Death Guns In Another World

[Bonus Chapter 1166: Lilith Vs Althea

[Bonus Chapter 1166: Lilith Vs Althea

4The power of purification!     4

That's one of the two abilities possessed by this shadow, the Divine Angel.     

She's not built to harm others. Her attributes are all healing and purification, against curse attributes and dark elements, her powers are the best counters!     

Since the dark mist and black lights could turn normal creatures into grotesque monsters that attacked anything in sight, it's fair to say the black lights are not in the healing and pure category. In this case, using her new shadow purification power was the best choice.      

Lilith decided to use this method after recalling what Pandora said in her report, fortunately, she obtained a new skill in her shadow's ability tree after stepping into the False God realm again. Thinking about the many things she could accomplish with this ability she didn't possess previously, Lilith couldn't help but smile and for once thought that maybe reincarnating was not bad, her status changed from that of a normal royal family member to that of pure blood royalty, this gives her many opportunities.     

When the divine angel showed up, she cleared the whole mess up in less than a minute.     

She hovered within her veil of divine vapor. She looked around to confirm there are no more dark lights in the area before she disappeared.     

Lilith looked around in search of something but found nothing, after her summon acted, everything seemed to have mysteriously vanished, and no matter how much she swept her divine sense around she was unable to find anything.     

''It is weird, I can't sense that thing anymore almost as if it got scared away,'' Althea said after stopping scanning her surrounding.     

''What to do sister?" She asked Lilith who had been silent for a while.     

''Let's go back.'' Lilith simply declared after a moment of consideration.      

''Okay, we will send a request to the empire and the Adventurer guild to seal this forest,'' Althea suggested what Lilith was thinking, and the latter nodded.     

''Little sis let's fight once we get back.'' Althea suddenly suggested forcing Lilith to halt in her steps but it only lasted a moment.     

''I understand.''      

She disappeared but before she was gone, she had a smile on her face.     


Gracier and the other's location. Inside a relatively small forest at the outcast of the imperial city.     

The forest was small, murky, and young. Its canopy was dominated by maple, beech, and rhododendron, and sparkling light dancing between the branches allowed for a mosaic of saplings to claim the soft, rich soils below.     

Curling branches hung from many a tree, and a range of flowers, which grew in abundance, enriched the otherwise monotone forest floor.     

A hodgepodge of sounds, belonging mostly to birds and vermin, resonated through the air and were backed by the splashing of fish in a nearby lake.     

Althea and Lilith were facing each other, ready to fight.     

"Are you done with the preparations?"     

Artemia waved her hand.     

"Alright, begin. Remember, don't go overboard…"     


The two angels got into their positions. They flew into the air by slapping their wings. They stared at each other.     

"Lightning Missiles…"      

With the snap of fingers, many lightning missiles were created.     

Althea's pupils shrunk. She hastily created a shield to attempt a block.     

A flurry of dark purple lightning missiles filled the sky as it threatened to outnumber the stars in the sky. The missiles drew beautiful trajectories in the air before landing on Althea's lithe figure.     

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!     

Althea's figure got covered in the ensuing explosions. Deafening explosions overtook everything as black plumes of dust rose into the air.     

On the ground, everyone could see the stunning firepower exhibit performed by Lilith.     

"I know this isn't the first time I've seen this but…"     

Saeko rubbed the back of her head while sighing.     

"I just can't help but marvel at the empress' attack range…"     

"She is not to be underestimated."     

Artemia said while appraising the dust storm in the sky.     

"Keep watching, there's more to come…"     

The ladies nodded. They looked up because they were sure this duel was far from over.     

Althea's barrier survived the onslaught of missiles.     

Her protective shield covered her!     

A flash of seriousness ran through Althea's gallant face. She looked up from the shield and her wings unfurled into several times her normal wingspan.      

She disappeared in a flash.     

She appeared in front of Lilith in an instant.     

She swung her sword down at Lilith.     


A blue barrier emerged this time. It is a spherical barrier this time.     

Althea hesitated for a moment when she saw the barrier.     

She respected and feared Lilith, she has good reasons to do so.     

