Chapter 396: Do We Look Alike?

Chapter 396: Do We Look Alike?

1Lucas gave her a thumbs-up.      3

Ethan changed his clothes and walked out. He noticed Kylie was still reading messages with his phone, so he thought she was really deleting his female contacts.     

"Haven't you finished yet?" Ethan sat by her side.     

"I'm not deleting your female contacts." Kylie gave his phone back to him. "Why don't you set a limit on the money that can be transferred at a time?"     

She couldn't remember how much money she had handed out. Lucas just reminded her that Ethan's money was hers too, so she was regretful now.     

"Do you want to know how much money is there in my bank card?" Ethan said with a tender smile.     

"Nope, I just want to know how much I've spent." Kylie pouted.     

"No big deal. It's merely nothing." Ethan found Kylie had signed up an Instagram account for him, so he typed down a line of words and mentioned(@) Kylie before he posted it.     

Kylie heard the sound of ding-dong and picked the tablet up at once.     

Ethan ✓: I'll be loyal to you during the rest of my life, Your Majesty.     

Many Internet users left comments below it.     

Wow, you're so sweet! Post some photos of you, please!     

What a loving couple!     

Chairman Parker, I'm your loyal fan now!     

Please take good care of Kylie!     

Before long, Lucas posted a long article on his Instagram, exposing the relationship between William and Lord Ethan and the story among Kylie, William, and Lord Ethan.     

He explained it was because of William's help that Kylie and Ethan could be together.     

After reading that, many Internet users changed their opinions of William.     

When Ethan read the article, he pinched Kylie's cheek and asked, "Are you helping him enhance his reputation?"        

"He's your nephew anyway. I help him enhance his reputation so that he can attend our wedding!" Kylie said.     

"Right, he can come and see how happy we are." Ethan held her hand.     

At home.     

Stephen also read the news which already went viral about Kylie, and he pinched the middle of his eyebrows, feeling upset.     

Someone knocked on the door of his office at this moment.     

"Come in," he said in a deep voice.     

"President Cecil, you have a meeting in 10 minutes," Selina said. "It's about this year's sales and very important."        

"I know." Stephen shook his hand, and Selina left at once. He took the phone on the table and sat in silence for a long while before he called Kylie.     

"Congratulations!" he said the second Kylie answered his call.     

"You read the news too?" Kylie was at the airport now. "Don't forget to prepare a wedding gift for me!"         

"Sure, I'll send you a wedding gift once you're back home." Stephen smiled. He hadn't seen Kylie for a few days, and he missed her.     

"Well, I won't be back for the time being." Kylie heard the sweet female voice from the loudspeaker, and she was about to check-in.     

"Are you at the airport now?" Stephen opened his laptop and checked the flights. "The plane home is about two hours away. Where are you going now?"        

Kylie didn't want to keep it a secret from Stephen. Since they were going on vacation, she hoped she could help Dinah improve her relationship with Stephen. "Ethan and I are going to have a vacation in the Maldives. Are you free? Why don't you bring Dinah with you to join us?"     

"Sure, I'll make an arrangement right away." Stephen hung up and pressed the button of an extension. "Cancel the meeting."       

Selina was struck dumb, holding the phone. Before she could ask for the reason, Stephen strode out of this office and walked in his exclusive elevator.     

President Cecil was a well-known precise, careful man. If he canceled the meeting and left the company all of a sudden, Mrs. Cecil must have called him. Therefore, Selina informed other apartments at once that President Cecil had a day off today.     

Dinah was caught by Stephen onto the plane.     

"Where are you going? Couldn't you ask for my opinions?" Dinah complained.     

"It's not up to you." Stephen didn't bother to give her a glance but focused on his laptop to check the weather and local customs in the Maldives.     

"How could you do that to me?" Dinah grabbed his laptop away. "I do like you, but it doesn't mean I'm your servant!"       

She looked at the screen of his laptop, and then her eyes lit up at once. "Maldives? It's a great place with a good view!"     

Stephen gave her a cold glance, then took his laptop back.     

"Aren't you a workaholic? Why do you suddenly want to have a vacation?" Dinah smiled and approached him. "You finally realize the importance of work-life balance, or you feel too stressed and escape away?"     

"Kylie is in the Maldives," Stephen said lightly.     

Dinah was upset and raised a smile. "Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier? I miss her so much. I heard she's the spokesperson of a bear now."     

Stephen's fingers moved fast on the keyboard. "It's the mascot of the International Film Festival."       

When a stewardess walked over to remind him to turn off his phone and laptop, Stephen already learned all the information he needed.     

He closed his laptop and put it into his briefcase, then closed his eyes to have a rest.     

Dinah turned to look at the outside of the window. She took a deep breath, trying to pretend that she didn't care about it at all, but she still felt quite tired in the heart.     

The plane would fly over eight hours, and Dinah wearing earphones, fell asleep on Stephen's shoulder.     

Stephen gave her a side glance and pushed her head away.     

Within a minute, she approached near again.     

After three consecutive times, Stephen gave it up and let Dinah lean against his shoulder.     

Dinah, who was in her dream, probably felt uncomfortable, so she changed her positions all the time until she covered her head in Stephen's chest before she fell into a sound sleep.     

A stewardess walked by them at this moment, and Stephen stopped her.     

"Sir, may I help?" the stewardess asked.        

Stephen glanced at Dinah, then said in a low voice, "Please give me a blanket."     

"Sure, wait for a second, please," the stewardess said.        

When the stewardess placed the blanket over Dinah, she said with a smile, "Sir, your wife and you look alike a lot."        

Stephen touched his face, then turned to look at Dinah, who was pushed aside by him with her head leaning against the window.     

Do we look alike? Seriously?     

Before he could argue against it, the plane encountered turbulence and woke Dinah up.     

"Stephen, Stephen! Are we going to die?" Dinah clasped Stephen's hand, but she seemed more surprised than worried.     

In her eyes, she would rather die together with him.     

Stephen pulled his lips with disdain. "Just turbulence."     

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