Chapter 451: You Can’t Leave

Chapter 451: You Can’t Leave

3(Warning: This chapter contains a sexual scene. If you're not comfortable to read it kindly skip it and move to another chapter)      2

"Where is the pill?" Stephen asked her.     

"Um, Vincent must have taken the wrong bottle here." Dinah stared straight at his face.         

"Call me when you get the pill." Stephen looked impatient, then stood up with the Thermos bucket.     

Dinah didn't dare let him leave this suite. What if the pill came into effect?     

"Wait for a second!" Dinah stopped him at once. "Um, what's inside?"         

Stephen turned to look at her. "The soup I cooked this morning. You can eat it if you want." He walked outside and loosened his tie.         

"No, no, no." Dinah dashed ahead and blocked his way out. "Don't rush to leave. Why don't we eat soup together?"         

Stephen wanted to say something but felt dizzy all of a sudden.     

Dinah supported Stephen with her hands but was thrown away. "Dinah, what did you make me drink?"     

"Nothing..." Dinah stepped backward and put the Thermos bucket down on the coffee table. "Do you want to have a rest?"            

Stephen shook his head with great force, trying to stay clear-headed, but he stumbled and caught the doorknob.     

No matter what Dinah had made him drink, he must leave this place right now! He was a doctor, and he knew it clearly that his body wasn't in a normal condition.     

"You can't leave!" Dinah stood in his way once again.     

"Off!" Stephen grabbed Dinah's shoulder. However, when his sight fell on her face, he was a little stunned.     

A pair of beautiful eyes and two sweet dimples appeared in his sight. "Kylie?" he whispered.     

Hearing that, Dinah had a hunch.     

From this moment, it wasn't she who wouldn't let Stephen leave, but Stephen himself wouldn't allow her to go.     

He suddenly moved a step forward and pressed Dinah against the door. "Why are you here?" His long slim finger touched Dinah's face.      

"I know. You must be regretful that you didn't eat my soup, right?" His voice was so gentle.        

Dinah did her best to compose her face. It turned out the soup in the Thermos bucket was prepared for Kylie.     

"Why?" she whimpered.     

Why couldn't he forget Kylie? Why was he still so obsessed with Kylie? Why did he still care about Kylie so much even though he knew it was meaningless?     

Stephen, instead, smiled with his eyes full of love. It was the kind of smile that Dinah had never seen before. "I don't want other people to eat the soup cooked by me. Only you, only you can eat it..."     

Stephen pulled her hand, walking to the sofa. "The soup is still warm. Come on, let me feed you."         

Dinah followed him behind and was pressed down on the sofa by him. Seeing the man pouring the soup into a bowl.     

She had never dreamed that Stephen would feed her on soup one day.     

With tears welling up in her eyes, Dinah opened her mouth.     

Stephen still smiled and fed soup to her with a spoon.     

Dinah ate the soup with tears, but there was a happy smile on her face all the time.     

"If I can live my life like this every day, let alone 10 thousand dollars, even though it costs a million dollars..." Dinah said to herself. "I-I can't afford it..." She burst into tears.     

Seeing her crying, Stephen put the bowl down, then hugged her in his arms. "What do you want? Tell me, I'll get it for you."          

Dinah raised her head, looking at him with her eyes full of tears. "I-I want you..."     

Before she could finish her sentence, Stephen kissed her.     

Dinah didn't feel his body was already super hot until now, and his heavy breath by her cheek turned her on.     

"Stephen..." Dinah enjoyed his passionate kiss.     

The next second, Stephen directly tore apart her clothes and pressed her under his body on the sofa.     

It was quite obvious what he was going to do.     

Dinah had helped Kylie once, last time before she married Stephen, but she was reluctant to accept the fact that she was another woman in Stephen's eyes after she married Stephen now.     

"You can't do that!" Dinah was anxious.     

"I can!" Stephen said. "I want it now!"     

He became unusually strong in an instant and caught Dinah's two wrists with only one hand. At the same time, he unfastened his belt with another hand and took out his manhood.     

Dinah thought Stephen would be violent under the effect of the drug, but he grabbed a cushion and put it below her waist.     

"Don't struggle, or it'll hurt you." His voice was tender and soft.            

Each of his hands caught one of Dinah's wrist, and he lowered his upper body to kiss every inch of her bare skin.     

Tears flew down Dinah's cheeks. She hated herself so much that she was still aroused by this man when he mistook her for another woman.     

She turned her face aside, not to look at the man she was obsessed with.     

Stephen didn't penetrate her until she was fully wet. He licked her ear and said in a husky voice, "Let me bring you to heaven now." The second he finished that, he started to pump in and out to her.     

He was full of energy today, and had sex with Dinah once and once again. He kept saying sweet-nothings and dirty words by her ears. Time seemed to stop at this moment.     

Dinah alternated between pain and pleasure in the following hour.     

Her phone on the coffee table rang countless times.     

Vincent lost patience and went upstairs to find her. However, when he just walked near to the door, he heard moans of sexual pleasure from inside.     

They were a couple, and it was totally legal and understandable.     

Vincent flushed and got annoyed at Dinah. She enjoyed the sex with her husband now but totally forgot they still had to keep on doing the investigation.     

It was the best sex Dinah had ever had.     

Without knowing how long it had been, Dinah pinched his strong back and almost screamed. "Ah! I-I'm dying!"     

Stephen wore a satisfied smile and suddenly sped up. After abruptly pulling in and out several times, he roared and ejaculated.     

In order not to press on "Dinah," Stephen moved his body aside.     

With a loud sound, the two of them rolled down to the ground.     

Stephen protected her head with his palm and let her lie on his chest at the end.     

Dinah was out of breath and hugged Stephen's neck. "You're really good this time!"     

Stephen kissed her and smiled. "Producing offspring is men's instinct, but what's going to happen next is the moment of skill."          

"What?" Before Dinah understood it, Stephen hugged her up.     

To her astonishment, Stephen had another erection within a second and penetrated her right in a standing position.     

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