Chapter 375: Why Are You Smiling?

Chapter 375: Why Are You Smiling?

2All of a sudden, Kylie remembered she had kept it a secret from a couple, especially Stephen, that she was pregnant now.     

She turned her eyeballs and had an idea.     

"Well, I actually didn't want to tell you." Kylie used a fork continuing to eat, and Ethan held her hand with greater force under the table. He was asking for her opinion.     

Was she going to tell them right now?     

Kylie turned her hand to hold Ethan's before she said, "Lucas just helped me take an encouraging new role in a new film. It's a story about a 150-pound fat woman who is abandoned by her husband, then loses a lot of weight to regain her confidence. The director said I'm too slim at the audition."     

Hearing that, Ethan was very satisfied.     

Dinah had never followed Kylie working in a film set, so she believed her explanation.     

"Acting really isn't an easy job," Dinah said. "I heard an actor also has gained a lot of weight for a role and then had to lose more weight for another role, which hurt his body."      

"Right." Kylie nodded. "All for better performance in the film."      

Kylie and Dinah chatted with each other, but the two men seldom talked to one another till they finished the meal.     

When they left, Stephen opened the car door for Dinah, but his eyes were fixed on Kylie's body.     

Seeing Ethan helping her sit in the car and fasten the safety belt with great care, Stephen was upset and annoyed.     

The Knight XV drove away without delay in his sight, and he slammed the car door close in anger.     

However, seeing Stephen wouldn't get in the car after a long while, Dinah reached out to her head to have a check right at this moment.     

"Ouch!" Dinah was mad. "What's wrong with you?"     

Stephen looked down at her, then abruptly pulled the car door open. "Get off if you don't want to sit in my car!"      

"Who do you think you are!" Dinah argued and got off it at once.     

Stephen didn't give her a glance, walking to sit on the driver's seat and drove it away without hesitation. "What? You really abandon me here?" Dinah was shocked.     

The Lamborghini moved fast ahead before it stopped on the road. Stephen hit the steering wheel with great force.     

The blaring rasp of horn scared other passing vehicles away.     

Stephen's handsome face became twisted. He clasped the steering wheel clenching his teeth in annoyance. "Why, why it's you!"       


Kylie found out they were not moving to the direction of the Finch family's house.     

"Where are we going?" she asked.     

"My family's house. My mother misses you." Ethan held the steering wheel with one hand and grabbed Kylie's hand with another.     

He covered her slightly cold hand in his big palm, then kissed its back.     

Kylie approached him. "Why didn't you talk to Star during the meal?"      

"What do you expect us to talk with each other?" Ethan stares forward, driving steadily.     

"Anything! I feel guilty if you won't talk to each other anymore." Kylie pinched his cheek. "You lost weight."      

"It's all your fault." He turned to give her a glance. His beautiful features looked more attractive under the flashing light.     

Hearing that, Kylie pinched his cheek heavily.     

Her fault?     

She had warned him to restrict himself many times ever since she got pregnant.     

However, he became more sexually active, claiming that the doctor said it was fine to have sex during pregnancy as long as it wasn't violent.     

Ethan's good-looking face was twisted, but there was a broader smile on his lips.     

"Why are you smiling?"     

"You didn't let me finish. I said it's all your fault because I'm worried about our baby's safety, given that you work all day."      

Kylie drew her hand back at once, feeling embarrassed.     

Did she become a sensual woman after she married Ethan? No, it was a trap laid by him!     

Kylie saw the man smiling with satisfaction.     

The moment Knight XV moved into the Parker family's spacious house, the housekeeper walked ahead and welcomed them home. "Lord Ethan, Lady Kylie, welcome home!"     

When Kylie just got off the car, she heard a rapid running sound. She turned around and noticed Pupu, who was dashing towards her.     

"Woof!" Pupu was so happy that it almost jumped into Kylie's arms, but Ethan gave it a cold glance, so it had to be gentle and sat in front of Kylie within a second.     

Kylie was struck dumb for a second, then laughed rubbing its head.     

"Pupu! I miss you too." After that, Kylie hugged Pupu's head, wanting to kiss it.     

However, Ethan pulled her back and said, "You're pregnant now. Don't be too close to Pupu."      

"Just a kiss." Kylie looked at him.     

Pupu also raised its head, looking at the man.     

"No," he said without a second thought.     

"Just once." Kylie lifted one finger, trying to negotiate with him.     

"Woof!" Pupu seemed to be begging him too. Pupu and Kylie hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they missed one another so much.     

The housekeeper glanced at Ethan, Kylie, and Pupu, then remained silent.     

Ethan was so possessive of Kylie. Would he compete for Kylie's love after their baby came out?     

Ethan was silent for a few seconds, then finally said, "Once only."      

"Yes, sir!" Kylie didn't hesitate and kissed Pupu with happiness.     

She didn't let Pupu go until she couldn't breathe.     

Pupu sat still but wagged its tail with excitement.     

Kylie held Ethan's arm walking inside and turned back to look at Pupu once in a while. "Ethan, Labradors are very gentle, docile dogs. Can Pupu live with us when the baby is out?"      

Ethan compressed his lips but didn't say a word.     

If Pupu lived in the Finch family's house with them, it wouldn't be convenient for him to have sex with Kylie whenever and wherever he wanted, but Pupu did want to stay with Kylie.     

He patted Kylie's shoulder. "Sure."      

"Yay!" Kylie beamed and turned around to find Pupu, but it was absent.     

In the living hall, old Mr. Parker's eyes lit up the second Kylie walked in, but he remained serious because he was the patriarch in this family.     

Therefore, he wore a serious face on purpose and gave old Mrs. Parker a glance.     

Old Mrs. Parker understood it was time for her, as mother-in-law, to say something.     

"Kylie, come here." She pointed at the seat next to her.     

Kylie felt a little embarrassed that old Mrs. Parker suddenly treated her so kindly. She looked at Ethan, and Ethan smiled at her, which was quite encouraging.     

However, when Kylie was just seated, old Mrs. Parker asked, "Kylie, do you like the gifts?"     

Gifts? Kylie was struck dumb. What gifts?      

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