Chapter 466: May I Help?

Chapter 466: May I Help?

4"Yeah," Kylie said with a smile. "Are you American too?"         3

"Nope." The man shook his head. "I'm Italian."          

"Really?" Kylie was confused. He had a typical white American face.     

"Well, my parents migrated to Italy, and I was born there," the man said.        

"Oh." It was hard for Kylie to meet someone who could speak good English in Thailand, so she took out the piece of paper at once. "Would you please tell me where I can find this?"         

The man reached out his hand to take the paper. His long slim fingers were unusually cold when they touched Kylie's hand by chance.     

Kylie was struck dumb for a second. She would believe he was a ghost if she met him in the night.     

"Starch?" he asked.     

"Yeah, is there any in this supermarket? I can't find it," Kylie said. "Yes," He took out a bag of starch from his shopping basket, "but this is the last bag."     

"Um..." Kylie stared straight at the last bag of starch. "Could you please give it to me? I need it very much."     

The man didn't answer it but looked at the two cameramen behind Kylie and Fannie, who was carrying a bag. "They are...?"     

Kylie turned around to glance at them, then explained with a smile. "We're shooting for a reality show, and we're going to cook, so I need starch."        

The man compressed his sexy thin lips, then gave the bag of starch to Kylie. "Fine, it's yours, but you owe me a favor."     

Kylie took the starch with a happy face. "No problem. My name's Kylie, tell me whatever you need."     

"Tory, see you around," the man said, then walked away.     

Kylie shook the bag of starch before the camera, looking excited. "We finally get everything we need, and let's go back now!"     

To her surprise, she met Tory again at the counter.     

Tory was a gentleman and let Kylie stand in front of him. "Ladies first."         

 "Thanks!" Kylie beamed.     

Once the bill was out, Kylie rounded her eyes in shock. It was 20 dollars over her budget.     

"Well, I think..." Kylie thought she probably should give up a seasoning that was replaceable, or they would lose on the budget.     

Seeing her hesitating, Tory asked, "Don't you have enough money?"         

"Not really," Kylie said. "We're supposed to use as little money as possible, but the bill is 20 dollars over our budget."         

"Twenty dollars?" Tory frowned. He was surprised that this woman was upset just because of 20 dollars.     

Kylie noticed that he didn't understand it, so she explained. "I walked here to save money."        

The cashier lost patience and urged Kylie to pay the bill. Many other customers were waiting in line.     

Tory then put his shopping basket on the counter and said something to the cashier.     

The cashier nodded, then took his shopping basket and started to scan the goods.     

Seeing that, Kylie pressed the shopping basket at once. "Please don't. Let me settle my bill first. Um, I-I can take this out." She took a bag of curry out of her shopping basket.     

However, the second she raised her hand, a cold palm stopped her.     

Tory caught her hand and moved the bag of curry back into her shopping basket. "Thai food won't be delicious without curry."          

"But..." Kylie opened her mouth.         

"I'll pay the bill for you." Tory gave his bank card to the cashier, then smiled at Kylie. "I guess you've spent the least money."        

"Well..." Kylie wore a grateful smile. "Thank you so much." She took the shopping bag over from Tory's hand.         

"Why don't you come and join us tonight for the feast? You can be my guest." Kylie invited him.           

"Sure, thanks." Tory agreed, then pointed at the Dodge Ram 1500 stopped by the door of the supermarket. "I can also help you save some transportation fee."          

"Really?" Kylie couldn't believe her ears. She walked around the car and said to Fannie, "You can sit at the back along with the cameramen."         

Tory opened the car door for Kylie like a gentleman. When he turned to sit on the driver's seat, he said with a mean look, "You owe me another favor now."       

Kylie felt a little embarrassed. "Ha-ha, you're right."         

Seeing Kylie's cute face, a touch of tenderness flashed by Tory's eyes.     

He started the car afterward. "You can return the first favor at first, then I'll tell you what I want for the second favor when I have an idea."         

"What do you want me to do?" Kylie asked.     

"Delete me from the video," Tory said without hesitation.     

Kylie turned around and saw the two cameramen were still filming them.     

If they deleted Tory from the video, the shopping story wouldn't be interesting.     

Kylie thought for a while, then asked Tory, "Um, I'm afraid we can't, because the shopping story will be boring if we delete your part from the video. Can we replace your face with another man in the show?"          

"Cool," Tory said, "but he must be as handsome as me."           

Kylie was amused. "It's not easy." She shook her head.          

"Are you complimenting me?" Tory smiled.         

"Of course, yes," Kylie said and beamed.     

The car stopped at the set, and Kylie got off with a large shopping bag. "We'll dine here tonight at 7:30 pm. Hope I can see you then."     

"Looking forward to it." Tory walked to Kylie and opened his arms to hug her.     

Kylie was lifting the large shopping bag with two hands, so she could only touch his strong chest by her head. Tory also lightly touched her back.     

"See you tonight!" Tory waved good-bye at Kylie.     

William ran outside to take the large shopping back from Kylie's hands. Seeing the Dodge Ram 1500 moving away, he said, "Wow, that's the advantage of being a beautiful girl. You had a lift, but I left and came back all on my own feet."         

"Are Carl and Meryl back?" Kylie asked, and quickly walked to the small kitchen prepared for William and her.     

"They just came back," William said. "Pupu is also here."           

"Where?" Kylie asked, then saw Pupu running towards her.         

William put a shopping bag by Pupu's mouth. "Take it, Pupu."          

Pupu was a good boy and bit the shopping bag, following Kylie behind. Once Kylie rubbed its head, it shook its tail more rapidly.     

William did have done his homework, and he cleaned and chopped the vegetables very well. Kylie was his assistant. After she helped William prepare all the seasonings well, she began to make desserts.     

The Dodge Ram 1500 stopped in front of Orton Manor. A stylish young woman strode over at once.     

"Hi, welcome home!" She leaned on the car door, speaking in fluent Italian.     

The second she finished her sentence, she felt someone pulling the corner of her dress. She lowered her head, then saw the young lord.     

If she was going to please the man, she must please his beloved son at first.     

She squatted and asked with a smile, "May I help?" With a clear sound, the little boy slapped on her face.     

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