Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

Chapter 14.2 : : Believe Me! I'm Not A Kid (Previous Chapter no. 24)

Chapter 14.2 : : Believe Me! I'm Not A Kid (Previous Chapter no. 24)

0Seeing the complex emotion on her face and the change in her tone, Rex lightly chuckled and said.     

"I don't have any words to refute, I was in wrong, but tell me if I wasn't even that smart then would I be able to survive alone in such a world?" Rex said, this time his expression was serious, he looked like a child that had the mentality of an adult.     

Wang Cang was quiet for a while.     

Seeing her like this Rex smiled and added.     

"Don't worry, I didn't have any ill intentions of deceiving you, I had no right to judge you if you don't like my presence I will leave this place right now, I am very thankful for you helping me but right now I have nothing on me to repay the favour, in the future if the opportunity arrives I will help you regardless of the price," Rex said as he slightly bowed to towards her to show his respect.     

The respect wasn't towards her strength, but her nature.     

Wang Cang looked at him and finally spoke.     

"The story you mentioned… Was it also a lie?" Wang Cang asked in a doubtful tone, she didn't feel any Qi fluctuation from Rex but his appearance and body built proved that he had indeed started cultivation, and coupled with the emotional state she believed most of his story earlier but now she was doubtful.     

Rex looked at her, from her expression alone he could guess that she has been deceived like that before… And maybe it happened more than once.     

"The whole story wasn't a lie, but some things were hidden, like how my master knew about my physique but not my bloodline, the reason I am alive is that my bloodline awakened at the crucial movement and gave me the strength to survive, but then I went into a long sleep due to tiredness then you found me.     

My physique and bloodline had already been awakened so my problem had been lessened, you don't need to worry about those things anymore. This was a fortunate encounter that let me meet you, our meeting was short but I'm grateful for the words you said before, if fate allows it, we will meet again someday," Rex said as he stood up and started walking towards the door.     

"Where do you think you are going? Didn't I say that White Moon Sect is your home? A brat like you who is still wet behind ears is now talking like adults," Wang Cang lightly snorted as she extended her hand and blocked his path.     

"Huh? Are you sure? You do know you are letting a person of unknown origin stay in your sect which can bring you quite a lot of trouble later on?" Rex said.     

"Humph, again talking like that, a kid should act like a kid. When I said you will be staying here, it means you will be staying here, but that comes later, first, it's time for punishment for lying to me," Wang Cang said with a grin as she rubbed her hands.     

'Sigh... Does she still think I'm some kid who is trying to act like a mature person, why doesn't she understand I'm not as immature as I look,' Rex thought.     

[Your looks betrays your words,]     

Rex was still thinking what to do when, he felt his angle of sight change by 90', he realized that he was now lying on her lap, ready to be getting spanked anytime.     

'Err… What in the world? Rose, what to do?' Rex felt his word view spinning.     

[Do you wish to activate ‹Diamond Shell› to defend: Yes/No]     

'What the Fukk… Whatever a man cannot be humiliated so… Yes,' Rex said.     

[‹Diamond Shell› activated]     

Wang Cang was just about to spank when an energy shield made of several small hexagonal purple shield appeared around his back and covered him.     

She was surprised, she had seen special physique and bloodline abilities before but this was totally different, still, although she was surprised, she soon calmed down she had seen a lot of things in her life, being flashy looking ability doesn't necessarily have good strength behind it.     

"Hehe.. Using an ability to defend then, I'm also allowed to use Qi, aren't I?" Wang Cang said with a smile.     

Rex's lips twitched, he inwardly laughed rather than getting embarrassed he was starting to enjoy it, of course, it wasn't about her trying to spank him, he wasn't a masochist, but because of her behaviour, the way she was acting made him feel like they have known each other for years.     

"If it comes to that, then I need to try my best too, shouldn't I?" Rex's lips curled upwards into an arc.     

Wang Cang was taken back, she became alert wondering what trump card does he have under his sleeve. She saw Rex taking a deep breath.     

In the next second, he shouted.     

"Help! Help Me, Is There Anyone Around Here that Can Save My Poor Little Soul From This Old Hag, I'm, An 11-Year-Old Child, Is Being Beaten To Death," Rex shouted on top of his lungs.     

Wang Cang was stunned, it took her a while to collect her thoughts and realize what was happening, she quickly covered his mouth with her hand, her hard-earned reputation was at stake here, she tried her best to stop him without hurting him but he kept shouting non stop like there is no tomorrow.     

"Just close your mouth you little devil," Wang Cang said with an embarrassed face.     

"So, what about punishment?" Rex asked with an innocent look that was opposite to his actions just now.     

Her face was stiff.     

"Just keep quiet, we can talk," She forced herself to utter those words.     

After a while….     

"You are a cultivator and have a bloodline ability that lets you hide the Qi fluctuations around your body?" Wang Cang confirmed his words as she touched her chin.     

Rex nodded.     

He lied about that because he couldn't tell her about his Core Bladder, the organ housing his core that can prevent Qi leakage.     

"I understand but you don't actually need to try so hard to hide the secrets you know, if you don't like to talk about something just avoid the topic and I will never touch it again, it is way better than hiding it because you have to lie again and again for that.     

You are still young so don't burden yourself with these responsibilities and enjoy your life have fun, as you grow up your responsibilities will increase that's why to leave this burden for the future. Someday when you feel like you want to talk about it, you can always talk to me," Wang Cang said.     

Rex understood her meaning, the point she was touching was his mental maturity, the story he told didn't explain how he was so mature, even if she tried to ignore that point, it would still stick out.     

He too knew about it but there was no way he would reveal anything about Rose or his reincarnation, but if he didn't say anything and played dumb then he won't be able to explain his rapid growth in the future that's why he had long thought of a good excuse.     

He made a reluctant expression, then deeply sighed before speaking.     

"It's not like that I don't trust you but... Sigh, even if I told you, you might not believe it, but if you insist, I will tell you. At the time of my Bloodline awakening, when I was going through an immeasurable amount of pain, my blood was boiling, my muscles were on the verge of tearing apart and my head felt like it would explode any second. Something unexpected, something completely unheard of happened to me.     

Several fragments of information appeared in my head, they started to mix with my memories, I didn't understand what it was but then I remembered a cultivation technique that was made for me, soon I remembered about other strange types of martial arts which I have never seen before in my entire life, now that I look at it, I can think faster, my mind is clearer than before.     

Strangely although I can remember these techniques but I can't mention their details, whenever I try to do so, my head starts to hurt badly, and this is not all.     

Somehow I feel like a completely different person, my personality is also affected, even now I feel like more of such information is inside me but I can't understand it at the moment," Rex said with a confused and slightly scared expression.     

'How was my acting? I had participated in a drama during my school time, you know? I remained on the stage for the most time, even the main character wasn't there for so long,' Rex said in a prideful tone.     

[It was because you were playing the role of a tree in the background,]     

"..." (Rex)     

Rex was a little speechless, this confirmed it, Rose did know everything about him. He raised his head to look at Wang Cang and saw that she looked like she had seen a ghost just now.     

"Don't tell me... Spiritual Wisdom? How?" Wang Cang was amazed.     

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