Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

Chapter 14 : : Crappy Destiny (Previous Chapter no. 23)

Chapter 14 : : Crappy Destiny (Previous Chapter no. 23)

2In her view, Rex was indeed a child who was barely around 11, compared to him she was past 100 years old.      3

"Then… Gr.. Granny," Rex said with little hesitation in his tone.     

Although he looked still hesitant but he was in better condition than before.     

Seeing him like that, Wang Cang was relaxed and gave another warm smile to him.     

'Seriously if it wasn't for Calm Mind, I would think that she had cultivated some enchanting techniques. Acting like a child is somewhat tiring but.. Isn't she getting too overfriendly, I mean even if I'm a child she hasn't even asked where I came from moreover the way she looks at me feels kind of weird, it feels like we were living together for years and I am her… Damn,' Rex suddenly came to a realization.     

[You finally understood the meaning behind her description,]     

'As I thought, she is thinking of.. No, she is already considering me her grandson, is it because of that damn.. A+ Luck that I got thrown into such a situation and meet the rare kind human species that are on the verge of extinction in this cultivation world?' He thought.     

[Maybe, I have to remind you that I'm not an oracle who could read luck or fate, I evaluated your Luck after going through all the events in your life and comparing it with others.     

For example, if you have to choose three packed bowls, and one of them has a gold coin inside then what are the chances of you choose in the right one, this is how I calculated your luck, there was also another factor, that was how does the Heavenly Dao Laws synchronize with you, how do they affect your life,]     

Rex wanted to focus on the explanation but the look Wang Cang was giving him continuously distracted him.     

After thinking for a while, Wang Cang finally made up her mind, she organized her words and asked.     

"Boy, what's your name?" She asked in a gentle tone.     

"Rex Andrews," Rex only thought for a second before replying.     

"Huh? That's an uncommon name, it seems similar to the people from the Western Continent, boy- Little Rex are you from Western Continent?" Wang Cang asked in a slightly surprised tone.     

Rex shook his head.     

"I don't remember, I know my name but… When I try to remember other things, I only see blurry images… Then my head hurts," Rex said with a pained expression.     

Seeing that he was having trouble remembering the past, she pushed away from her thoughts of asking too dep questions.     

"It's all right, don't push yourself, I found you alone lying in the Eastern Forest so I thought if someone was searching for you they would get worried," She explained herself.     

'Her temperament is too kind for a Form Synthesis peak stage expert, just how the hell did she survive until now,' Rex inwardly thought.     

"I.. Don't know... This Eastern Forest," Rex said.     

Wang Cang gently rubbed his head and motioned him to sit on the bed then talk.     

"Do you really not remember anything, I mean if someone is searching for you they might be getting really worried and this won't be a good thing," She asked again.     

Suddenly, Rex's eyelids flickered, like he remembered something. He rubbed his forehead and spoke.     

"I… I remembered a few things, I was in an orphanage, then a senior took me saying I had unawakened Special Physique and Bloodline, he turned me into a cultivator but then I overheard him talking to a slave merchant that he was going to sell me… I escaped, they chased me.. Then I fell off the cliff… I don't remember anything after that," Rex said with a painful expression. But his thought was completely different.     

'Now let's see how long she can hold her greed, the charm of Unawakened Special Physique and Bloodline is very high to cultivators, because they can be used to make life-extending and marrow nourishing pills, but once they are awakened they cannot be used in such a way.     

This woman has lost a lot of her blood essence so she urgently needs such a thing to live on, now that I had said that they are awakened, it will trigger her greed. He kind woman façade will fall, show me your true color so that I take care of you without regrets, you damn- Huh?' Rex was thinking of how would she scheme against him but then he realized that he was being hugged into a warm embrace.     

Wang Cang gently hugged him and caressed his hair.     

Rex was stunned, he found it hard to react normally.     

"You poor soul must have suffered a lot, you don't need to worry anymore, as long as I Wang Cang am alive, there is no one who can even think about touching you, if someone still come looking for you I will see it to the end with my own hands," Wang Cang in a gentle tone, trying to encourage him with the best of her abilities.     

Rex didn't utter a word, he felt like something was stuck in his throat, his heart that was trapped in the mirror of darkness started to crack like an autumn leaf.     

'This woman... Is crazy,' He tightly clenched his fist not knowing what to say.     

"Er.. Little Boy, you don't need to cry for such a thing, you should rejoice you are not alone anymore. This old woman to lack a family member so from now on, you can live here with me, this is your- our home... White Moon Sect," She said while gently touching his wet cheeks.     

'Cry? Me? Whom is she kidding? I'm someone who rose above the masses on sheer efforts, there were times in slums when I hadn't eaten for days, that failed to make me shed a tear, my hard work was stolen several times by the superiors that failed to make me shed a tear, crying aside, I never rested when aiming for the top and you tell me I will cry...' Rex screamed inwardly, he touched his cheek and they were indeed wet in tears.     

[Rex calm down your emotions are in chaos, Calm Mind is being affected by the will from Ye Tian personality, it's effect have worsened. It can increase your calmness but if you lost the very mental stability and your mind is in chaos then it would become ineffective,]     

Rex took deep breathes, to first calm himself down and stop the slight trembling of his body.     

'Destiny is a crappy thing, it never let me meet such a person when I needed it the most but now when I was through on walking a path of killing and bend others to my will, it is fukking with me... Hufff Looks like I need to make some changes in the plan.     

Being a kid is not feasible anymore, seeing that she is really that idiotically kind I don't think that there is even a need to deceive her anymore, the best possible way would be to take her help and live in her cover until I'm strong enough then repay the favor,' He thought.     

Rex raised his head towards the ceiling and started laughing, his laughter grew so intense that it made Wang Cang worriedly look at him.     

"Hahaha... Seriously, you make me feel guilty," He muttered to himself while laughing.     

Rex wiped out the tears on his face and looked at Wang Cang who was both confused and surprised by the change in his tone.     

"Old woma- No, Granny are you really not interested in my physique and bloodline, not even a little bit? It can make you younger, it can increase your lifespan and even make you stronger, you sure about it?" Rex asked with a smile, his face was still childing but his eyes and his tone showed the maturity of an adult.     

Wang Cang stared at him blankly, she didn't react for a few minutes before she deeply sighed and looked at him.     

"Mischievous brat, you were thinking that I was after your bloodline or physique all this time, weren't you?" Wang Cang said in a low tone, filled with complex emotions.     

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