Chapter 462: Why Are You So Sure

Chapter 462: Why Are You So Sure

1Old Mr. Parker rounded his eyes in shock.     

He was a sophisticated man who had been through a lot during his life, after all, so he soon composed himself.     

He stared straight at Ethan's eyes for a long while, then sneered all of a sudden. "You know nothing!"     

Ethan lowered his upper body and supported old Mr. Parker to get back to his feet.     

"Why are you so sure? I respected you as my own father; however, I felt betrayed because you thought I am a monster. Father, I tried to live a normal life as a human being, but you push me to the edge," he said in a deep voice.     

Old Mr. Parker rolled his eyes. "Even your mother isn't clear about what has happened that year. How can you know anything about it? Barbara didn't tell me the truth about her family and how you inherited that course from your clan. You better asked your mother, "     

He pointed at Ethan's head. "I know you're brilliant. Matthew is addicted to the medicine these days, but he refuses to get rid of it. You must have used that drug to force him to tell you what has happened that year."     

"I'm different from him. I don't have any weak spots that you make use of. You know who I am and what power I possessed with,"     

"Don't ever think you can get any useful information from my mouth! You can't manipulate me with your inner power because I know you used a special medicine to get rid of it,"      

Ethan stayed calm and poured another cup of coffee for old Mr. Parker. "Father was clever. I knew you sent someone to follow all my activities, but think about your own son, he is your blood and flesh that I can ruin any moment.      

He didn't open his mouth until he placed the coffee in front of old Mr. Parker. "I wish you could be so confident all the time."     

After that, he left the study.     

Old Mr. Parker took a long breath out, feeling relieved. "You're not old enough to play the game with me!" Saying it, he looked down at the chessboard, then had a feeling of sheer panic all of a sudden.     

Ethan already won the game before he could notice it!     

Thinking of Ethan's calm face, old Mr. Parker started to think that Ethan probably knew something.     

If Ethan found out the truth, his family's business, Century Group, would be in danger!     

Ethan ran into Kylie and old Mrs. Parker the second he walked out of the study.     

"Hey, who's the winner today?" Kylie smiled and walked to hold Ethan's arm.     

Ethan smoothed her hair with a tender smile on his face. "Father, of course."         

Old Mrs. Parker beamed at her beloved son. "Your father is an experienced chess player. It's not embarrassing that you lost the game with him."           

"You're right, mother," Ethan said with great respect, then looked at Kylie. "Shall we go home now?"          

"Sure." Kylie waved her hand at old Mrs. Parker, then walked away with Ethan. "Someone wants to cooperate with us right after the fund is established."     

"Do you need to deal with it in person?" Ethan asked.          

"I think I should show up, at least." Kylie kissed Ethan's hand. "Don't worry. It won't be too tiring, but..."      

"What?" Ethan kissed her hair.         

Kylie bit her lip. "I want to visit Pupu. It's been a long time."          

Ethan nodded, then walked to the dog house in the backyard, but Pupu was absent.     

"Where is Pupu?" Ethan called the housekeeper over.     

The housekeeper replied with extreme caution, "Pupu isn't in good condition these days, so old Mr. Parker and old Mrs. Parker sent it to a pet hospital."         

Without hesitation, Kylie and Ethan went to the pet hospital. The moment she saw Pupu, Kylie cried.     

Pupu lay on the ground, seeming feeble, but it sat upright, shaking its tail in an instant when Kylie showed up.     

"How is Pupu now?" Ethan asked a vet.     

The vet explained. "Pupu isn't sick, but just old." "Normally, a dog can live for 11 years, sometimes 13 with good care. It's already a miracle that Pupu has lived 15 years."         

Ethan turned to look at Kylie, who talked to Pupu, then asked, "Is there any way to extend a dog's life?"        

The vet shook his head. "I'm afraid not. Mr. Parker, you're a great owner, and you've done everything you could. In other cases, the dog could have been administered mercy killing."        

Ethan looked serious. "Pupu is too important in my wife's eyes."          

The vet thought for a while. "I'm sorry. There is nothing we can do. If you really love Pupu deeply, you can let it live its last happy time."         

Hearing the vet's footsteps moving away, Kylie asked Ethan, "What did the doctor say? Is Pupu seriously ill?"         

Ethan smiled. "Nope. It was caught by a cold, and it's fine now. Do you want to bring Pupu home?"         

"Can I?" Kylie's eyes lit up.        

"Sure." Ethan reached out his hand to rub Pupu's head.     

It seemed Pupu was able to understand Ethan. It glanced at him, then Kylie.     

It was unwilling to die alone in a pet hospital.     

Kylie had no idea what was going on here. She hugged Pupu with happiness, then took the leash from Ethan's hand and fastened it around Pupu's neck. "Pupu, let's go home!"     

On the rear seats of Knight XV.     

Kylie placed her head on Pupu's body and played its paws. "Let's go to play games together when we're home!"         

"Woof!" Pupu approached Kylie's belly and smelt around.     

Kylie laughed and patted her belly. "There are two little babies inside, and you need to take care of them in the future, alright?"          

Pupu made a low sound, which meant yes.     

Ethan gave them a glance from the rear-view mirror, tapping on the steering wheel.     

Kylie noticed that. "What? Are you jealous of Pupu?"          

"Nope," Ethan said with a smile.         

Although he said that, he still chased Pupu out of their bedroom once they were back in the Finch family's house.     

"What are you doing?" Kylie was a little annoyed.     

"Pupu has lived in the pet hospital for a long time, and it's carrying bacteria now. You can hug it to sleep after a few days." Ethan carried Kylie in his arms, walking into the bathroom.     

"Do keep your words!" Kylie took off her clothing and started to bathe.     

She had another idea in her mind right now but didn't tell Ethan.     

Ethan had the shower with her but insisted that she should put on her sleeping gown first. "Don't move, or you'll be caught by a cold too."           

Kylie showed him her arms. "I have armed myself, and I can put on my clothes on my own. Dress yourself now. What if you have a cold and infect me?"           

Ethan ignored her and fastened the ribbon well around her sleeping gown before he pushed her out.     

Kylie covered herself in the warm quilt and planned to ask Stephen what she should pay more attention to if she was going to stay with a dog during pregnancy.     

However, nobody answered her call.     

After a while, the door of the bathroom was pushed open, and Ethan walked out with water dropping down from his hair. He pulled Kylie out of the quilt. "Dry your hair before you go to bed."         

"I can't get through to my Dr. Stephen." Kylie shook her phone.     

Ethan smiled. "Probably, he's living his nightlife now."     

"Do you mean he and Dinah are..." Kylie was surprised.     

Ethan was right, Stephen indeed was doing something private.     

He stood at the front of the large window, and there was a dense sweat around his forehead. He clenched his teeth and almost lost control of himself.     

"Lord Stephen, why don't you take some medicine to control it?" The housekeeper walked in with a glass of water.     

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