but her heart was in her throat now.     

Agnes's hand was moving downwards till the bracelet on her wrist.     

Kylie wanted to escape.     

If Agnes recognized this bracelet and said it aloud before Ethan's face, Ethan's real identity would be exposed!     

"Kylie, this..." Before Agnes could finish her sentence, Kylie interrupted her and said to Ethan, "Ethan, didn't you say we should invite Stephen to share a meal together? Mrs. Cecil is also here today. Why don't we dine together?"     

Ethan stared at Kylie for a while, then nodded.     

Agnes also had the same idea, but Stephen turned it down. "I'm afraid I can't. I just came back, and I need to deal with tons of documents in the company."     

Author's Note:     

Hello Dear Lovies,      

Your shameless author here, I have a simple request for all of you. Creation wasn't easy, so your gift, reviews, and power stone vote will be a great motivation for me. There are few chapters left for the novel to end this month, and the sequel will be going to up soon!      

Thank you so much in advance!     

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