Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 941: The Good Samaritan

Chapter 941: The Good Samaritan

3The city of Rosemary was located near the Foxia empire's border and this city is truly a modest marvel. Its elegance is matched by the backdrop of snowy mountains which have helped shape the city to what it is today.     

The trade resources these mountains brought were of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings were designed with shapes and elements found in the mountains.     

The skyline was spreading with similar skyscrapers and a lot of them seem to have evolved throughout the ages. The quality of life is high in Rosemary and it has attracted a lot of attention. New cultures have left their mark not just on education, but also upon the city's identity. What historically was a city of no variation has grown into a large melting pot and it's this that unites the 12 million people to this day.     

It's this multicultural identity that has truly left its mark. Hundreds of diners, theme restaurants and clubs offer a plethora of culinary choices and those who feel hungry for something else can enjoy art galleries, adventure sports, nature or one of the many other recreational venues.     

Alex and Saeko stopped by and ate, they went on a short sightseeing before departing, they could have taken a teleportation gate in Rosemary but in order to spend more time together before joining with the others, they decided to take it slow.      

Alex drove the magic carriage with Saeko sleeping soundlessly inside. He was humming happily when suddenly, he slowed down while mumbling with a smile.     

''I guess it couldn't be helped. Breaking few skulls will help me relax for a bit.''      

He continued to slowly drive the carriage until he arrived before the thugs blocking the road.      

''Stop right there. Leave everything behind and scram.'' One of the thugs shouted aiming his sword at Alex, his expression was fierce and his face riddled with scars. He was not that weak, a level 80 Swordsman. The other four were around the same level, Level 70.      

''And what if I don't obediently follow your order?" Alex asked while descending from the driver seat.      

For some unknown reason the fearless look on this young man face told him not to act rashly but if he were to cower here, especially before his subordinates he would lose all face and would be practically asking for demotion, no even worse he might lose his head, so he must not cower and act like a bandit should.      

''Then you die on top of loosing everything.'' The leader of this squad of bandit replied.      

''It's that so?" Alex said and he was already before the man.      


The leader was scared beyond words and he hadn't seen Alex coming.      

Bang! Bang!!!      

Fast than what the eyes could follow Alex punched and four bandits were now lying on the ground seriously injured, their leader included.      

''Please spare me great lord.'' The last bandit pleaded without caring for his image, he was so scared that he was trembling like he had a seizure.      


''Giahhhh!" That bandit cried when one of his arms got broken.      

Alex tossed the man aside after applying something on his neck.      

''Go call your boss here. Tell me come get his man and that he must come with all his valuable.'' Alex declared before sitting on top of the other four bodies, he piled them together.      

Although they were suffering a pain worse than death they were not deaf and they heard every single word uttered by Alex and they got one thought in mind, this man is a lunatic and he would die soon.      

The bandit who had his arm broken nodded fearfully before running toward their base.      

''Y-you'll die as soon as our leader arrive. He is powerful Level 101 great swordmaster.'' One of the bandits declared.      

Seeing Alex acting as if he was superior to them made him furious and he said those words. He was hoping for some reaction but all he got was a complete silence.      

Saeko came out but didn't ask anything, she took out a foldable chair from the carriage and sat on it. She was ready to enjoy the good show that was about to start.      

Shortly after, a group of twenty seven arrived and surrounded them.      

''So you're the punk that made me the Great Khan walk to you?" The leader of the bandits shouted sternly.      

''Did you bring all your valuable as I've requested?" Alex folded his arms and asked instead of answering.     

"Humph, it has always been me who asks others for money. No one has ever dared to ask me for money you're the first and will be the last on!" Khan roared.      

When he heard his subordinate return few minutes ago and told him Alex's demand, naturally, he was furious.     

If you opened your mouth to ask me to bring all my valuable here, why don't you just rob for it?     

Furthermore, in his opinion, even if this boy's strength was extraordinary, he was at most at Level 100. To someone like him who had a lot of experience under his belt coupled with his Level 102, he would definitely be victorious.     

'The lass dare to mess with the Mountain bandits, I'll teach him a lesson but this black haired chick will be mine, nobody will touch him. I'll try to keep her longer.' Khan thought while licking his mouth.      

Alex waited for a while but when he was not getting any other answer he declared.      

"So you didn't bring it. In that case, you can die!"     

Then he clenched his fists, stomped his feet, and instantly sped off.     

He was so quick that no one could catch a glimpse of his figure.     

When Khan snapped out of his daze, he felt as if a meteor had struck his chest.     

The powerful blow made him feel as if his soul had been punched out.     

He even saw his corpse fly into the air.     

Then, nothing.     

At the same time, the others who happened to witness their boss being punched to the sky by Alex had their entire body was drenched in a cold sweat. This guy is a monster. They boss got doing with just one punch. They all had one thought in mind that was to run away.      

However, how could they achieve this goal with Alex as opponent? It was unachievable because he had already moved.      

Bang! Bang! Bang!     

One bandit after another was blasted into the sky by Alex like cannonballs.     

In the end, they turned into black dots that disappeared into the horizon.      

Alex was ruthless, he even kicked who previously served as chair for him. The way punched and kicked the bandits was comical as the flying black dots strangely formed a parabola.     

They happened to fly out of the range of small mountain near Alex's location and accurately landed at the mouth of a village, located a few kilometers away.     

At that moment, the villagers were busy in the fields. They saw figures falling from the sky and falling by the side of the village.     

The villagers rushed to the village entrance in shock. When they took a closer look at the corpses' clothes, they were overjoyed.     

"It's, it's those bandits from the other side of the mountain, the Mountain Bandits!"     

"Those mountain bandits have finally been killed!"     

"Thank you, God, for eliminating the bandits for us!"     

"My son's spirit in heaven can now rest in peace!"     

The villagers knelt on the ground excitedly and kowtowed to the air.     

They had all been persecuted by the those bandits. Other than robbery, some had family members who died in the hands of these mountain bandits, some had daughters abducted by the bandits, and there was no news of them at all. They village economy plummeted because of the bandits attacking any carriage that leave the village, merchants would skip this village and take the sea route because of them.     

Today, they witnessed that the mountain bandits were beaten to death mercilessly.     

They could finally vent the hatred in their hearts. They were truly happy, whoever did this must be a good person sent by the Gods to assist them. This person must be a Samaritan. After making sure that to take anything valuable from the bandits bodies, they buried the bodies together, they could do this at much. It was a pity that they didn't find anything spacial ring, still they harvested quite a lot of clothes, this could be used to increase the village economy.      

Meanwhile, in Alex's location, he was smiling while declaring.      

''I'm a such a good Samaritan. Don't you think too?" He turned into Saeko's direction as she asked that question.      

Upon hearing that question, Saeko couldn't help but feel a little amused as the corners of her mouth perked up.     

''You would have been a good Samaritan if you hadn't stole all their space as you were sending them to meet their maker but I guess Samaritan need to eat, so it's understandable.'' Saeko responded with a touch of sarcasm.      

Looking at this, Alex twitched the corner of his eye. He had no word to offer.      

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