Chapter 337: What Are They Scheming?

Chapter 337: What Are They Scheming?

1She loved meatball most, but now felt it was so disgusting.      1

"Kylie?" Stephen laid his palm on her shoulder.     

Kylie gave him a faint smile. "Don't worry. I just don't have an appetite after the accident."      

She seemed relaxed, but Stephen looked serious. "If you feel anywhere uncomfortable, you must let me know."      

"Alright, alright, Doctor Cecil," Kylie smiled, then forced herself to drink some soup. "I need to lie down for a while."      

However, she couldn't fall asleep at all. After waiting for two hours, she finally received Lucas's call.     

"Kylie, I've talked with Director Miller, and he said you could finish your part as long as your body can afford it."     

"Very well. I didn't attend the recording of the reality show last time, and I lost much publicity," Kylie said, and she heard Lucas snorting on the phone.     

"I thought you really retreat to be a B-list actress as President Laurence said."     

"I'm only dealing with some things for the time being and won't give up my favorite career."     

Kylie hung up and heard footsteps coming to her room.     

Somehow, she put her phone under her pillow, then closed her eyes, pretending she was asleep.     

Before long, someone pushed the room door open, and Stephen's voice sounded. "Kylie, are you asleep?"      

Kylie lay still in silence.     

She heard Stephen walk near, then stopped before her, and her heartbeat fast.     

He was a doctor and should be able to easily distinguish between deep sleep and disguised sleep.     

Therefore, Kylie did her best to relax, even didn't dare move her eyeballs.     

There was a faint smell of disinfectant water on the tip of her nose. He must be close to her.      

Was he observing me? Kylie thought to herself.     

Kylie's fingers were cold already, and her body was even stiff. Just when she was about to give up, she felt the blanket on her body moved a little.     

Stephen gently adjusted the blanket for her, then turned around, walking outside.     

When she heard the sound of closing the door again, Kylie opened her eyes. She moved her shoulders and fingers and listened carefully to the movement at the outside of the door.     

Stephen should be going to the study now.     

There must be something he didn't want Kylie to know, or he wouldn't come to check her first.     

Kylie slid out of bed then. When she just was about to open the door, she heard another footstep passing by the door. It was the housekeeper.     

What are they scheming?      

The study was next door to Kylie's bedroom, but the room was very soundproof, so she couldn't hear what they were talking about.     

Without a better idea, Kylie had to venture out. When she just walked to the door of the study, she heard a crisp voice.     

Stephen must have slapped the housekeeper.     

He asked coldly, "What did you do to Kylie?"     

"Lord Stephen." The housekeeper's voice was still calm, and there were no ups and downs. "I just give her a cup of milk every day according to your order."     

"Really?" Stephen snorted in anger. "You replaced my medicine."     

The housekeeper remained silent, which meant Stephen was right.     

Then, Kylie heard the sound of fall accompanied by the sound of porcelain cracking, and then Stephen's roar. "Do you know that medicine will kill Kylie!"     

Kylie had never heard Stephen being so furious and subconsciously covered her mouth.     

Did it have anything to do with the glass of milk that she felt disgusted and had nosebleeds often recently?     

She put her ear on the door, trying to hear what was going on inside.     

The housekeeper's voice sounded. "Didn't you say the medicine just makes her feel tired, so it's easier to control her mind?"     

"Yes, but if you add another medicine, the two together will cause bad effects. " Stephen seemed calm now, and his voice sounded helpless. "Stop her medicine right away."     

"We can't," the housekeeper answered very firmly.     

"You made the decision without my approval, and you even refuse to obey my order! " Stephen raised his voice again. "Go back to the manor tomorrow!"     

"I can't go back either." The tone of the housekeeper was more and more stubborn.     

The room was silent for a while before the housekeeper opened his mouth again. "Lord Stephen, you're right, I did have hypnotized Kylie. If she dares betray you, she must pay for it. "     

"You know we're already together, and Kylie won't betray me," Stephen said. "You must remove the hypnosis right away."     

"Lord Stephen, I think you trust Kylie too much. Unless she gives birth to your child, otherwise..."     

"If you continue to let her take that medicine, she can't be pregnant in this life!"     

Kylie's body stiffened a little, and she subconsciously covered her stomach with her hand.     

She always wanted to start a family with Ethan. Although Ethan never said it aloud, she knew he loved children very much.     

If she couldn't be pregnant... Kylie felt like crying, and her footsteps were somewhat unstable.     

Hearing the sound of footsteps in the room, Kylie ran back to her room in a hurry and continued to pretend that she was asleep in bed.     

Just when she lay down, the door was pushed open, and Stephen came in again.     

Kylie pinched her legs with great force, trying to calm herself down.     

Stephen knelt down by the bedside, and his voice was very soft. "Kylie, don't worry. I won't allow anything bad to happen to you." Kylie pretended she just woke up, and moved her body a little, opening her eyes, looking at him with surprise.     

"Why are you..." She noticed there were tears in Stephen's eyes.     

Perhaps when he first hypnotized her, he didn't expect it would end up like this today.     

He never thought his housekeeper would be too loyal to himself, and would let Kylie take another medicine without his approval in order to conduct anti-hypnosis.     

The housekeeper aimed to keep Kylie by Stephen's side forever.     

"Do you think I'm selfish?" Stephen held Kylie's hands.     

Kylie remained silent, but she did think he was very selfish.     

Yes, you're very selfish.     

Exactly because you're selfish, Ethan and I have been apart for such a long time.     

However, who wasn't selfish in love?     

If it hadn't been for the fact that she loved Ethan so much, she wouldn't have been trapped by Dora. And if she and Ethan had trusted each other deeply, Stephen wouldn't have had the chance to set them apart.     

Kylie looked down for a while. When she raised her face again, she smiled.     

"If you're selfish, you won't allow me to go back to my world, and I wouldn't have the chance to be near to the truth." "Kylie, you..." Stephen was astonished.     

How much does she already know?     

Kylie shrugged. "Everyone has mentioned Ethan before me, but my heart felt against him, and I didn't want to know anything about him." "But, you must know it clearly that Ethan is everywhere in my life."     

"Kylie, without Ethan, isn't complete. The more I feel against him, the more I'm curious about him."     

"I'm curious what he has done that makes me dislike him so much."     

"I'm curious why he seemed so sad every time he saw me."     

"It's you who gave me chances to know the truth."     

"I know you want me to keep in touch with my friends in order to let me find out the truth by myself."     

"Exactly because you love me, you can't give me back to Ethan in person."     

"And because you love me, you don't want me to be hurt in the fight between Ethan and Michael."     

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