Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1170: Into Abyss 1: Hidden Final Floor and...

Chapter 1170: Into Abyss 1: Hidden Final Floor and...

0Standing before him was endless darkness and even for Alex who had experienced countless things coupled with his current strength he couldn't help but gulp wondering if this was the right thing to do however his hesitation lasted for a second before he jumped into the abyss and was soon swallowed by it.       1

Alex felt like he was swimming in a muddy, he was feeling uncomfortable, he got an ominous premonition and when he remembered the sisters warning him that he might experience something unexpected inside the abyss this premonition increased until Alex felt his brain buzzing and his consciousness was forcibly shut down.     

The next thing Alex knew was flying in the air and beside him was Silveria, he couldn't recall what he had been previously doing.     

[Welcome to the Abyss, the hidden and final floor of the Infinity Maze: 1st Trial: Alternate####]      

This sudden notification rang out in Alex's eyes deepening his confusion but he was forced to focus elsewhere when his companion, the silver-haired body suddenly said.     

''Alexander, let's go!''      

Alex nodded and started to act, wanting to follow the girl's lead.     

Something weird happened when the two were about to move.     

Alex was hovering above the ground when his magic power vanished along with his flight ability.     

"What the…"     

Alex tilted over and fell.     

When they recovered from the initial shock, the ground was already only 15 meters away.     

Alex turned around to put himself beneath the silver-haired beauty whose name he remembered to be Silveria, he wanted to cushion the fall.     

However, this was a pointless move.     

There was no hard ground beneath them. They were falling into a lake.     


The two hit the lake before they could use magic power to coat themselves in a protective layer.     

Maybe the water reflected the color of the sky, green ripples echoed outwards.     

Alex popped out of the water's surface while spewing out lake water. He heaved heavily.     

"G-argh, what is with this water? It's so bitter, gosh, it feels more poisonous, so much I'm feeling dizzy.''     

Alex coughed when his face tensed up.     

"Where's Silveria?!"     

He didn't see her anywhere near him. He started panicking.     

"Don't tell me she can't swim…"     

He felt like that might be it so he quickly dived into the water.     

The clear jade waters gave him incredible visibility underwater. Who would have thought the beautiful water here tasted worse than water used to wash feet?     

He held his breath, trying his best not to drink the bitter water, his heterochromia eyes darted around to locate Silveria's figure.     

The lake was very huge. Although there are no fishes or aquatic monsters, Alex couldn't locate Silveria despite scanning almost half the lake. His anxiety grew.     

Silveria is a Saint realm mage.     

If a powerful mage like her drowned then it's going to cause a great uproar.     

When Alex was about to evaporate the lake in frustration, he spotted someone nearby.     

Her silver hair fluttered gently in the water. She slowly sank toward the bottom of the lake. Who else but Silveria and her signature silver hair?     

Glad to have finally seen her, Alex quickly swam towards her.     


The sky was green, the ground was dark emerald-green, and even the air had a slight green tinge.     

With no sounds and no clouds in the sky, the place looked desolate especially when there are no lifeforms nearby. The only signs of life in this area would be the bubbling green lake.     

The ripples turned more violent by the second before someone burst out heaving from the center. He must have held his breath for a long time.     

Alex pulled Silveria out of the water. He waddled over to the lakeshore.     

"Silveria! Silveria!"     

He laid down her on the ground gently as he could but his next gesture broke that gentle atmosphere he previously created, he hurriedly slapped Silveria's cheeks after seeing that she was drenched with barely any breathing at all.     

"Hey! Don't scare me like this, I don't believe a powerful Saint can die from drowning, don't you pull this one on me!"     

Alex forcibly laughed as he suppressed the creeping anxiety within him.     

He placed his fingers near her nose. After confirming she was still breathing, Alex sighed in relief. He hesitated when he saw her enchanting face. Sighing, he decided it was time to take action.     

"Screw it, not like it's the first time we kissed anyway."     

Alex lifted her chin as he got into position, he gulped when he took another look at her mesmerizing lips.     

"You kissed me on your own accord last time, this is payback, alright?"     

Alex said as if he was consoling himself.     

"Moreover, we are engaged so a smooch or two should be fine…"     

He inhaled before placing his lips on Silveria's lips.     

He felt a cool and soft sensation hitting him. He subconsciously licked her ruby-red lips. Noticing that now was not the time to do this, he exhaled into her oral cavity.     

After a few more tries, Silveria finally reacted. Alex felt immense joy when she bounced up and coughed. She coughed out the lake water choking her.     

Alex hugged Silveria. He patted her on the back.     

"There, there, you alright?" He asked but instead of answering him.     

Cough! Cough! Cough!     

Silveria coughed again. Her face was pale when she was done. She looked feeble, not a look the lofty Ice Empress should be seen wearing.     

She looked around in a daze. Finally, she noticed Alex's wet clothes and the frigid robes coating her. It didn't take long for her to pin together what had just happened. She languidly shook her head.     

"I am fine.'' She declared with a detached expression.     

"You don't look fine to me, tough."     

Alex bitterly laughed, she was pale as a ghost. He helped her wipe away the water dripping down the side of her head.     

"If you're not fine then you should say it. We don't want something to happen later down the road…"     

Alex's warm treatment and gentle rubbing made Silveria a bit awkward, she shook her head again.     

"I am fine, I just feel cold…"     


Alex gasped because of the unexpected he had just heard, he had by now forgotten the weird feeling he got before they fall into the lake almost as if he had adapted to his current situation.     

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