Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

Chapter 13 : : Rose (Previous Chapter no. 21)

Chapter 13 : : Rose (Previous Chapter no. 21)

4[Beginner's Gift Package opened]     

[Mind Arts obtained]     

[Steel Sword blueprint obtained]     

[Steel Armour blueprint obtained]     

[Due to you having Mind Arts, you unlocked the ability 'Appraisal']     

'Appraisal..?' Rex's interest was piqued.     


Type: Psychic     

Grade: Ungraded     

Description: An ability that allows you to analyze the target's basic information they whether living or non-living, the ability's efficiency depends on your overall knowledge, INT and WIS.     

Cooldown: None     

Cost: None]     

"What is the Mind Arts? It gave me an Appraisal that easily, why didn't you gave it to me before?" Rex asked in doubt.     

[Mind Arts are just a name, it's the method I use to access multiple parts of your brain at the same time to achieve an unnatural phenomenon that shouldn't be possible for a normal human as neither they are capable to do it nor do their body has what it takes to do it.     

Earlier it was the same for you, but after evolution, your body is refined and has gone through a complete makeover, you can no longer take a normal person as a reference to measure your capabilities.     

Now let's talk about Appraisal. It's a bonus ability you acquired after becoming capable of using Mind Arts, through it, you can infiltrate the database of the target and gain the most basic information about them that isn't deeply hidden. In simple words, you quietly hack into their defenseless brain to get the most basic information like their names and basic description.     

The more you want to see through a person using it, the more mental strength you would use up. Appraisal is a Physic Ability and Physic Ability doesn't have any level so its strength will fully depend on you,]     

'So that's how it is, that aside, your voice is more human-like after the evolution is complete, how should I say it, this voice feels somewhat familiar,' Rex said.     

[It feels familiar because this was one of the AI test voice from the previous database, I thought it would sound more comfortable to you so I changed it,]     

'If it's like that then… Can you change into the R-4 voice I was using in my college days?' Rex asked.     

[Command accepted,]     

[Voice changed]     

[Voice Test: 'You cannot compare Sun with Moon, they both shines when it is their time',]     

A soft yet melodious voice similar to an innocent's little girl rang in his ears, the sweet voice was devoid of any sneering, bad feeling, or sarcasm. The voice was full of purity, it was soothing to hear and an illusory healing effect to it.     

'How nostalgic, I thought of the name for you, I will give you the name of my favorite flower. From now on, you are Rose,' Rex said with a smile.     

[Rose name accepted,]     

Rex nodded in satisfaction, then focused on the blueprints.     

'What is the use of having blueprints, I get it if they were the blueprints of a machine or a building but what good would the blueprint of a steel sword and armour do?' He thought.     

[Blueprint is just for getting a clear image of the structure of the object if you use it with the help of your ability Transmute, you can create multiple objects with fewer efforts.     

Blueprint doesn't look useful when they are used for these primitive design weapons and tools but when we need to make something with a very complex structure, the true value of Blueprints would be shown, I only made these to give you an example,]     

'So that's how it was, now I feel like having a small body is affecting my thinking capabilities. I haven't done handy work like black smiting before so they might prove to be useful, by the way why are they called steel sword and steel armour, can't I use other metal when making them while using the Blueprints,' Rex thought.     

[Every matter has different atomic mass and charge, size…, etc. If we use the same thing we won't get the same results,]     

'To think you made them so details, it's above my expectations. But having to do such work, seriously? I don't like to do this kind of hardship especially when my toughest physical handwork in Computer Science was making hardware that reaches high compatibility with my pre-made software.     

Let's think about this later, for now, tell me what is this place? How did I get here? Is it some old village or slums?' He thought.     

[An old woman picked you up after a few days of evolution completion, Your eyes were closed so I couldn't see her face I was only able to make out her body shape using your Spiritual Sense and Spider-Sense.     

She brought you to this place, after recording the surrounding structure of this place on the way and analyzing it, I concluded that it's a cultivation sect,]     

Rex nodded, he was about to ask more when his Spider-Sense reacted and he felt someone coming towards the hut.     

Rex didn't think more and acted immediately, he sat on the bad then his facial expression took a 180' turn, the seriousness on his face faded, it got replaced nervousness and fear, his big round eyes became the embodiment of innocence. He looked like a child who didn't know a single sin in this cruel world.     

The door opened, a woman with wrinkles on her face walked in.     

"Little Boy you finally woke up, you really know how to make others worry," The woman said with a smile on her face and worry-filled eyes.     

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