Chapter 356: Blackmail

Chapter 356: Blackmail

2Kylie laughed too. "I think your mother is right!"       4

Stephen made a reservation at a high-end restaurant.     

When they walked to the second floor, Kylie noticed a couple of middle-aged men and women sitting by the window.     

The man was wearing a white shirt and a dark gray suit. He frowned a little, checking the time on the watch frequently.     

The woman sitting by his side was wearing all the designer's brands. It was obvious that she was super-rich.     

She had a sip of her coffee, then noticed Kylie and Stephen, who were walking to them. She smiled and lightly knocked the man by her side with her elbow.     

The man put down his arm, looking at them with dissatisfaction. "Who are you so late!"      

All of a sudden, Kylie felt he looked so familiar like they had met somewhere before.     

"We were caught by a traffic jam," Stephen said, then pulled a chair out for Kylie to sit down.     

Before Kylie sat down, she greeted them with great respect, "It's so nice to meet you, Mr. Cecil and Mrs. Cecil!" After that, she took the gift bag from Stephen's hand and handed it over. "This is a little gift. Please take it."      

Adolph Cecil, who was Stephen's father, looked at Kylie with observation and remained silent.     

Agnes Cecil, who was Stephen's mother, just gave it a glance before she put it aside. "Have a seat. You may order whatever you want."     

Kylie sat down with Stephen's shoulder to shoulder, then said to him, "Why don't you make the order? You know my favorites."      

Stephen agreed, then ordered several dishes before he gave the menu to Adolph, who sat right across the table from Stephen. "Do you want to order some?"      

Adolph snorted but didn't take the menu, and everyone felt embarrassed.     

Agnes smiled instead and took the menu. "Well, Stephen, you only know what's your girlfriend's favorite food, but you have no idea what your father likes."      

Although Agnes said it with a smile on her face, Kylie felt it was so strange.     

Stephen was adopted by the Cecil family, and he already knew his mother was killed by them. It was kind enough that Stephen hadn't poisoned them in their dishes. Why should he remember what Adolph liked?     

Wasn't it ridiculous?     

"May I have a bottle of soda, please?" Kylie said to a waiter. Afterward, she poured the glass of wine, which was placed in front of Stephen, to the ashtray right before his parent's faces.     

"Mrs. Cecil, probably you think Stephen isn't a good song, but I don't think you're a good mother either. Don't you know Stephen doesn't like wine?" Kylie said in a calm voice.      

Hearing that, Agnes was obviously displeased. She looked at Stephen, saying, "Stephen, didn't you drink a little wine before?"      

Stephen was very happy that Kylie defended him, but he didn't want to ruin the atmosphere.     

Therefore, he said with a faint smile on his lips, "I haven't drink it recently. I'm allergic to wine somehow."      

He took the bottle of soda and opened it to have a drink.     

Adolph put the glass in his hand on the table with great force, looking at Stephen coldly. "You're not a kid anymore, and you should learn how to run the business now."      

"Sure, I'll go to work at the company," Stephen said very politely like they were strangers.     

"Kylie, do you mind going to the ladies' room with me before the dishes are on the table?" Agnes smiled at Kylie.      

"Why not?" Kylie stood up and held Agnes's arm on her own initiative.     

She understood Agnes wanted to talk with her in private.     

"Mrs. Cecil, you keep a great figure! How do you manage to do that?" Kylie flattered her. Agnes, however, compressed her lips in annoyance and didn't talk to Kylie until they were in the ladies' room.     

"Kylie Finch, stop pretending. You're not Stephen's girlfriend," Agnes said with disdain. "I know your boyfriend has been put in jail."     

"It seems that you're quite familiar with me." Kylie wore a faint smile. "Well, since Aiden is in jail now, I, of course, should replace him with another man who can provide a luxurious life for me."     

"Do you think you can marry into our family?" Agnes said coldly. "You're merely an expensive prostitute!"     

"Then, what kind of woman do you think can marry into your family?" Kylie raised her hand and pointed her belly. "An infertile woman could do that. Why can't I?"      


Agnes was mad and clenched her fists. "How much do you know?"      

"Basically, everything." Kylie shrugged. "Do you think Stephen will marry a woman who is carrying his baby?"      

"Do you mean Stephen already has his baby?" Agnes had mixed emotions.     

Kylie made a gesture that she pulled a zipper on by her mouth, then remained silent no matter what Agnes asked her.     

In the end, Agnes took out a check from her handbag. "This is a check of three million dollars. Tell me where his baby is, and this will be yours."      

Kylie took the check and put it into her pocket. "The baby isn't born yet."      

When Kylie turned around and was about to walk away, Agnes stopped her.     

"Kylie Finch, since you took the check, you should disappear!"      

Kylie patted her pocket, then smiled. "I'm sorry. This check is just the price of the answer. Stephen also gave me a check to persuade me to be his wife." Agnes finally lost control of her anger.     

She grabbed Kylie's hair to pull her into the ladies' room. "You're not his baby's mother! Bitch!"      

Just when she raised her hand to beat Kylie, someone knocked on the door of the ladies' room.     

"Kylie, are you inside?" Stephen's voice sounded.     

Kylie looked at Agnes with a proud smile. "Let's have a deal. Give me another check of three million dollars, and I'll tell you his baby's mother's name."      

"This is blackmail!" Agnes abruptly moved her hand away.     

"Whatever," Kylie said, then shouted to the outside of the door, "I'm here. Please wait a second. I'll be right out."      

After that, she smiled at Agnes, like she would leave with Stephen if Agnes thought for a second longer.     

Once she was gone, Agnes wouldn't know where the baby's mother was.     

The reason why Agnes cared about the baby more was just that she planned to use the baby as the hostage, in case Stephen would betray the Cecil family someday in the future.     

Agnes bit her lips. Seeing Kylie was about to open the door, she said in a hurry, "I give you!"      

Kylie put the second check of three million dollars into her pocket with a satisfied smile, then said, "Her name is Dinah, and they've been together for many years."     

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