She blocked because she knew the ferocity of her bombardment. She also tried to use speed to circumvent Lilith's barrier. She knew her cards.     

She's a close-quarters expert.     

She must go through with this attack.     


Her sword made an impact with the translucent barrier. The collision sent shockwaves through the air.     

The shockwave expanded outwards rapidly.     


Two attacks clashed against one another, the sonic shockwave felt like it could burst someone's eardrums.     

The source of the sonic boom was covered by a storm of shockwaves.     


Before the other girls could recover, another dull thud came and this time they saw something new.     

Lilith's' shield got destroyed by Althea's sword imbued with mana, her sword was covered in purple lightning.     


Althea wasn't too happy with this. She brushed past the shield's fragments and went straight for Lilith's glabella.     

When she starts fighting, she's kind to take the battle seriously.     

It's also proof that Althea believed in her abilities.     

She knew her attack won't be able to touch Lilith.     

Indeed, she's right.     

Lilith was calm in front of Althea who attacked with all her might.     

However, just as her attack was about to connect Lilith vanished and reappeared a hundred meters away, she immediately launched another wave of lightning missiles.     

Althea's expression changed when she saw the incoming missiles. She created another shield to block.     

Boom! Boom! Boom!     


Althea endured the missile salvo while moving forward.     

Boom! Boom!!      

She flapped her wings and she pierced through the missile storm in a brilliant blur of white light. She charged straight at Lilith.     

However, Lilith is holding a black bow.     

That bow had a flaming black arrow nocked and ready to fire. She aimed the arrow at Althea.     

Lilith was using her gift 3rd form, the bow and this ability was called Apollon.     

Althea's pupils shrank in response.     

Lilith blinked once before letting go.     


The flaming arrow turned into a giant purplish ball of a meteor that flew across the sky.     


Althea shouted before her sword turned gigantic and she met the arrow with her enlarged sword. The two sharp objects collided in the sky.     


The collision created a giant rumble in the sky.     


The Gracier and Saeko went pale as they covered their ears.     

"Those two girls…"     

Artemia and Kuina's mother exchanged a look. They couldn't help but laugh as they erected barriers at the same time. The barriers mitigated the shockwave that could kill normal people.     

In the sky, deafening explosions continued to pepper the sky with the pink missiles dotting the bright sky.     

At the center where hellish flames covered everything, a figure wrapped in light shot out. It was Althea.     

Not even Lilith's' Apollon could stop Althea's enlarged sword and win.     

However, Althea didn't emerge unscathed. She's smoking all over. No injuries could be seen but she was heaving heavily. Her hands were shaking, it seems the Apollon did a number on her stamina and consumed a lot of her mana.     

Because Lilith suppressed her strength, they're fighting on equal ground. The two looked at each other and decided that they are going to unleash their strongest attacks.     



The opposing forces collided as they charged up their attacks. One fallen angel was firing up her lightning circle while another prepared for a mighty sword strike. It looked like the two fallen angels were trying to vie for control over the world's energy. It was a surreal scene painted with beauty and awe.     

The opposing energies created sparks in the air.     


It sounded like something melted away. The sparks merged with the swirling energies. Like an iceberg falling into a hot volcano, the sparks became wisps of smoke that joined the swirling energies.     

Buzz! Buzz!     

At the center of this vortex of energy, flames, and lightning got jumbled into something scary. Artemia and Kuina's mother started taking things seriously.     

They exchanged a look before nodding, Gracier and Saeko hastily deployed their shield to protect themselves.     

Next, the earth and the sky stood still.     

Lilith and Althea lifted their heads at the same time.     

The lightning circle with Lilith vibrated. Immediately afterward, a gigantic pillar of laser made of flame and lightning shot out, devastating anything in its path. The space trembled from her sheer power output. She directed the blast at Althea.     

Althea on the other side greeted the attack with her sword that expanded many times more, she swiped at the laser pillar.     

With that, a pillar of laser and an enlarged sword of lightning crashed into one another.     


The grand explosion reminded one of a giant meteor crashing down from the sky. A giant shockwave swept everything up.     

Mountains crumbled, trees fell, and the forest got erased, it was a scene reminiscent of the Apocalypse.     

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