Chapter 331: Please Stop Chasing Me

Chapter 331: Please Stop Chasing Me

2"Are these your final words?" Kylie sneered. "I'm afraid you can't get much money even if you're killed."      

Ken snorted, "I'm not dumb, and I'll do it in a few days. Remember not to cause me any trouble."      

The room wasn't big, and Ken must have smoked a lot, so there was a strong smell of tobacco smoke in the room.     

And Kylie hated it.     

"I won't let you risk your life." She walked to Ken and took the lit cigarette in his mouth away, then stubbed it out in the ashtray.     

Ken beamed, "You care about me."      

Kylie was struck dumb for a second.     

It was the first time that she had thought Ken looked gentle and mild. She turned her head away in order not to look straight at his eyes.     

Probably because Ken knew it wasn't very possible that he could stay alive after the task, he told Kylie on his own initiative that he had helped Stephen drive a wedge between Ethan and her.     

"Do you mean Star already knows Dora is a man?"      

"Who's a man?" Ken was struck dumb this time.     

Seeing his reaction, Kylie knew either Stephen didn't tell him, or Stephen literally wasn't aware of Dora's secret.     

"Forget it. How are you going to let me meet Michael?" Kylie asked.      

Ken rolled his back and got off from the bed. He gave the clock a glance, then said, "We still have half an hour. Let's go meet him right now."     

Kylie had pictured the scene when she met her biological father many times, but she never expected it would be in this way.     

In a private room in a nightclub, Michael was sexually kissing and touching a woman on the sofa. Seeing Kylie walking inside, he didn't feel embarrassed at all but just pointed at another nearby sofa. "Wait till I'm done."     

The woman who was pressed by Michael against the sofa, instead, felt embarrassed. She hid her head in Michael's arms, not to meet Kylie's eyes.     

Kylie seemed relaxed and sat on the nearby sofa. "Can you get in from this angle?" Kylie said, staring straight at them. Michael's body stiffened a little, and he turned to look at Kylie.     

The girl didn't flush at all but stared straight at him.     

"Fine!" Michael snorted, then got up, grabbing a shirt to tie around his waist before he sat in front of Kylie with his legs crossed.     

He focused on Kylie's face for a long while, then squinted. "You do resemble me a lot!"      

Kylie hugged her shoulders, looking at him with a smile on her face. "Now, I understand why mother didn't want to be together with you because you're a terrible man."      

Michael was struck dumb for a second, then laughed out loud, "You're so mean, and that's my girl! Wait here." He stood up, walking into another room.      

The woman on the sofa randomly covered herself with some clothes sitting up. However, when she saw Kylie, she was apparently surprised.     

And Kylie was astonished too.     

Isn't she the prostitute who has appeared by Ethan's side? Why is she by Michael's side now? Is she the undercover agent sent by Ethan or by Michael?      

"I don't care who you are, but don't you dare hurt Ethan!" Kylie warned her. At this moment, Michael already put on tidy clothing, walking out to them.     

The prostitute gave Kylie a quick glance, lowered her head to adjust her clothes, and pretended that she didn't hear Kylie.     

Again, Michael hugged the prostitute in his arms, smiling to Kylie, "Well, don't you feel lonely that you don't have any brothers or sisters? Prepare to be a sister, ha-ha!"     

Kylie gave the prostitute a cold glance. "Is it fun to have a May-December relationship?"      

"Not bad." Michael pinched the prostitute's face laughing.      

Kylie snorted with disdain, "You said that you're my biological father. Do you have any proof?" She decided to take the leading role and questioned Michael before he did that to her.     

It was a very useful move. Michael threw the pendant to her at once.     

Kylie's mother in the picture looked exactly the same as the image in her memory. Seeing her mother's face, Kylie felt like crying.     

However, upon thinking her father was the human trafficker who had abducted and sold Ethan to another country, Kylie calmed down. "If you can stop doing illegal things, I can consider accepting you as my father. If not, good luck." Saying that Kylie stood up wanting to walk away, but she was caught by the arm and thrown back to the sofa under a great force.     

Michael looking down at her and sneered, "You're my daughter, so I treat you politely, but it doesn't mean you can be my boss!" Kylie's arm was a little painful, and she pressed her lips, remaining silent.     

Michael drank up the wine on the table, then said to Kylie, "I came out from the jail for a big deal! Whoever has hurt me, I'll pay him back!" Michael looked so creepy now.     

Ethan had put Michael in jail in person. If he was going to take revenge, Ethan must be his very first target.     

"If you want to pay your enemies back, I can help you," Kylie opened her mouth, "but please don't do illegal business anymore."      

Seeing Michael squinting at her, Kylie explained in a hurry, "You know I'm an actress, and my income is enough to support you in your old age." Michael rolled his eyes. "Well, I can let my enemies go, but this man is an exception!" Saying that he threw a picture to Kylie.     

Kylie almost shouted out when she looked at the picture.     

It was an old picture in which a boy around ten was dancing the Hula.     

Although the boy wore heavy make-up, from his features, Kylie still easily recognized this child was exactly Ethan!     

"This bloody lad! I fed him, but he betrayed me!" Michael seemed evil now. "He's ruined my business twice, and I'll never let him go!"      

Right at this moment, Ken pushed the door open, walking inside.     

Kylie immediately hid the picture in her body, pretended nothing had happened. "Ken, I won't be together with you. Please stop chasing me." That was the signal Kylie sent to Ken.     

It meant everything went well.     

Ken walked to Michael with pleasure. "Michael, you've promised to let Kylie be my girl as long as I bring her to meet you, and you must keep your promise." Michael snorted, "She's out of your league!"      

Seeing Ken becoming displeased, Michael changed his tone. "Well, as long as you can strike the deal, I'll fulfill my promise."      

Michael relied on Ken to help him, so he had to please Ken.     

"Sure!" Ken pulled Kylie to his side. "I'll take her away now, and I'll meet you again when the deal is done." Saying that he walked to the outside along with Kylie.     

"Wait a moment!" Michael suddenly opened his mouth.     

Kylie felt her heart was in her throat now.     

She wasn't worried that Michael would make things difficult for her, but she's afraid he would ask her for the old picture. If she took it out right now, Ken could see it.     

Kylie wasn't sure whether Ken would leak Ethan's secret.     

All she wanted to do now was to protect Ethan.     

"Hey, the beauty is waiting for you..." Kylie smiled at Michael, then gave the prostitute a side glance.     

The prostitute was still sitting on the sofa just covered in a coat. It seemed she was waiting to finish something that had been interrupted.     

Michael gave the prostitute a glance, then turned to Kylie. "Don't play smart with me!"     

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