Chapter 394: Ethan’s Unique Love

Chapter 394: Ethan’s Unique Love

4Ethan didn't answer Kylie's question at once, but turned to ask Director Keys, "Do you want to get on the island?"        

Mr. Keys rounded his eyes in shock. "Jesus, do you know its owner?" "Yeah." Ethan nodded.     

Mr. Keys didn't realize it until he guided them, walking into a private room. "I didn't tell you about its location. How come you know where it is?"       

"The Coco Resort in the Maldives," Ethan said with a smile.     

"Exactly!" Mr. Keys was surprised. "It'll be fabulous if I can visit the island, but will it be bothering if I..."     

When Kylie heard the name of the island, she was confused.     

The Coco Resort in the Maldives?     

Wasn't it the gift old Mr. Parker had sent her, and she sent it to her son later?     

She always thought Coco Resort was just a resort, and probably wasn't a real island. To her astonishment, it was located in the golden coastline of Maldives!     

Ethan didn't just know its owner, but couldn't be more familiar with him!     

Noticing the absent look on Kylie's face, Ethan hugged her shoulder. "What? Do you want to spend some quality time with me alone?"        

Kylie approached his ear and said in a low voice, "Can I change my mind and not send it to our son right now?"       

Ethan snorted with laughter. "Of course, you're the mother, and you can make the decision."        

Faith sat by Kylie's side and asked, "Do you need someone to help you move the baggage? I'm strong enough."       

"No need." Kylie smiled at her.        

The smile froze on Faith's face before it went broad.     

Kylie blinked at her, then added, "I need a cook."       

Hearing that, Faith was cheered up at once.     

Director Keys was also thrilled. He put out feelers and asked whether he could bring his family with him during the meal.     

Kylie nodded with a smile. "Sure."         

When they set the time, Faith wrote down her necessities with excitement at once.     

After drinking several beers, Mr. Keys started to evaluate Kylie's acting in Dangerous World.     

His compliments were accurate, and his criticisms were also reasonable.     

Kylie listened with full attention and frequently nodded to show she understood what she should do in a similar situation the next time.     

People's opinions differed at home and abroad, but Kylie accepted Mr. Keys' judgment with a modest attitude.     

Mr. Keys was very satisfied. "I think you'll be a great actress for sure, and I'm looking forward to working with you." He raised his glass.     

When Kylie was about to touch the wine in front of her, Ethan stopped her and raised his glass to clink against Mr. Keys'. "Sorry, she can't drink now."       

Mr. Keys was struck dumb for a second, then laughed. "Well, you know glass is barely enough if you want to drink with me, Mr. Parker."        

Ethan smiled, then enjoyed drinking with Mr. Keys.     

It was a great night. When they left, Mr. Keys' agent came to pick him up, and his car was still left in the group.     

Ethan was slightly drunk sitting in the car, but he was holding Kylie's hand all the time.     

"Are you drunk?" Kylie moved a little away to let Ethan lie on her legs. "Let me give you a massage."       

Her fingers fell on his temples and rubbed gently. "You're very happy today." Ethan smiled. "Mr. Keys is a member of your friend circle now."       

Kylie stopped for a second, then continued to massage his temples.     

He took it seriously when she got jealous.     

"Thanks." Kylie bent to kiss on his forehead. "Thank you for letting Mr. Keys visit the island to help me." She understood Ethan must have arranged for people to guard the island so that Mr. Keys hadn't been able to get on it.     

Ethan now allowed Mr. Keys to visit the island in order to make Mr. Keys owe Kylie.     

It also meant the secrets on the island could be exposed.     

Ethan unfastened his tie and the first button. "Honey, may I call you like that now?"      

Faith, who was sitting on the driver's seat, flushed when she heard Ethan's tender voice.     

She gave a glance at the rear-view mirror.     

Kylie seemed so happy looking at Ethan. They were in deep love with each other.     

A look was enough to tell the relationship between two people.     

Faith understood Kylie must love Ethan more than anyone else.     

"Honey, I love you," Kylie said, holding his hand. Ethan hugged her waist and moved close his head to her belly.     

Before long, Kylie felt something warm and wet.     

Is he crying just because I said that?     

Kylie smiled, then patted Ethan's back to comfort him. "Honey, honey, my sweet honey."      

Ethan tightened his arms around Kylie's waist and didn't loosen them until Kylie felt a little pain. Ethan imagines his little son inside his wife's belly, and it seems there's a strong connection between the father and son.     

"Are you going to be like me, too? A hybrid-vampire?" he thought in silence while tears continue flowing from his eyes.      

All of a sudden, Ethan sat up and looked at Kylie with a serious face. "I owe you a wedding. When do you want to hold it?"     

Kylie wiped his tears and pulled his hand and put it on her belly. " Hahaha, why are you suddenly crying, huh? I think we don't have enough time to prepare for the wedding now, and I won't look good in the wedding gown after a few months. Why don't we hold it after the baby is out?"     

Ethan gently rubbed her flat belly. "I'll hold the best wedding in this world for you." He quickly kissed her lips, ignoring Faith's presence.       

Kylie leaned against his chest and said with a smile, "I'll be the happiest bride as long as you're with me."        

Hearing that, Faith felt like crying sitting at the front.     

She remembers Ken had told her Kylie was adamant.     

Aiden had said Kylie always wanted to win.     

However, Kylie was just a sweet woman in love before Ethan's face. In fact, what a woman like depended on how much the man by her side loved her.     

Kylie enjoyed Ethan's unique love for her now, so she felt safe and was able to be the real her.     

They didn't go back to the hotel right away but went to the hospital where Dora was.     

Seeing Kylie, Lucas felt like he saw his lifesaver. "When can I leave?"       

"How's Harry?" Kylie asked.     

"He's alive, and his wrist is already moved back to its normal position. He'll be fine after resting for a few days." Lucas glanced at the patient room, then said to Kylie in a low voice, "Please let me go. I can't tolerate her crying anymore."     

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