Chapter 248: You Are A Perfect Man

Chapter 248: You Are A Perfect Man

1(Warning: This chapter contains a sexual scene. If you're not comfortable to read it kindly skip it and move to another chapter)      1

When Kylie woke up at two o'clock in the morning, she rolled over and saw Ethan reading beside her. She asked him what he was reading, and he showed her the cover. It was Lady Chatterley's Lover. "Are you interested?" he wondered.     

Kylie frowned. She didn't know what to say. By now, he should've known that she hated reading. Ethan put the book down on the bedside dresser. He stood up and poured Kylie a glass of water. Kylie took a second look at the book.     

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Ethan asked her.     

"I was drunk," she sighed. "I think that I remember everything, even if much of it is foggy. I remember escaping out the window and running for our cars. I think I puked half-way there but, if I remember correctly, it was pretty hilarious. I remember us both laughing."     

"I heard that you have a new lover," Ethan grumbled.        

Kylie looked at him and said, "I would be an idiot to leave you. You are a perfect man."     

Ethan snorted and said, "You will eventually have to explain what you were doing in that room, with Cliff, undressed. Just the thought of his eyes on you as he undressed you makes me crazy."     

Kylie stood up quickly, and she said, "Ethan, you misunderstand. I undressed. I swear to God!"     

Ethan didn't believe it. He didn't see a reason for her to undress if not for his viewing pleasure.     

Kylie looked at him and said, "I only took my clothes off for him in the hopes that he would leave me alone."     

Seeing how Kylie was being so honest to him, Ethan decided to forgive her, as for Cliff, though, he decided that he would make him pay. Ethan turned the bedside lamp off and cuddled up beside Kylie. "Let's go to sleep," he said. "It's three o'clock in the morning, and I'm tired."     

Kylie placed her hand on his chest so that she could hear his heartbeat. She closed her eyes, but it was hard for her to fall asleep. After everything that had happened recently, her brain was still trying to process everything that had happened.     

Ethan ran his fingers through her hair. He said, "I owe you an apology. Your dress comes from Dora. I shouldn't have tried to take credit for it. It was wrong of me. I feel awful. It won't happen again. I promise you."     

Kylie smiled. "If Dora and I fell into the water at the same time, who would you choose to save?"     

"You, obviously," Ethan laughed.     

Kylie kissed his jaw, and she said, "I am glad that I am that important to you."     

Ethan's hand slipped down her back and pinched her ass with a moderate amount of force. "Guess what?" he asked her.     

"What?" she replied.     

"Oh nothing," he giggled as he pushed his finger into her anus.     

Kylie yelped, and she smiled. "Oh, you cheeky little monkey!"     

Since they both usually slept naked, Kylie wasn't surprised when she felt Ethan's hand cup her pubic mound. "Shall we," he wondered.     

"I…I…I don't know," Kylie replied. "Do we have a condom?"     

"We do," Ethan said as he opened the top drawer in the bedside dresser. "If you put it on for me, I'll be gentle."     

"Where did you get the condom?!" Kylie wondered in an attempt to change the subject. "Are they hard to find?"     

"They can be found at any drug store or convenience store," he replied. "If you don't know how to put it on for me, I can walk you through the process."     

Ethan handed Kylie the condom, and step by step, and he showed her how to roll the condom onto his erect member. "Has it even been used by another woman?" she wondered.     

"One-time use only," he replied.     

Once the condom was on his hard member, he slid it into her wet core, and she moaned in pleasure. He began to pound against her, and she could not believe how good it was. "Why does it feel so good?" she gasped.     

"That is because the condom is ribbed," he said, "for your pleasure!"     

It wasn't long before they climaxed together and fell asleep in each other's arms. It was all very romantic.     


Alice was awakened around midnight by somebody pounding on her door. She put on a coat and went out to see who it was. "Who is it?" she cried.     

"It's me!" Aiden cried. "I'm looking for Khloe!"     

Alice didn't dare to open the door at first until Khloe woke up and told her to. She had been in a daze when she'd gone to bed, which was why she hadn't woken up at first. She hadn't even told anyone that she was moving yet, and she had been losing sleep over the matter, which was why she'd begun taking Trazadone to help her sleep. It helped with insomnia but, once she was out, she was really out.     

