Chapter 398: Do As You Can

Chapter 398: Do As You Can

4"Because I have an economical wife." Ethan held her hand in his palm.     0

"I want to give birth to our baby on this island. Do you think it'll work here?" Kylie asked.     

"Of course," Ethan said. "I'll hire the most professional medical team to take care of you."     

"I have no worries about that." Kylie smiled. "I want to work as much as possible before the baby is out, and I hope you can be supportive."        

"Do as you can," Ethan said and won another kiss from Kylie.     

At the end of the trail was a pier with a speed boat moored next to it. On the shallow beach, there were waves rolling up from time to time.     

The temperature was agreeable in the Maldives, so Kylie took off her shoes and stepped into the water with bare feet.     

"Ethan, the water is warm here!" She beamed.     

"Don't stay in the water too long," Ethan said.     

Kylie walked around in the water. Seeing Ethan standing still on the pier, she said to him, "Come down and have some fun with me!"        

"Nope, you can play with yourself." Ethan couldn't remember how long he hadn't played by the sea.     

Kylie walked over and forced him to take off his shoes. When she was about to roll his pants up, he stopped her. "I can do it myself."      

He then rolled his trousers up, revealing his straight, beautiful shins. He had fewer hairs on his legs than normal men. After being wet by the sea, the sparse hairs looked quite cute hanging on his shins.     

Kylie took out her phone and said to Ethan. "Walk ahead, then turned around to look at me."       


"For a photo."        

Ethan took a few steps forward, then stood straight there.     

"Relax a little," Kylie said.     

However, Ethan still stood there like he was standing guard.     

Kylie put her phone down, looking at Ethan with a resigned look. "Could you smile a little?"        

"I can't." Ethan seemed gentle normally but put on a serious face once he was facing a camera.     

"Well, then you can take a photo of me." Kylie gave her phone to Ethan and ran ahead alone.     

Ethan lifted her phone, and Kylie turned around to look at him at this moment. She was covered in the sunshine and was as gorgeous as a golden gift.     

With a shutter sound, he took a picture.     

"Let me have a look!" Kylie ran back to him.     

When she saw the dreamy picture in the camera, Kylie said with admiration, "Wow, you're a talented photographer." She pulled Ethan's hand, walking ahead and heard a round of shutter sounds behind her.     

Ethan was taking photos when she was pulling his hand. They walked hand in hand, accompanied by the shadows on the surface of the water. The photos were as beautiful as posters.     

Ethan's fingers moved fast and sent those photos to his phone.     

Kylie was enjoying playing in the water and pulled Ethan walking into deeper water.     

Ethan reminded her to be careful along the way. "Although they regularly clean this sea beach, there could be shells in the water. Be careful not to cut your feet."       

"You're my patron saint, and I'll be fine." Kylie's pants were already wet.     

"Let's go snorkeling tomorrow. There are many beautiful tropical fishes around this island." Ethan pulled Kylie walking back.     

"I haven't had enough." Kylie pouted and wasn't willing to leave.     

"Have a good rest tonight, so we can enjoy tomorrow's activities," Ethan said and lowered his body to let Kylie lie on his back.     

"Fine." Although Kylie wasn't willing to leave, she soon felt sleepy after lying a short while on Ethan's wide back.     

Her phone rang all of a sudden.     

Ethan gave it a glance and noticed the caller was Stephen.     

He supported Kylie's body with one hand and answered the call with another. "Hi."       

"Kylie, we've already arrived at the Maldives!" Dinah said in excitement on the phone.     

"Wait at the airport. I'll arrange for someone to pick you up," Ethan said, then hung up.     

When the housekeeper saw Ethan coming back with Kylie on his back, he didn't know how to help them but followed behind. "Lord Ethan, your room is ready."         

"Great, send someone to pick Stephen and Dinah up at the airport," Ethan said.     

"Yes, Mr. Parker."           

In an exclusive room in the third room, Ethan gently put Kylie down on the bed, then helped her undress her clothing.     

When the bathtub was full of warm water, Ethan sat in it along with Kylie in his arms.     

Kylie semi-consciously opened her eyes. "You said I could have a break of half a month."        

"Just to take a shower," Ethan said, then gently poured water on her body.     

Kylie closed her eyes, enjoying it. "I hope time can stop now."      

Ethan hugged her in his arms with his jaw laid on the top of her head. "Anytime as long as you want."        

"We're too young to retire now." Kylie imagined their future in her mind. "When our children have their own careers, we can spend our old age on this island. You can grow some vegetables, and I can fish. We must be very happy then."     

"You can fish?" Ethan smiled.     

"Of course, I've cleared all missions in Fish Hunter!" Kylie said.     

Ethan pinched her cheek. She couldn't distinguish real life from the mobile game now.     

Kylie giggled. "I want to have a boy first, then a girl so that the older brother can take care of the younger sister."     

Ethan nodded. "I think we can have seven older brothers and a younger sister. In that case, each of them can take off their younger sister for a day in a week, which won't be too tiring."       

Kylie opened her eyes and glared at him. "I can't give birth to so many babies!"        

Ethan laughed and hugged her up. He wiped the water from her body and gently put her back on the bed.     

"You must take good care of your younger sister. Do you understand?" He kissed Kylie's belly.         

Kylie laughed and heard the sound of the engine moving near.     

"Who's coming?" She sat up.     

"Stephen and Dinah." Ethan took over her sleeping gown for her to put on.     

"I need to go down right now." Kylie ran downstairs with a pair of slippers in her hands. "Dinah!"         

Hearing her voice, Dinah ran upstairs and gave her a big hug.     

"I miss you so much!" Dinah said.     

"Me too!" Kylie pulled her hand, walking to a guest room.     

All of a sudden, Dinah stopped on the stairs. "Well, I think I've seen this bracelet somewhere before."     

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