Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 855: Crushed

Chapter 855: Crushed

4After their short exchange, the rabbit woman frowned because she felt like the prince hadn't given his all; no, he was not even trying; this left the woman quite frustrated. While rabbit beastmen were considering one of the weakest among the beastmen, she was rather proud of her exceptional physics as she was an oddity, a mutated rabbit woman; her physics was the second strongest among all the gladiators as such, she expected the prince to suffer a little in their clash even if he was from the mighty Lionheart family.     

'This would be exciting. Maybe I can use this fight to evolve.' the rabbit woman thought.     

"Not bad! Your highness. Then, should we accelerate a little!"     

A mad grin suddenly formed on her face as she rushed again at him in an incredible burst of speed. She used her racial trait; the rabbit clan is known for its instantaneous speed.      


Leon rolled to the ground to dodge the insane kick aimed at him. Right as he thought he dodged, she appeared with a tornado kick. He calmly avoided some of them while retaliating with a hook; however, she disappeared, and another gladiator lurked in her shadow, the one with a hammer attack.      

Everything happened too fast; the synchronization between them was to the extent that even Leon, who had expected something like this, was still caught off guard; their timing was faster he could only defend.      

Leon immediately crossed his arms in front of him when the sun was blocked by a black shadow above him, swinging his hammer without hesitation.      


The shock this time made the ground tremble as a deep crater formed from the aftershock. Dust filled the air making it hard for them to see what was happening inside; however, they felt danger.     


The dust was swept aside as someone rushed towards the rabbit woman. The moment he was about to hit her, the shield warrior put himself between the two and took the hit.      


He could only widen his eyes when his prized shield showed signs of breaking from just one hit. Focusing on the source of this attack, he was even more surprised when he saw that aside from a little bit of dust, the prince wasn't harmed in the slightest. He understood that they still underestimated how strong the crown prince was; he was, without doubt, a monster, and only the king of gladiators maybe could handle him.     

Meanwhile, the rabbit woman disappeared, holding a dagger; she was like an assassin. The other three moved at the same time. It seemed like the warming up had ended, and now it was time to get serious.      

Leon chuckled before declaring.      

''First one!"      



He immediately swung his fist on the right so fast it left after images. While it seemed at first that it hit nothing, slowly, a woman appeared before kneeling, her breath haggard and her eyes unfocused.      


The rabbit woman didn't even see him coming; the only thing she felt was gut-wrenching pain that almost robbed her of her consciousness.      

''I'm a lightning user, did you forget?" Leon said with a grin. The rabbit woman felt a shiver run down her spine, making her body violently spasm. They forget about his original attribute because he was fighting them only using his physics.      

The girl couldn't speak as she slowly slumped. Her eyes closed. They stood no chance from the beginning.     

"Hehehehe, now we are only between gentlemen. The next one will be–You!"      


He was not having taken enough distance after their previous clash. He could do nothing besides putting his shield in front of him to block the attack.      

Boom!! *Crack*     

This time, the hit was so heavy that he felt as if his arms were going to break. Then, just as he was about to be finished. The leopard man appeared and swung his hammer. For him, the prince would dodge, and he would use this opportunity to rescue his teammate; however, to his horror, it was not what happened; the prince even said something that shocked him.     

''I wonder how strong your hammer is.''      


Before the leopard man could understand what he meant, Leon's punch arrived and clashed against his hammer before something astonishing happened.      


The hammer began showing signs of a crack.      

Simultaneously, Leon swung his fist down one last time and completely blasted the shield before punching the shield warrior heavily on the face.      

His last vision was a big smile full of battle lust.     

The frozen leopard man received a kick and was sent flying to the other side of the ring, vomiting blood before losing consciousness.      

The only man was standing, the strongest of the group, but currently, he looked nothing like that; he couldn't understand what had happened in one minute.      

Before the man knew it, he was hit in the face by his friend's half-broken hammer.      


The shock was so great that he felt like his brain was dancing in his skull. All his senses were disturbed, and even thinking was a luxury.      

Leon gave him the finishing blow by kicking him out of the ring.      

Now the only one still standing on the ring, Sol simply raised his fist as a sign of victory.      

"Well, it seems like I won."     


The stunned silence of the crowd before the chorus of cheers was music to his ears.      

Everything simply ended too fast. The first moment of the fight seemed as if the prince was somewhat struggling and had bitten more than he could chew, but suddenly, in a few seconds, the balance was completely broken as the four gladiators were brought down one after another. They were crushed, and the crowd understood that the prince was playing with them, he could have won from the start, but for some reason, he didn't do that; maybe he was evaluating them, or maybe it was something else; nonetheless, it was an overwhelming victory. He crushed them like he was a crushed bug.      

Alex and the others sighed; they knew their friend was playing because he had been grinning since the beginning of the fight. Now that he had crushed the four gladiators, it was time for the grand finale.      

''I hope it will be exciting,'' Sakuya said.     

''Don't worry, it will be fun,'' Alex confirmed. He already knew what would happen soon, seeing Leon suddenly become nervous.     

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