With a foggy head, Khloe stumbled into the living room and, once she was updated on the situation, she said, "Mom, let me take to him. It's very late at night. I don't like the idea of him roaming around outside by himself… Don't worry. Aiden has feelings for me. Even though I betrayed him, he won't hurt me."     

Khloe opened the door despite Alice's concern.     

The minute she opened the door, Aiden embraced her, and the strong smell of alcohol hit her like a Mac Truck. "Aiden," she growled, "Why are you so drunk?!?!?"      

Aiden's eyes were bloodshot. He glanced at Alice, who looked worried, and he said, "Khloe, let's talk in the car."     

"Sure," Khloe replied.     

Aiden and Khloe sat silently in the car for a while until Aiden finally broke the silence. He touched the dashboard of the car and said, "This was a birthday gift…"     

Khloe looked at him and said, "It is a nice car…"     

Aiden smiled shyly and asked Khloe if she'd ever loved him. She was taken aback by his sudden show of emotion. If Aiden was willing to forgive her, she would accept him back into her life. She could see that he needed help, and she was willing to be there for him. Not knowing where things might go, she clasped him on the shoulder and said, "Aiden, honey, I know I've done so many things that irritated you, but I only ever did them because of my love for you.     

"I was jealous, though," she continued. "You treated Kylie so well, and I always felt like Sloppy Seconds."     

Aiden patted her head and kissed her hair. "It was all a misunderstanding," Aiden sighed. "You were always the one that I loved. If anything, Kylie was Sloppy Seconds. The only time I ever loved Kylie was when you weren't around!"     

Khloe looked at him and said, "If you mean it, then let's get married in the morning!"     

"I will marry you," he promised, "but you have to wait until I am out of jail."     

When Khloe heard this, she was stunned. "Why are you going to the jail?" she wondered.     

"Mostly business stuff," he replied. "I bribed some people, committed fraud, abused my power, and stole from my business partners."     

Khloe was struck still for a few seconds and, when she finally came to her senses, she tried to climb out of the car. Much to her surprise, though, it was locked, and she couldn't get out.     

"What is this?" Aiden screamed. "You just promised that you'd love me forever – was that a lie?"     

Aiden grabbed Khloe's hair and pulled her into his embrace.     

"It was not a lie," Khloe shrieked. "It's just that I have to work tomorrow and I need to go back in and go back to sleep!"     

Aiden put the back seat into a flat position and pressed Khloe onto her back. "You don't need to go back," he said. "It will be just as comfortable here!"     

"It will not be just as comfortable," Khloe cried. "Let me go! Let me go! Please, let me go! Can't you see that I'm begging you!"     

The minute she'd heard that he was going to jail, she'd lost interest in him. However, the way that he was acting, she determined that it wouldn't be safe for her to speak her mind honestly.     

Aiden looked at Khloe intently. He didn't want to force Khloe to do anything that she didn't want to do. All he wanted to do was scare her. When she fought back and lied to his face, though, he began to feel annoyed. In retaliation, he grabbed her wrist, twisted it, and bit her on the back of her neck.     

"Ouch!" Khloe shrieked. She began to kick and hit him, but she was a week girl, and he barely felt it. He was able to completely ignore her attacks until one stray swing connected with his genitals.     

"What the fuck!" Aiden yelled as he let her go. His hands went to his genitals, and he looked at her as a sad dog. "I was just playing. You didn't need to do that…"     

"I'm sorry," Khloe replied. "It was an accident. I was scared. Please let me go. I love you, and I wish we could be together, but as an actress, I have a reputation to uphold. I would be ruined if it got out that I was with a criminal."     

"Alright," Aiden sighed as he opened the door for Khloe. He didn't believe her story, not for a second. As she climbed out, he shouted after her: "Khloe Finch, did you really think that I could love a dirty bitch like you?! Even if you were a whore, no one would want to be with you. Instead, you would have to pay them to be with you!"     

Aiden closed the car door and drove away.     

In Khloe's driveway, there was a large puddle. When he hit it, the muddy water splashed Khloe.     

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