Chapter 336: I Must Go

Chapter 336: I Must Go

2Kylie thought to herself. We already met each other, and we even had sex too.      0

Mrs. Woolf actually should be worried about Nate instead, because he failed to figure out his feelings towards Fannie till now.     

Kylie then gave Ethan a side glance. The man was talking to Nate with a serious look on his face.     

Nate gave Kylie a glance, and seemed displeased, then soon drew his sight back.     

There was a card in his hand, which was found in the large bunch of flowers.     

Stephen took the card and had a look, and then he gave it back to Ethan with a serious look on the face too.     

Kylie felt nervous at once. It seemed the uninvited guest wasn't Dora.     

On the way to the hotel for a meal, the men sat in a car to discuss something serious, while Mrs. Woolf sat with William in another car, and Dinah shared the third one with Kylie.     

"You must know who's the sender," Kylie said.     

Dinah looked straight forward. "Ethan told me not to tell you."      

"Do you listen to him?" Kylie asked.     

"Of course." Dinah turned to look at her. "I can't tell you, but you can ask me."      

Kylie almost laughed out loud. Dinah was so funny. "Is it Dora?"     


"Your comrade?"      


Kylie remained silent for a while, then stared at Dinah's profile. "Michael?"      

Dinah didn't say a word this time but gave Kylie a thumbs-up.     

Dinah slowed the car down before a crossroads. When Ethan's and William's cars drove across, the traffic lights turned red.     

Kylie felt hopeless. Michael indeed was going to revenge himself on them!     

"Don't worry. Although Stephen doesn't get along well with Ethan recently, they're a team against Michael..." Dinah started the car again. However, when the car just moved to the center of the crossroads, a silvery Santana dashed out all of a sudden.     

Even though Dinah turned the steering wheel with surprising agility, she still failed to avoid the car.     

The car she was driving was hit badly and pushed aside for a long distance, then was stopped by guardrails.     

Kylie was wearing the safety belt, so she was safe, but she felt like throwing up after the sudden hit.     

"Kylie, are you alright?" Dinah called Ethan at once.     

"Stay in the car. Don't move," the man ordered.     

Ethan told William drove Mrs. Woolf went back to the hotel first, in case she would be worried, then told Nate to drive back without delay.     

The traffic police also arrived to deal with this accident, and it caused congestion on one side of the road.     

Ethan and others could only walk to them.     

When the owner of the silvery car saw Ethan, he was apparently surprised, then snorted at Dinah when she got off from the car.     

He was very cooperative with the traffic police, confessing that he was drunk and willing to pay compensation.     

However, Ethan noticed a touch of evil flashed by his eyes.     

He thought Ethan was in the car because the car was Ethan's. Ethan then walked to the front passenger's seat and knocked on the car window.     

Kylie rolled the window down, looking at the man's beautiful eyes, and raised a smile. "I'm fine. Be careful. Don't let Stephen notice us."      

There were obvious worries on the man's face, and Stephen ran over with concern at the same time.     

"Are you hurt?" He opened the car door and carried Kylie in his arms off the car right before Ethan's face.     

Kylie's head laid on Stephen's shoulder. She gave Ethan an eye to tell him to be patient.     

Ethan forced himself to calm down and compressed his thin lips into a tough curve.     

"Let me take you to the hospital for a check," Stephen said.     

"I'm fine. I just feel a little dizzy," Kylie said.      

Nate walked to Santana and grabbed its owner's collar, yelling, "Are you blind? Do you know whose car is this?"     

The owner of Santana raised his arms up in the air, shouting to the traffic police, "I admit that I am wrong, but he can't use lynching for me."     

The traffic police came over to separate them at once and promised to make a fair and just decision.     

"I think I won't join you for the meal, and I must take Kylie back right now," Stephen said, pulling Kylie walking away.     

"If we're absent, how should we explain to Mrs. Woolf?" In fact, Kylie was worried about Ethan.     

If he had been in the car, his wound could have been broken by the heavy hitters.     

"Don't worry. He'll explain it to us." Stephen pointed at Ethan with his jaw. Ethan squinted a little, implying that Kylie could leave first.     

There could be their enemies hiding in the messy crowd.     

Although Kylie insisted that she was fine, Stephen still did a general check for her. Luckily, her blood pressure and heart rate were all normal.     

Given what had happened today, Kylie made up her mind that she must be an undercover agent by Michael's side.     

"I've already rested for two days. Can I go back to the crew tomorrow?" Kylie said. "I want to finish the shooting as soon as possible, so we can change our jobs together." Stephen nodded. "Sure, but you must be careful."      

"I will. I'll call Lucas now," Kylie said, then walked to the balcony. Seeing Stephen didn't follow her over, she called Ethan at once. "Hi, are you alright?"      

"I'm fine. Take care of yourself," Ethan said in a low voice. "Don't meet Michael, alright?"     

 "Sure," Kylie answered. "I'll go back to the crew tomorrow, and I can't meet you for a few days."      

"I'll go visit you," Ethan said, then stopped for a second. "I must go. Bye."      

Kylie then deleted the call records before she called Lucas. "Hey, I'll join the crew tomorrow. Arrange my time well, and I hope I can finish my part at a time."     

"What?" Lucas was greatly surprised. "It takes at least a whole week to finish your part. Your body can't afford it."      

"I don't have much time for it now, so I must finish it as soon as possible. The shooting can't be delayed again because of me. Talk to the director before you call me back." After hanging up, Kylie walked to the bathroom to wash her face.     

However, when she just lowered her head, the water turned red in her palms.     

Drops of blood were falling down.     

She immediately raised her head, looking at herself in the mirror. There was fresh blood coming out from her nose.     

"Jesus!" Kylie exclaimed, then used cold water to cover her forehead to stop the blood from bleeding.     

Right at this moment, Stephen called her outside, "Kylie, I made some soup for you. Come out and have some."      

"I'll be right out!" Kylie answered.     

After a while, she washed her face quickly when she was sure the blood stopped bleeding.     

"What's the soup?" Kylie sat by the dining table.     

"Meatball soup," Stephen said, then placed a bowl of soup before her.     

The soup smelt good with great taste too.     

However, when Kylie just had a mouthful of the soup, she threw up at once.     

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