Chapter 387: Why Do You Sell The House?

Chapter 387: Why Do You Sell The House?

1"Even though I have the desire, I don't have the courage," Lucas mumbled. "Look at his build! I could be dead in his bed."       

Hearing that, Kylie waved her fist at him, and Lucas escaped into the kitchen at once.     

She snorted with laughter, then ran to hug Ethan's neck. "This handsome gentleman, where are you going for a date?"       

Ethan seemed displeased. "Why did you run to me?"      

"I didn't!" Kylie's body was hanging on him. "Relax, your son is strong enough. You didn't knock him out last night, and it's nothing that I just ran a little."      

Ethan's eyes turned tender. He pinched her cheek and said, "You cunning little girl."      

Kylie got rid of his hand and kissed his angular jaw. "Tell me, where are you going?"     

"To attend an event." His voice was slow and gentle.     

"Don't you need to bring a lady with you?" Kylie asked him.     

"I can bring one," Ethan said.       

Hearing that, Kylie pouted. Ethan laughed and rubbed the back of her waist. "I'm just kidding. Go have some vegetables."     

Kylie was worried and gave him several glances. He looked so charming, and she was afraid some women would make eyes at him.     

When Faith walked out with a bowl of vegetables in her hands, Kylie stood up at once.     

"Ethan, why don't you have some with me?" Saying that Kylie took the bowl over.     

The vegetables were mixed with salad dressing, and there was a large bowl of them.     

Kylie put on a faint evil smile and loosened her hands when she walked near to Ethan.     

At short notice, the bowl fell down right on the man's pants.     

Some vegetables were shaken out, and many salad dressings stained Ethan's pants at once.     

Right at that second, Kylie caught Ethan's hands and raised them up, in case the sharp edge of the bowl would cut his fingers. Ethan, of course, didn't miss that little movement.     

He turned his big palms to hold her hands. "Are you alright?"     

"I'm fine, but..." Kylie looked at his pants. "I think you better change this clothing." In fact, she hoped he could put on some as common clothes as possible.     

Ethan looked down at the stains around his pants and said, "Sure, I'll go change." Seeing him walking back to the bedroom, Kylie wore a happy and satisfied smile.     

"Kylie." Faith didn't know what to say. She just trapped her own husband.     

"Well, I think someone isn't secure." Lucas walked over, with another bowl of vegetable salad in his hands. "Kylie, you weren't like this before."       

"The deeper she's in love with a man, the more she cares about him," Faith said, arguing with Lucas again.     

Kylie ate the salad, feeling Lucas's words made sense.     

She had never cared how outstanding Ethan was when he had forced her to marry him. Even though he had supported her under any condition behind her back, she used to think it was something he should do.     

When did she become so insecure?     

Kylie hated herself being so insured just because she was pregnant now. She wanted her man to be as stunning as always.     

Thinking of that, Kylie pushed the salad bowl away and stood up, walking to the bedroom.     

Ethan was choosing clothes in his suitcase when Kylie reached out her hand from his back all of a sudden. "Put on this."       

Ethan's clothes were all black, and there was no obvious difference between them.     

However, there were two diamonds embedded in the cuffs of the suit chosen by Kylie.     

Was it the so-called low-key luxury?     

Ethan gave it a glance, which was even more attractive than the suit he just had worn. Why did she changed her mind?     

"I'm sorry." Kylie laid her hands on his chest. "I shouldn't have doubted you. I know you won't give any women a glance even if they're walking naked on the street."       

"I can't promise that," Ethan said.     

"Don't you dare!" Kylie couldn't remain gentle for more than three seconds.     

"I don't." It was a very happy thing being cared about by someone, and it was even more pleasant if you were cared about by someone you loved deeply.     

Ethan hugged her in his arms, rubbing the top of her head with his jaw. "I only want you."        

Kylie beamed. "No matter how many beautiful sexy women are out there, you can only be with me!"        

"You'll be late if you keep wasting time like that." Ethan threw a wet blanket on her spirits.     

Kylie checked the time and ran to change her clothes and wear makeup at once. When she finished dressing herself up, she found Ethan was still sitting on the sofa.     

"Why are you still here? Shouldn't you leave already for your business?" Kylie pulled the shawl a little up.     

"Let me give you a lift." Ethan put down the magazine and stood up.     

Kylie was wearing a relatively low-key dress today. It was a silver-gray gown with a long train. She tied her hair up high to show her beautiful long slim neck.     

There was basically no makeup on her face, and she just brushed her eyebrows.     

"How is it?" She turned around before Ethan.     

"I can't move my eyes away from you." There was a gentle smile on his lips.     

Ethan hugged Kylie in his arms all the way through the VIP passage to the underground parking lot.     

Lucas saw the loving couple who were like conjoined twins from the rear-view mirror, then turned to look at Faith. Faith indeed was also very envious of them.     

Kylie called the assistant director on her own initiative.     

"Hi, I already set off, and I'll meet you 20 minutes later."      

"Great. I'll be there in a minute. See you at the door."       

Ethan pulled Kylie's hand and said, "You must be careful. There will be a large number of people at the festival."        

"There are people everywhere at the International Film Festival as usual. I don't think Dora dares hurt me right before so many eyes," Kylie said.     

Ethan denied it. "Dora is respectable to some extent in the entertainment industry. Many people owe her a favor, and we must be cautious."        

Kylie nodded. "I will."       

Ethan remained silent during the rest time in the car but kept sending messages with his phone.     

Kylie thought he probably was dealing with his business, so she didn't pay much attention and started to play her own phone too.     

Dinah: Why did you sell your house? [Angry Emoji]     

Kylie read the new message from Dinah. Kylie thought Dinah must have seen the information about her house on sale at the agency, so she replied with a smile.     

Kylie: Someone was willing to buy it at a price three times high, so I had to sell it.     

Dinah: Sh*t! Do you lack money? Dinah sent her a message back within a second.     

Kylie: Why are you so mad? It's a great house.     

Dinah: I'm in Garbo Palace No.1 right now, and Agnes bought this house as a gift to her grandson!     

The smile on Kylie's face gradually disappeared.     

Is this so-called fate? Kylie thought to herself.      

She looked at Ethan and couldn't imagine his reaction after he got to know it.     

Ethan met Kylie's eyes, and she seemed very confused.     

"What happened?" Ethan took Kylie's phone and read through her messages with Dinah.     

"Mrs. Cecil bought our house." Kylie stared straight at Ethan's eyes. "Did you sign my name or your name when you sold the house?" She asked.     

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