Chapter 385: Do You Trust Me Now?

Chapter 385: Do You Trust Me Now?

1Dinah stretched her arms when she woke up.      4

She felt quite warm when she fell asleep, but somehow felt a little cold now when she was awake.     

"Don't you even have air conditioners in your company?" Dinah turned to ask the man who was still working by the office table.     

Stephen didn't bother to glance at her. "We're all busy working and sweating. Probably you can turn the air conditioners on."       

Dinah pulled her lips. She was talking about warm air, but he meant cold air.     

Seeing the two cups of coffee placed on the table, Dinah walked over and didn't hesitate to drink one of them.     

"Oh!" she yelled. If Stephen hadn't escaped fast, she could have spouted coffee all around him.     

"It's so damn hot!" Dinah was annoyed.     

Stephen drew out a tissue and cleaned the coffee on the table with a calm face, then stood up.     

"Organize this office well." Saying that he then left at once.     

"Do you trust me now?" Dinah mumbled and then began to put the books on the table back to the bookshelves.     

Someone knocked on the door again, and the secretary pushed it open, walking inside. "May I help?"        

"Yes, please," Dinah said. "Arrange the books in his bookshelves in alphabetical order."       

The Secretary was struck dumb for a second. The things in the big bookshelves hadn't been moved for a long time, and nobody had ever touched it after a new president occupied this office.     

Arrange the books in the bookcase in alphabetical order? The Secretary thought it was impossible that she could get off work today.     

However, when she walked to the bookshelves' front, she found the books were already well-arranged. "Well..."     

Dinah glanced at her. "It's already finished, and you must put them like that in the future."      

Afterward, Dinah pointed at the clean desktop. "Here. Place the pen with its nip upwards. Note should be placed on the left, five centimeters from both sides of the table."       

The secretary was surprised. "Please wait a second. I need to write it down."      

She dashed to her desk and soon come back with a pen and notebook. "Please continue."     

"No milk in his coffee, but a half sugar," Dinah added. "He doesn't drink, so remember to prepare soda for him when he goes to socialize with business partners."     

"And, he seldom smokes. If you see him smoking two successive cigarettes, he must encounter some trouble..." Dinah paused for a moment and took the pen in the secretary's hand to write down her phone number. "You can call me if you need it."     

"Miss Chen, are you..."     

She's so familiar with the life habits of President Cecil, could she be his former secretary? The secretary thought to herself. Does she come here to compete for my job?     

"I'm his wife." Dinah smiled. "Still on trial."       

The secretary was amused. "My name's Selina Hebrew, and I'm President Cecil's chief secretary."      

"That's all I can think of now, and I'll tell you more if I remember any." Dinah put the documents in order. "Oh, he hates acrid smells."       

Hearing that, Selina took a step back at once.     

As an office lady, she wore some perfume every day to show her respect for her boss and clients.     

"What's the boss's favorite odor?" Selina asked.     

"He can accept the smell of disinfectant," Dinah said.     

What? Disinfectant?     

Seeing Selina being confused, Dinah explained with a smile. "You can use disinfectant to clean his office."      

Exactly because of Dinah's advice, Selina felt like she entered the hospital every time she came to report to Stephen in his office in the future. Even other secretaries all started to wear diluted disinfectant instead of perfume.     

"Which floor is your staff cafeteria on?" Dinah asked.     

"Thirteen floors." Selina's hands shook a little when she was taking notes. Did she have to write down her boss's favorite food too?     

Dinah nodded, then told Selina to go out with her. "I need to eat something now. Please make a call and charge it to your boss's account."     

In fact, there was no need for Selina to make the call because Dinah noticed Stephen walking by the window once she walked into the cafeteria.     

He sat facing the outside of the window with a frown.     

The photo he had found in Adolph's safe always emerged before his eyes.     

There were two women standing separately by young Adolph's sides in the photo.     

He knew both of them.     

One was young Agnes, who seemed arrogant with a satisfied smile on her face, while the girl standing by Adolph's other side was gentle and quiet.     

This girl was exactly Ethan's mother, Barbara Morgan.     

Stephen's hands were clenched to fists.     

Barbara was the woman who had been sent to Adolph's bed by Agnes because Agnes wanted to consolidate her position in the Cecil family. In that case, Ethan was Adolph's biological son, but the latter didn't seem to know the truth; instead, he accepted the old Parker as his father.     

Stephen hated Adolph and his wife to death, but he wouldn't stand up to the Cecil family before he had full control of its family business.     

If Adolph found out Ethan's connection with him, Ethan would replace Stephen's position.     

Stephen wasn't as powerful as Ethan. If he was deprived of his title of Lord Stephen now, it would be impossible that he could revenge himself on his enemies.     

Why? Why Ethan is better than me in every aspect!     

He already has the woman I love deeply, and now he's even going to deprive me of my identity!     

Stephen was in a rage, but he suddenly felt the warmth on his hand.     

He turned his head and saw Dinah, who sat across him with her hands covering his fist. "What did you think that makes you so angry?"       

In fact, it was hard to judge his mood from Stephen's face, but Dinah knew him too well, so she knew it clear what his subconscious movement meant.     

Stephen drew his hand back and threw the menu to the front of Dinah with a calm face. "Order whatever you like."       

"Of course, I will!" Dinah waved her hand at a waiter, and the waiter came over at once. She ordered three dishes, two of which were Stephen's favorites.     

When the dishes were just placed on the table, Dinah's phone rang. She gave it a glance, then glanced at Stephen before she answered it. "Hi!"     

"Hi, Dinah, where are you now?" Agnes's voice sounded on the phone.     

"I'm somewhere near the Seattle Commerce Center," Dinah said. The building of Cecil's corporation was located somewhere right by the Seattle Commerce Center.     

"I just saw a great house. Why don't you come over and have a look?" Agnes said with a smile.     

"A house? We're already living in a good house." Dinah looked at Stephen.     

Stephen took Dinah's phone and said, "Mom, I've already settled the house. Please don't bother."      

"It's your house, but this one's for Dinah!" Agnes said. "Since you're together, come here together right now. Garbo Palace."     

Garbo Palace? Couldn't she find another good living area in Seattle except for Garbo Palace?     

Before Stephen could oppose it, Agnes hung up immediately.     

"What did she say?" Dinah asked.     

"She's going to buy a house for you in Garbo Palace." Stephen put his phone on the table. "Be quick. We must go there right after done eating."       

Dinah rounded her eyes in shock. "Garbo Palace? That'll be great! Kylie and I will be neighbors!" She grabbed Stephen's fork away, which he just took. "Stop eating! Let's go there right now."       

When Selina just arrived at the cafeteria, she saw her boss pulled into the VIP elevator by her boss's wife.     

"How much is President Cecil's lunch?" Selina asked a waiter.     

The waiter pointed at the dishes which hadn't been tested yet on the table. "200 dollars."       

"Pack them up!" Selina said.     

In order to please President Cecil's wife, she decided to deliver these dishes to her boss's place in person when she was off-duty.     

Currently, Stephen and Dinah didn't know what to say, standing in front of their new home.     

This high-end house before their eyes was decorated in a classic style, but not luxurious. Its well-arranged layout made people fall in love with it at first glance. In addition, there was a full set of brand new furniture inside.     

However, the point was this was right at the house next to Ethan, where he and Kylie often stay!     

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