Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 981: Incursio Vs Lilith 2

Chapter 981: Incursio Vs Lilith 2

2Lilith ignored the pain as the impact sent her flying. She put her feet on the ground forcefully and stopped herself from dragging back any further.     

"This is so much fun!" She grinned as blood trickled down her lips.     

''It's the time for a payback.'' Lilith declared; a sword appeared in that hand, then she lifted her bloody hand towards the sky before abruptly bringing it down.      

It seemed as if the sky would be split apart.     


''You are exaggerating such a worthless attack?"     

Incursio icily asked.     

Her voice was so cold that Lilith felt a chill crawling up her spine, and her face turned ashen. In this instant, she understood that maybe she had underestimated her predecessor a bit too much. Still, this doesn't mean she would lose; she just has to alter her original plan.      

While standing, Lilith wiped away the blood around the corner of her mouth and continued with her provocation.      

''For a virgin, you hit hard.''      

She had expected some kind of reaction from Incursio, but the latter didn't show any reaction; she didn't even attack; she just stood there looking down at Lilith like how an adult would look down on a child trying to act like an adult.      

Lilith frowned before checking her status.      

[Lilith Ex]      

Rank 15 [Demigod]     

Level 144     

Class: Magic swordmaster     

Age: 12     


Race: Homonculus      

Experience Value (XP): ???/ 500700     

MP: 5000/6000     

Magic: Wind/Space/Fire/Lightning/Darkness      

ATK: 2500     

DEF: 2000     

AGI: 2200     

INT: 1620     

LUK: 1270     

BP: 40     

SP: 0     

Gift: White Lady     

Skills: [Sword Art Level 10 Max] [Wind Arrow Level 10] [Wind Waltz Level 4] [Mana Recovery Level 10] [High Regeneration Level 10] [Fire Ar Level 10] [Lightning Art Level 4] [Darkness Art Level 1] [Dark Golden wave]      

Special abilities: [Reality Render] [Sword Severance] [Dark World] [Purgatory] [     

Titles:[Slaughter] [Copycat] [Emotionless] [Homonculus]     

Because she was forced to use her mana on her defensive skill, one thousand mana points were spent, and Lilith was sure she would have suffered more damage.     

'I will make you pay.' Lilith vowed and attacked right after that.     

Swirls of blue flames emerged from her and spun, turning into a cyclone with her as the nucleus.     

She pointed at Incursio, and a column of flame burst from the cyclone, shooting at Incursio like a savage beast.     

Incursio chuckled; facing this overwhelming attack that turned the temperature hot, she simply placed her hand in front, and a sucking force surged from her palm.     


The column of flame rushed into her palm and disappeared without landing a scratch on her.     

But Lilith smirked.     

Because of the milliseconds Incursio spent nullifying the attack, she summoned a sword and appeared behind and slashed out.      

''Reality Render!"      

It was as if the world had turned monochrome, and Lilith's sword bisected this world as if though trying to deny it.      

Everything happened so that Lilith, believed to be the sole owner of this dreadful ability, was already seeing Incursio injured. It was not that she was looking down on Incursio; it was simply because she had absolute confidence in this ability; it didn't matter if Incursio could control time; others might say, what if she stopped time? The answer was simple; it doesn't matter, as she said, because Reality Render was an ability capable of cutting almost everything, space and time included; therefore, Lilith's confidence wasn't unfounded, at least from her point of view.      

Like always, the reality was different from what most people would expect.      

''Not bad for a hatchling, but you will have to do more than that if you wish to leave a scratch on him.''     

Incursio declared while perfectly blocking an attack that should have been unstoppable.     


After putting a distance between her and Incursio, Lilith exclaimed, seeking an answer.     


She couldn't comprehend it, no matter how much she thought about it. After her failure against Lord Thanos using this ability, she believed that it was because he was a special existence; no one else could achieve the same thing, so Incursio being able to block her ability with such ease confused her, and she thirsted for an answer.     

However, instead of answering her question, Incursio said while folding her arms.     

''I believe Thanos must have warned you not to act recklessly.''     

''What? How dare you to call Lord Thanos without an honorific. Die!''      

Lilith was enraged that Incursio was showing disrespect to her creator. She combined Fire, Wind, and Lightning to create a deadly combo.      

A purple flame was created and shot at Incursio, the latter waved her hand, and golden energy erupted in front of her, turning into a shield.     


