Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 853: The Coliseum and...

Chapter 853: The Coliseum and...

2Four hours later, Sera was the first one to wake up, and seeing Alex sitting there with a wide grin on his face staring at her for an unknown reason, she blushed, feeling embarrassed.      1

Alex was amused, considering how daring she was a few minutes ago; it was quite funny to see her behaving like that.      

''Please take me back; the others should be waiting for me,'' Sera said while getting dressed.      

''Sure.'' Alex was looking at that nice ass, he restrained his urge not to assault her again, and Sera could feel his eyes on her. This made her happy; she felt desired; she could only hope that this desire would never fade; she would do anything to keep his desire for her to keep growing.      

''That was nice. We should do that often, maybe together with the others.'' Alex said from behind.      

Sera stopped buttoning her shirt and stared back.      

''Sure, why not, but I'm not sure if the chemistry between us will be the same as Luna, so don't be disappointed if was not the case.''      

''Don't worry, I'm sure it will work out somehow. Let's go.'' Alex said before taking her hand, and they teleported to the demon's continent with a teleportation stone he had on him.     


Alex and Luna returned to the Lionheart Empire, where Maria and the others were waiting for them.      

''Tomorrow there is a nice surprise for you guys.'' That was what his friend, Leon, who visited him with Leandra, said before leaving. His sister, who had played with Gracier and Saeko, had fallen asleep.      

The next day after their breakfast, Leon sent someone to invite them.      

The group was shocked by what happened next because what happened next was a veritable festival. Wyverns flying in the sky with knights in armor sitting on top of them. Wyverns were one of the rare but powerful flying-type beast species. All wyverns knights were people specially trained since they were young and who contracted with Wyverns.      

Alex marveled at the sight of twenty wyverns flying above them. He knew how extremely rare those monsters were and how difficult it was to train them. Owning twenty of those monsters showed the Lionheart Empire might. He idly thought as he watched the different demonstrations of flying abilities and acrobatics actions as the spectators awed and screamed.      

This impressive display of skills lasted for a particular moment before finally ending with the knights atop the wyverns scattering colored powder from the sky, forming a magnificent and glittering rainbow made out of tens of colors.      

Alex's group carriage went toward the third area where the coliseum was located. The coliseum was big as a stadium and could contain millions of spectators.      

The group was thrilled to see something like this and were guided into the VIP lounge, where Leon and Leandra were waiting for them.      

''How was it? Do you like the surprise?" He asked them as soon they sat, and they nodded. It was a nice surprise. If they had followed their original plan, they would only have been allowed to visit the coliseum only after raiding a few dungeons; however, now they were here. Leon or Leandra must have done something.      

Talking about Leandra, as soon as she saw her playmates, the trio vanished to God know where.      

''Where is your fiancee?" Alex asked his friend in a low voice, but he shook his head.      

Seeing the sad look on his friend's face, Alex could only sigh, hoping that his advice would work and his friend would soon introduce the lady that stole his heart to him.     

'Guess today isn't the day.' Alex mumbled while focusing on the coliseum.      

A short pause was filled with music and spectacles as the gladiators prepared themselves.      

Once the music stopped, the fights finally began and attracted his attention.      

The gladiators were mostly humans and beast-kin.      

''What are their origins?" He asked while looking at the gladiators fighting, a beastman against a human. The fight was boring without any suspense. Alex decided to use this opportunity to learn more about the gladiators.     

''Most of them are criminals fighting for their freedom, while the second part are adventurers who wish for fame and wealth. Those adventurers are different from the normal ones that raid dungeons and kill monsters. The adventurers that become gladiators here have only one thing in mind, wealth and the feeling following their fame; they are the real superstar in this empire. To the extent that most beast women will offer themselves to the most outstanding gladiators.'' Leon explained everything to him.      

Alex and his girls were so shocked; no wonder some adventurers would switch vocations to become gladiators. While the risk of dying was high here, the reward was higher as well. Not only was there a lot of money to earn, meaning a massive wealth, but there was also fame. You can become famous overnight; fame was a kind of drug hard not to become addicted to. Being from Earth, Alex and the others knew what people would do just to be famous. They would literally do anything just for fame, and fame can be scary; many have died overwhelmed by fame.     

The group continued to watch the low-level gladiators fight, and soon the beastman won by beheading the human gladiator. People chaired seeing blood.      

Alex could only sigh; regardless of society, people's love for thrilling experiences would never change.     

Suddenly, Leon disappeared, saying he had something to do.     

〖Your friend is sure interesting. There was still something he had prepared for you.〗Silveria said right after Leon disappeared.      

Alex wanted to say what she was talking about; however, before he could, there was a sudden commotion inside the coliseum.      

"Ladies!!!! And! Gentlemen!!!!! Now, the last step of this beautiful gathering is upon us. Are you ready!?!"      


"I repeat. Are you ready!!!!?"      


The jubilation could clearly be felt in the stadium, and satisfied with the current atmosphere, the man who stood in the center of the ring after the previous fighters left it. Stayed quiet for a while before continuing.      

Alex's group was surprised to see the man in the middle of the ring because even if they were talking among themselves, none of them felt the man's presence before he appeared. Once again, Alex was reminded that the Lionheart Empire should not be underestimated; even some like this man were powerful.      

Without a doubt, the man's level was not low. At least Level 90 or even higher. The man was wearing something that canceled Alex's Eye of Truth, he would have gotten the information he wanted if he pushed a little bit harder, but he decided not as it was not worth it.      

He decided to focus on what the man had to say because he had the feeling that whatever the man would say next would have something to do with his friend's disappearance and the surprise that Silveria was talking about.      

Alex and the girls waited patiently for the man on the stage to continue.     

And it was what he did.      

"As the tradition says, the one who will become our future king must show his might and talent on this occasion for the whole empire to see. The current scene is retransmitted not only in the coliseum but in more than 80% of the empire."     

Emotions could be felt in his voice as he continued.     

''I can't explain how overwhelmed I am to be the one to present this match. The little emperor has grown up. He is exceptional like his father, as the previous emperors before him, no the truth is that he is more exceptional than them, which is my joys, our joys.''      

''To show how awesome he is, he even made some amazing friends capable of destroying an empire. There was no way a normal emperor could do that. Not only do you need to be powerful, but you must also have eyes for exceptional people, and our future emperor has shown us that he was not lacking in this area. He is exceptional and have exceptional friends as well. Our Lionheart Empire is blessed.''      

Total silence descended as most people were too astonished to understand what was said properly.      

Then, as the light of understanding flickered in their eyes,      


Deafening cheers rang in the coliseum, making it tremble under their voice.     

For the commoner and low-level noble, this was like a heaven-sent message; they could already imagine the birth of a new powerful and exceptional emperor. In their world, a powerful emperor meant a stable nation, and a rise in rank. Their already powerful empire would become more powerful, especially now that their future emperor had made friends with otherworlders; one of them was so strong that he could take an empire on his own. Rumors might have been exaggerated, but the truth was still the same, Alexander Kael Touch took down the Holy Crux empire on his own. Such a strong man was a close friend of their future emperor, it was a blessing in disguise, and they would use it to their advantage like the man on the stage.      

''This man sure knows how to have the crowd under his control.'' Sakuya chuckled and decided to continue watching the show; the only thing that made Alex's group happy was that nobody pointed at their location because it would be too much hassle if the man had done that.      

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