Chapter 352: It Feels Like Kissing You

Chapter 352: It Feels Like Kissing You

1Kylie's heart was pounding again.     

No matter how many sweet nothings Ethan had said to her, even though some of them weren't sweet, Kylie still got butterflies in her stomach most of the time.     

She flushed a little, then got out of the car with him.     

It was a very common B&B, and it even looked a little damaged from the outside. However, when Kylie walked into the room, Ethan had arranged for her, she rounded her eyes in shock.     

The furniture inside was all brand new, the floor was covered with long-haired carpets, and all the toiletries were the same brand as those they used in Garbo Palace.     

"When did you tell them to prepare all of these well?" Kylie beamed with happiness.     

"Last night." Ethan held her from behind. His arms reached out by her body and picked up the shower gel on the rack. "Do you know what I will do if I miss you, but you're not home?"     

Kylie thought for a while, then boldly replied, "Use your hand?"     

Ethan was speechless, and Kylie made a face.     

Ethan put the shower gel in front of her. "When I miss you, I'll use your shower gel, and your fragrance will be all over the quilt." Kylie took the shower gel over, then opened it to have a smell.     

She had to admit that she was touched again.     

Kylie smiled. "If I miss you in the future, I'll use your toothpaste to brush my teeth. It feels like kissing you."     

The man's big palm pinched her chin to let her lookup, and he leaned over to kiss her. "You must use the toothbrush that was thrown into the toilet by you."      


He still remembered the mischief she had done ages ago.     

Probably because Ethan was afraid he would lose control of himself, he let her go after a short while of kissing.     

"Go, have a rest."      

"Don't worry. I'll take good care of myself and our baby. You must be busy after you take over Peak Pictures." Kylie kissed on his cheek, then pushed him walking outside.     

"Don't work too hard," the man said.     

"I won't."      

"If you feel uncomfortable, call me."      

"I will."      

"Don't work too long."      

"I understand, nanny."      

"Give me a kiss."      


The man finally left, but Kylie was worried he might come back again, so she ran to the window and looked down.     

The Knight XV, which was as solid as a tank, finally launched, and Kylie watched him going away in her sight. When she just wanted to put down the curtains, she saw the glare flashing.     

It was a camera!     

Someone was peeping!     

Kylie thought for a while, pulling all the curtains up to prevent anyone from seeing the inside of her room, then lay on the bed.     

She thought the target of the mysterious person was herself before, but now she was a bit suspicious that the mysterious person's real target could be Ethan.     

Michael already had paid for what he had done. Who else still wanted to kill Ethan?     

Or, could it be Dora who loved Ethan too much to leave him?     

Kylie was confused. She pulled the quilt over, trying to have some sleep, but heard the sound of weeping from the next room all of a sudden.     

"What should I do? Tell me, what should I do now?" It was Lauren's voice.     

"How do I know? Why did you have to annoy Kylie Finch?" It was the assistant director's voice.     

Kylie was cheered up at once. Although she wasn't interested in eavesdropping, she was curious why they mentioned her name.     

"How could I know she had so many powerful men to protect her!" Lauren said in anger. "Chairman Parker is going to shut me out, and you can't stand aside."      

The assistant director remained silent for a while, then thought of an idea.     

"Well, you can have a rest for a while, and I'll make some calls to see which website needs a model."     

"You want me to do the job of a web model?" Lauren's tone was changed even. "Those models are all taking pictures in the off-season, wearing swimsuits in the winter, standing on the top of a building in blowing cold wind. I don't want to do that!"     

Seeing her being so ignorant, the assistant director was also annoyed. "Do it or not, I don't care!"     

When he turned and was just about to leave, Lauren suddenly hugged his waist from behind and pressed her head on the man's back. "Please, don't be mad at me. I will take the job..."     

As she said, her hand kept sliding down and grabbed the trousers of the assistant director.     

"Since you're already here, why don't you stay with me for a little while longer?"     

Accepting her obvious hints, the assistant director soon responded. He smiled and said, "It's good for you to be smart."     

"I know you won't leave me alone," Lauren said, then took the initiative to kiss up.     

Kylie shook her head with a resigned look on her face. Lauren was so naive that she believed she could have a bright future as long as she gave the assistant director free sexual service.     

However, what she didn't know was that she was just a plate of dessert or the condiments of life in the eyes of those men like the assistant director.     

At short notice, there were footsteps in the hallway.     

Kylie's room was at the end of the corridor, and her next door was Lauren's. It was reasonable if the footsteps stopped far away.     

Nevertheless, the footsteps continued to the end of the hallway.     

In that case, the person who came here was looking for her or Lauren.     

Kylie sat up from the bed and listened to the sound outside with full attention. However, the sound of a bed knocking against the wall in the next room was too loud and covered the sound outside.     

It was quiet for a long time, and there was no sound of knocking on the door, then the footsteps gradually moved away.     

The person was gone.     

It was so weird.     

Kylie jumped out of bed at once, then peeped through the narrow gap between the room door and the frame to the outside.     

There was an unidentified liquid flowing on the ground in the public area outside, and a blue flame was jumping on it. What shocked Kylie most was that the liquid was flowing inside through the gap under the door into Lauren's room due to the inclination of the ground.     

Before long, Lauren's room began to smoke.     


Kylie quickly ran back to her room, then rolled the quilt to soak it in water in the bathroom. After that, she ran out again with a wet quilt.     

The wet quilt was placed on the ground and temporarily controlled the fire. Kylie knocked on the next room door with great force and shouted.     

"Lauren? Lauren! Come out now, or you'll be dead!"     

Lauren, who was busy in the bed, looked at the assistant director who was sitting on her and asked. "Kylie Finch? Why is she here? Did she find us having sex?"     

The assistant director panicked in shock and rolled down from Lauren's body in a hurry.     

His year-end award was deducted today when he had smoked a cigarette in front of Kylie. If Kylie told Ethan his sexual relationship with Lauren, he might be fired.     

"You can't go out right now!" The assistant director lifted his trousers with one hand and stopped Lauren, who was ready to open the door with another. "You can't open the door until I'm gone! Remember, don't tell anyone that I've been here!"     

The assistant director put on his clothes within seconds, then opened the curtains, escaping away from the window.     

However, when Lauren went to open the door, she found that the fire had already burned in. The doorknob was so hot and smoked that she barely could touch it.     

"Help!" Lauren didn't have the time to put on clothes, but shouted in panic, "Kylie Finch, I'm already shut out from the entertainment industry! Why can't you let me go!"     

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