Sparks sputtered out as the arc blasted into it, causing a terrifying shockwave to emerge from the impact. Everything in the vicinity was crushed.      

A sense of pride swelled inside her; she would defeat the former number two and earn her place, she was a Numbers, but at the same time not, she was a unique existence created with the prospect of replacing Incursio if she were ever to betray the organization and the reason why she looked like Alice was simply that the latter was created using her cells. Normally, she would have assisted her by becoming her twin, but Alex screwed things and ended up stealing her.      

Now that she was activated, Lilith ought to show the world that she was better than Incursio and the easiest way to fight her. She came here while disregarding the order not to make contact with Incursio yet.      


Waves of flame spread from her, burning away everything in their path. Even the fabric of space began to melt and distort, causing the dimension of the basement to tremble violently.      

Just as she was about to unleash the hellfire on Incursio, the former made a slashing motion; Lilith immediately canceled her skill and dodged to the side, she had barely done that, and a sword beam passed the area she was previously at; the ground was cleanly cut.      

Lilith's body trembled at what would have happened to her if she hadn't dodged in time; maybe now, she would have been split into two.     



Dark gray energy burst out of Lilith's body, and she switched into the Purgatory Form. Her stats were temporarily doubled.     

[Lilith Ex]      

Rank 15 [Demigod]     

Level 144     

Class: Magic swordmaster     

Age: 12     


Race: Homonculus      

Experience Value (XP): ???/ 500700     

MP: 2000/6000     

Magic: Wind/Space/Fire/Lightning/Darkness      

ATK: 2500 [5000]     

DEF: 2000 [4000]     

AGI: 2200 [4400]     

INT: 1620 [3240]     

LUK: 1270     

BP: 40     

SP: 0     

Gift: White Lady     

Skills: [Sword Art Level 10 Max] [Wind Arrow Level 10] [Wind Waltz Level 4] [Mana Recovery Level 10] [High Regeneration Level 10] [Fire Ar Level 10] [Lightning Art Level 4] [Darkness Art Level 1] [Dark Golden wave]      

Special abilities: [Reality Render] [Sword Severance] [Dark World] [Purgatory] [     

Titles:[Slaughter] [Copycat] [Emotionless] [Homonculus]     


Lilith shot a special fireball at Lilith after her transformation. A volcanic amount of heat blasted at her Incursio at terrific speed.     

However, all she did was lift her hand and wave it, causing the heat to deflect to the side and crash into the ground.      


The ground exploded into tiny pieces while debris flew everywhere.      

Lilith disappeared using the explosion to attack Incursio. she appeared behind him, her fire hand reaching for his neck, ready to reduce it to a pulp.     

But when her hand grabbed the neck, there was nothing but thin air. He has disappeared like lightning in the night sky.     


Lilith quickly swirled around, feeling she would appear behind her and attack her as she did.     

Instead of appearing behind her as it usually happens in situations like this, Incursio appeared on her left shocking Lilith. Still, she decided to respond by shooting back and simultaneously attacking her. But before she could act on her thoughts, an elbow viciously slammed into her ribs.     

The flames around her body scattered, and a force ripple visible to the naked eye swept into her.     


A cry escaped her mouth, sending her to the ground. She crashed like a burning meteorite, pulverizing the surrounding.     

But she didn't stay there for even a moment. Just as she crashed, she shot back at Incursio, leaving behind a blinding streak of fire.     

''It's getting boring,'' Incursio said and released her power.      

''Lightning!" She called out and,     


Brilliant arcs of lightning spread from Incursio's body as if announcing a lightning deluge.     


Two extremely destructive forces – lightning and fire – crashed into each other, causing a frightening detonation. Shockwaves swept out like an army of starving bulls, obliterating everything in their path.     

As this happened, Lilith swung her sword so fast that it created countless afterimages and was powered by heat that could scorch the sky and consume the earth; they reached Incursio, trying to incinerate her; unfortunately, her speed was no match for Incursio's, and all her attacks passed through her afterimages.     

But she wasn't concerned. Her powers had increased dramatically by then, and she roared at her like a ferocious tiger.     

''Don't recklessly charge and make you choose your opponent better next time.'' Incursio declared before her sword pierced through Lilith's stomach.      

''Puff!" She vomited blood, and her eyes widened in terror.      

At the same time.     


''Finally, I was tired of waiting.'' Incursio declared while blocking a sword that came from her blind spot.     

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