Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1160: The Snow and the Promise of that Year 2

Chapter 1160: The Snow and the Promise of that Year 2

1Finally tired, Luna sat down in the snow. She looked at the snow falling from the sky and asked lightly, "Alexander, what will we become in ten years..? Are we still going to be as carefree as we are now? Will we still be together?''     0

Alex placed both of his hands behind his head and laid down beside Luna. The snow was very soft. He too looked at the snow falling from the sky while listening to her words.     

''Are you still angry?" She turned her head and looked at Alex with a smile as her beautiful eyes flashed brilliantly.     

"Don't be mad.'' Luna softly murmured and waited for Alex's answer, afraid that he was unhappy with her decision to not hand over one of her white earrings.     

''I'm not mad." Alex let out a harrumph, but when he saw Luna looking at him, a smile appeared on his face.     

"Let's see in ten years later, we'll still be as carefree as we are now… And by that time, I'll be richer than my parents, I'll become a billionaire!" There was an expectant look in Alex's eyes, a certain amount of confidence was oozing from him as he said those words.     

"You know that I love fiddling with things, I have learned how to code recently, and while I'm still only at the beginning level, I'm having fun and the first for any genius before achieving greatness it's to have fun while doing what you are doing, so I firmly believe that in a few years, I'll achieve greatness and become rich.'' Alex laughed.     

As she listened to Alex's words, a look of anticipation appeared in the young Luna's eyes. There was a happy smile on her face, and she continued talking with Alex on a snowy night as if they would never finish talking to each other.     

Good times were always over too quickly. Although time, in reality, was passing by slowly, and there was still some time before daylight, all moments had to end eventually. Luna had to return to her house. Both of them went back to the house.     

"I'll send you back." Alex squatted down and gestured for Luna to get on his back.     

There was a happy smile on Luna's face. She laid on his back once again obediently and felt Alex's heartbeat. The constant rhythm of it made her cheeks redden.     

"It's so stupid…" She whispered in a soft voice, lying on Alex's back while he ran.     

Alex continued running through the snowstorm with Luna on his back. Alex stopped right outside of her house, and Luna climbed down from his back with a hint of reluctance.     

She looked at Alex, at the boy before her eyes. His face seemed to have matured under the snow, almost seems as if he had turned unfamiliar, but she would never forget his eyes.     

Unaware of this Alex also looked at Luna. They gazed into each other's eyes as they stood on the snowy street.     

"Come now, don't be angry anymore." Luna raised her hand, and just like the last time they parted, she arranged Alex's clothes and patted away some of the snow off his person. There was a gentle smile on her face.     

"Those white earrings of yours are really pretty." Alex laughed.     

When she saw Alex behaving that way, Luna laughed, too. As she continued laughing, she looked deeply at him. The bashful look became even more distinct on her delicate face, and she lowered her head gently.     

''I'll give you one but in the future.''     

Luna said after gathering all her courage. Her voice was weak, but Alex still heard every word she said. Happiness appeared in his eyes, and he gave a huge nod without moving his eyes away from Luna.     

"That's a promise…" She smiled shyly, gazing into Alex's eyes.     

"That's a promise,'' Alex mumbled in a daze.     

The snow was still falling from the sky as if it was serving as a witness for the two people standing there.      

"I'll wait for you in the future to marry me day… I'll give you my most precious thing that day along with these white earrings," Luna whispered, touching the white earring, and her ears also turned red.     

"I'll keep my promise.!" Alex smiled happily. Incredibly happily.     

Luna bit her lip. The bashful look was still on her face when she turned around and walked back towards their house. When she pushed open the door to the courtyard and walked in, she turned back and looked at him for a moment before disappearing into her house.     

Alex stood where he was with happiness filling his entire heart. He also grew expectant towards the promise he made to her about the future.     

"Marriage, huh!…" Alex smiled with happiness. He turned around and ran into the snowstorm, back towards where his house was located.     

The snowflakes also seemed to know about Alex's joy and danced around him. The snow from the ground was also lifted by the wind and seemed to have become a part of the space between the sky and the earth.     

He ran quickly. The bliss he felt in his heart had turned into a warmth that surrounded his whole body. It made him forget all his troubles and worries.     

The moment he got back, Alex reverted to his original look. He looked at his house located not too far into the distance of the snowy night and took a deep breath. He walked towards the lodgings cheerfully.     

It was quiet inside. It may have been night, but due to the snow falling from the sky, the night was glowing with a silvery night coupled with the neon lights, hence it was not completely dark.     

Meanwhile, Luna immediately went to her room after successfully sneaking in and that night she couldn't sleep soon as she kept rolling on the bed with her face all red like tomatoes, she couldn't believe that she would be so daring to utter those words. To make that kind of promise, she didn't regret making them because after all it was her deepest desire and she would achieve it one day w no matter how long it would take, she firmly believed that.     


Back to the real world, Luna woke up and smiled, caressing a certain white earring she recreated in this world she mumbled.     

''Soon, I'll achieve my childhood dream to marry you, Alexander.''     

The snow and the promise of that year she would achieve it, she was one step closer after all. She loved him and waited for him for two lifetimes, after all, she deserves it.     

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