Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

2after hearing Rex's words Wang Cang got a little relief     0

after a while Wang Xiu Ying's body cooled down a little     

"are you alright"Wang Cang asked with a worrisome face     

"huh… yes master its amazing you won't believe it i even think that it can even heal someon..."Wang Xiu Ying was just speaking suddenly she felt like lost the strength in her legs..she lost her balance and was about to fall     

Wang Cang saw it so she moved to support her     

but Rex was faster     

'Bloodline Switch'(Rex)     

Rex ran towards her while transforming in his bloodline form     

when Wang Xiu Ying was just about to fall a hand grabbed her waist and pulled her ..when she reacted she was already in Rex's arms     

"you… what are you doing"Wang Xiu Ying said with somewhat blushed face     

'wait Xiu Ying he is a kid…yes a 12 year old its just he looks older you have to remain composed'(Wang Xiu Ying)     

"just holding you… is there something wrong with it"Rex said as he moved his face closed to her     

'this rascal….and just when i am sweating that much ..he will definitely make fun of me later saying that i smell bad tch.'(Wang Xiu Ying)     


[due to certain actions the skill 'Charm' is obtained]     


Type: Auto-Active     

Grade: Uncommon     

Description: this skill temporarily increases user's charm..     

it is more effective on people with opposite gender of the user compared to the same gender as user     

Cool Down: None     

Cost: 30 Qi]     

"Rex don't tease her"Wang Cang but from her tone it didn't looked like she was angry     

"aye.. aye"Rex helped Wang Xiu Ying to stand again but he didn't released his hand he just released her waist and grabbed her hand to support her     

"so how do you feel is there any problem with your body"Rex asked with a serious face     

after hearing his question Wang Xiu Ying came to herself than became somewhat exited     

"no it was perfect although i never had a vitality potion but it was perfect i felt that it can even heal wounds like that recovery potion"(Wang Xiu Ying)     

"what do you mean it felt like it can heal someone...healing is this potion's main ability and recovering body's vitality is just a side property"Rex said with prideful smile     

Wang Cang got shocked after hearing Rex's words     

'a potion that can not only heal but can also recover vitality'(Wang Cang)     

Wang Xiu Ying was also surprised but she realized that she already drank the whole bottle so she became somewhat sad     

"Master sorry….i drank the whole bottle in hurry i did not thought it was effective…little Rex can you please make it again i apologize for my rudeness from before"She said in a low tone     

"hmmmm…. let me think…i will do it on one condition"Rex said as he stared at her whole body from top to bottom than stopped his gaze at her chest     

"What condition"she subconsciously folded her hands in front of her chest and covered her chest     

"i want.."(Rex)     

Wang Xiu Ying tried to step backwards from Rex but she wasn't able to because Rex was tightly holding her hand     

'this bastard he is taking advantage of the situation'(Wang Xiu Ying)     

"i want you not to add little to my name when you call me…i prefer to be called Rex…just Rex"Rex said     

"huh…just that"Wang Xiu Ying asked in surprise     

"were you expecting something"Rex asked with a smirk     

"hmph."Wang Xiu Ying snorted with a red face     

"and granny why don't you tried this one"Rex gave her a Qi replenishing potion     

"what is it"(Wang Cang)     

"just try it and you will find out"(Rex)     

Wang Cang didn't said more she opened the cap and gulped down the all the light blue potion     

the changes in Wang Cang's body were not as flashy as Wang Xiu Ying's body there was no change on the outside but Wang Cang was utterly shocked because she felt that her body was now overflowing with Qi and it was not all she felt that her Qi was becoming more and more pure     

she looked at Rex with an astonished expression     

"you guessed it right it is a Qi replenishing potion but it also purifies one's Qi"(Rex)     

"i see these potions have such good effect its no wonder you were only able to make two from 100 set of herbs…it was definitely worth it to get such high qualitative product with just those low grade herb"Wang Cang complemented Rex     

"wait aren't you misunderstanding something who said i was only able to make 2 potions …..this Rex only believe in 100% success rate" Rex d=said as he waved his hand 98 bottles appeared in the mid air than they slowly landed on ground and got arranged in a square formation     

"there are 49 bottles of HP potion and 49 bottles of Qi replenishing potion and adding the two bottles you guys just drank…a total of 100 bottles..if you want more than just give me the herbs i will make some for you later     

for now drink them and recover your lost Blood and Essence and don't hold back i can mach as much potion as you need…and if i am right these are way more than enough for you guys to recover"(Rex)     

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