Chapter 166: She Taste Good

Chapter 166: She Taste Good

2(Warning: This chapter contains a sexual scene. If you're not comfortable to read it kindly skip it and move to another chapter)     1

Kylie was sitting on the sofa when Ethan walked over to her and handed her a brown envelope, heavy with documents. She opened the envelope up and took the papers out. As she spread them out on the table, she could see that there were many places that had arrows pointing at them to highlight whatever was written or imply that a signature was needed. With the probing gaze, she seriously stares at the documents before she asks her husband.     

"This is from Laurence," Kylie said as her brow furrowed. "What is he up to? Is this some kind of trick, buried under a tone of legalese?"     

"Give it a read," he replied. "There seems to be a lot of ambiguity. Make some notes as you go through it. Once you've gone through it, we can work with Lucas to revise it. Before you start, though, there is one thing…"     

Kylie gave him a curious look and said, "… and what might that be?"     

Without giving her any warning, he grabbed her wrists and forced her onto her back. "I have done a lot for you recently," he said. "I think you should give me a reward. Wife, I wanted to have a reward quickly," he whispered in her ear.      

Kylie tried to protest, but before she could say a word to let him know that she didn't want this, he had his mouth covering hers. She tried to keep her mouth closed, but his tongue was very strong, and he was able to push it past her teeth and into her mouth. Devouring her mouth and seeking for her response.      

"Sweetheart, I can't stand it anymore,"     

In the end, he couldn't care less if she was tired or not. His plan went perfectly, and he could feel she's turn on.      

"Tell me if I should continue or not, you seem not in a good mood today,"      

Kylie nodded and kissed him back. He gripped onto her bra, ripping it in half. Her lips molded his as she moaned. He knew what was going to happen, and she knew what was going to happen. He pulled her bottom lip, causing her to run her tongue over his teeth. He couldn't stop touching her, and her skin was so soft and sexy.      

He gently glided his tongue down her throat and chest. Her skin tastes amazing, sweet, yet seductive. He latched his mouth around her nipple, sucking it hard. From the loud moan, he knew she liked this. "Eth-Ethan," she moaned out. He loved it when she moaned his name. He tugged at the other nipple, causing it to perk up. He could feel his manhood harden under his jeans. He loves what Kylie can do to him.      

"Ethan, stop!" She pulled her head away, leveling it with his.     

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked, rubbing his manhood on her legs through his jeans.     

"No, my chest is too sensitive because my period is coming soon," She beamed, looking him up and down.     

"Honey, I don't mind doing it,"     

He quickly unbuckled his belt, then threw it on the floor.      

"Slap me," she moaned, pulling away from the sensual kiss of breaths of air. She wanted him to hurt her? He nodded, pushing her down onto the table near them so that her sexy ass was facing him. Gulping, he rubbed her ass with his calloused hands. He unleashed his sexual desires, slapping her ass with most of his force. She whimpered, only turning him on more.      

He picked her up, ramming her into a wall as their lips met with a burning passion. Her hands tangled in his hair as he held her waist tightly. He licked her tongue, gently sucking on it. Her taste is so pure and sweet, and he can't get enough of it. He pushed his crotch into hers, slightly denting the wall.      

"Didn't you feel tired having sex with me after a hectic schedule at work? Can we have sex without breaking something?" She joked, claiming his lips once again,     

"That's highly unlikely," He grunted, carrying her to the living room and throwing her on the couch. She bounced up, grabbing his shirt and pulling him down with her. Her hands gripped his underwear open, discarding it to the ground. He was totally naked in front of her. She moaned as she managed to change their position and pushed him down and crawled on top of him. She was kissing down his throat to his chest, leaving fiery trails down his body. She licked down to his abs, leaving large hickeys to his jean's waistband.     

Her tiny fingers hold his hard member, then gently stroked him. It felt so amazing. He felt her tongue glide across his tip, sending him into a frenzy of pleasure. Her hands cupped his balls, squeezing and running her fingers up his shaft.      

"F*ck! Kylie...ahh," He moaned. She pushed him down her throat, getting further down his hardened member. Eventually, he grabbed the back of her head, moving his hips toward her pretty little mouth.     

He looked down at her, capturing her eyes with his. He slid his manhood down her throat, holding it there for a bit. Tears streamed down her face as he choked her with his hard member. She pushed away for air, smiling as her breaths became long. He saw how much spit was in her mouth, but she didn't swallow.      

He grabbed and picked her up, then laid her down. Gently, he sat on her chest, then held the back of her head. He stuck his manhood back into her mouth, slowly and gently. He moaned, then started moving her pretty little throat. She had loads of spit covering her face, but he didn't care. She's so sexy, and he couldn't help but spill. He watched as his hot cum splurged from her mouth as she sucked him.      

"Already?" She asked sadly, licking up the rest of his cum off of his hard member.     

"Do you really think I just go once?" he replied devilishly. She crawled up and sat on his throbbing boner, gently grinding. He hates taking things this slow. He grabbed a lock from the back of her head and then slammed her lips into his, causing them to moan. Her eyes turned from gorgeous brown to lustful purple. What really turned him on is when she played with his boner from underneath her soaked core.     

He sat up, grabbing her ass and pulling her body down. They were both thoroughly turned on, and both came once. That's going to change. He laid her down and crawled up to her. He was not sparing one inch. He moaned and licked her lips, bringing her back into the toe-curling make out. He pushed his hard member into her wet core, playing with her slit. She was already so wet and moist, yet the smell of pleasure mixed the surroundings, but he cared less; it was hard to resist. She moaned and licked his bottom lip, getting him harder than he thought he could get. He rubbed her clit vigorously against his hard member, causing her to moan and shriek. "Oh, fuck! Don't stop! Holy fu- shit!"     

He slowly kissed down her throat, leaving dark hickeys down her body. He felt her hands brush his hair back, then lock on his jaw. He looked up at her with hungry eyes. She nodded, biting her plump lip and leaning back.     

She moaned as he flicked his tongue over her swollen clit.      

"Stop teasing!" She screamed. He chuckled.      

He held her hips down and fucked her tiny wet core with his tongue. She moaned and gripped his thick hair. He felt her shiver as his finger played with her hard nub. She shrieked loudly as all came loose, and a dense fluid spilled from her wet core. She tastes so good!     

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