Chapter 379: He Reminded Her

Chapter 379: He Reminded Her

4The riding position costs a lot of energy.     

Although Ethan enjoyed it when she called the shots, he didn't want her to be exhausted.     

Therefore, they changed the position halfway, and it was another unforgettable night for Kylie.     

The next day, Ethan sent Kylie to the airport in person.     

"Alright, you should leave now. I'll be fine." Kylie pushed his chest. "I promise I won't disappear again this time."      

Ethan seemed displeased and reminded her to be careful many times. "Call me once you get off the plane."      

"I will."     

"Stay in the hotel which you've booked. Don't open the door for a stranger. Send me a message to tell me that you're safe on alternate hours."     

Lucas checked the time and had to urge them to be quick. "Lord Ethan, it's time to board."     

Faith also came over. "Lord Ethan, don't worry, I promise I'll stay by Kylie's side 24/7."     

Ethan nodded a little. "See you!"     

Kylie kissed him on his chin, then took Faith's arm, walking to the boarding gate.     

"Has the assistant director arrived?" Kylie asked.     

"We just had a call, and he's already aboard." Faith looked back and smiled at Kylie. "Lord Ethan really cares about you, and he's still staring at you behind."      

"Well, we'll just be apart for a few hours. He doesn't need to be so nervous," Kylie said.     

"A few hours?" Lucas caught them up. "Won't you stay in the UK for three days?"      

Faith patted his shoulder. "Are you dumb or something? Will Lord Ethan allow Kylie to stay outside for the night alone?"      

"Do you mean..." Lucas wore an evil smile.     

The film crew booked seats in the first class for them, and Kylie saw the assistant director reading a magazine on his seat once she walked in.     

"Hi, morning!" Kylie greeted him.     

The assistant director gave her a glance then smiled. "Morning!"       

Kylie sat next to him and noticed the cover of the magazine.     

It was Extreme Luxury, a British fashion magazine.     

"Are you interested in fashion too?" Kylie pointed at the magazine.     

The assistant director wore a mysterious smile, then put the magazine into the seat-pocket. "Not really, I just used it to kill time."     

Kylie nodded and then looked at the assistant director. "Oh, did you see Lauren on the day of the movie premiere?"     

"Lauren?" The assistant director did his best to stay calm. "No, what did she say to you?"     

Thinking that Lauren was likely to be fake, Kylie didn't say anything about her abnormal behaviors but gave him a perfunctory answer. "Nothing, we simply greeted each other, and I asked her what she's up to these days. She said she's busy shooting an ad, so I thought you must have seen her."     

The assistant director smiled. "Although she has great potential, she's too arrogant. She probably will encounter many difficulties if she becomes a model."      

"I agree," Kylie said. "I think Lauren could be successful after experiencing more."     

When the plane took off, the flight attendants began to distribute drinks and desserts.     

"What do you want to drink?" the assistant director, who was sitting on an aisle seat, asked Kylie who was sitting by the window.     

"Thanks. I'm not thirsty," Kylie replied with a smile.     

Ethan had told her not to eat or drink anything outside.     

"Cupcake?" The assistant director asked again. Lucas, all of a sudden, stood up and said, "Sorry, Kylie is keeping her weight down, and she can't eat sweets."      

The assistant director seemed a little surprised, then took a bottle of water. "I think water is fine."      

Kylie felt it would be impolite if she rejected him again, so she agreed at the end.     

The assistant director helped her open the bottle. "Here."     

"Thank you so much." Kylie took the bottle but put it aside and didn't drink it.     

The assistant director took a cup of coffee and gave a glance at the bottle of water, which was placed aside by Kylie. He took a sip of his own coffee and said, "The food on the plane tastes so terrible! This coffee has no scent at all."     

"Right," Kylie said.     

"Why don't we dine together first after getting off the plane later?" the assistant director asked. Kylie turned around to look at Lucas.     

The assistant director's sight followed Kylie's, then laughed and joked, "Are you her agent or nanny? Why do you have to manage everything."     

"He must take good care of me, after all." Kylie smiled and changed the topic. "By the way, what kind of film do you think can win the prize at the International Film Festival?"     

The assistant director was silent for a while, then said, "According to my experience, most of the short-listed and nominated films, or even those films that have won prizes, are all films that reflect local characteristics."     

"I don't quite understand, could you please elaborate on that?" Kylie asked.     

The assistant director compressed his lips. "I think it takes a long time to explain it clearly. You'll understand it once you see the selected films."     

After drinking up the coffee, the assistant director continued to read Extreme Luxury. Kylie, instead, didn't have much sleep last night, so she soon fell into a sweet dream on her seat.     

Kylie was very relaxed, but Lucas and Faith, who were sitting behind, kept their eyes wide open to guard Kylie.     

Even though several passengers walked by Kylie's seat simply to go to the washroom, Lucas and Faith would follow them by sight until they went back to their seats.     

Ten hours later, the plane entered the airspace of Britain.     

Kylie stretched out and woke up.     

She yawned and turned her head, then noticed the assistant director staring at herself, thinking of something. Subconsciously, she wiped her lips first.     

Luckily, she wasn't slobbering.     

"Is there anything dirty on my face?" Kylie asked.      

The assistant director laughed. "Not really. I just think you probably couldn't lose much weight since you spend so much time sleeping."       

Kylie felt a little embarrassed.     

After the plane landed, the assistant director proposed to dine together. Kylie exchanged a glance with Faith, then said, "Sure. Please wait for me for a while. I need to use the ladies' room first."      

"Cool. I need to use the men's room as well." The assistant director nodded.     

Lucas was left there to take care of their baggage, while others walked to the direction of the washroom.     

Once they walked into the ladies' room, Faith said, "What should we do now?"      

"If I reject him once again, isn't it a little rude?" Kylie hesitated.     

At the same time, the assistant director made a call at the men's room.     

"You're right. She's very cautious and didn't drink the water I gave her," the assistant director said on the phone.     

A woman said in a cold voice, "She's prepared, and you can never expose yourself."     

"Don't worry. I already got rid of the bottle of water that she didn't drink." There was a malicious smile on the assistant director's lips. "She'll never know what I've done to the cap."     

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