Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 840: Leandra Zariel Lionheart

Chapter 840: Leandra Zariel Lionheart

4''Let's go!" Leon said before heading toward the direction where the sound was coming from. Alex followed him, and shortly they arrived at their destination, and Alex was shocked by the scene in front of him.     0

In the middle of the garden, surrounded by flowers, the flowers were a dancing rainbow, as if light and music had found a new way to blossom together.      

Everything would have been perfect if it weren't for the disturbing scene in the middle of the beautiful garden.      

An adult was lying helplessly on the ground, and a little girl was sitting on top of him, wearing an angelic smile like an innocent lamb.     

However, what the little girl was doing was nothing but innocent.     

The little girl's eyes sparkled in wonder; like a child discovering a new world, she once again flickered her fingers at him.     

Swish! Swish!     

One after another, strands of lightning raced out of her fingers and hit Dracon, one of her guardians.      

Dracon clamped his mouth tight and tried to ignore the lightning flowing into him. He did his best not to think of how his skin was charred and his flesh cut.     

Sadly, his attempts failed yet again. The lightning discharging from the girl's fingers didn't stop, and in a matter of minutes, he started screaming.     


For the nth time he screamed, he wondered why he was being so unlucky to fall into the little devil's hands today. If he knew it wouldn't have come today, but because he was curious to see what the little princess would do today, what kind of torture she would perform on those unlucky souls today he came but never he would have expected that he would be the target for today experiment. It was to the extent that Dracon wondered if it was karma playing a joke on him after all the services he enjoyed (A/N: Watching others getting tortured.)     

Just as Dracon was falling into despair, praying for a savior to arrive to save him from the little devil's hands, he heard a voice.      

''Little Leandra, what are you doing?"      

''Prince?" Dracon was overjoyed while the little girl jumped from Dracon's chest as if she had seen a ghost.      

She spun around; the little girl was clever. She immediately found the right answer.      

''Welcome, brother, I was just practicing my lightning which has evolved from blue rank to white rank.''      

Just as Leon was about to ask his sister if she needed to test her new lightning on a human's target, his sister was faster.     

''Who is your friend?" Leandra asked while pointing her finger at Alex, who was looking at her in wonder.      

Leandra was seven years old, she could be considered beautiful at her age, with long golden hair and eyes, but her hair was more on the darker side. She was dressed in a black gothic robe with black high heels.      

Leon scratched his head before introducing Alex; during this time, Dracon managed to escape because Leandra had lost interest in him.      

''This is my good friend, soon-to-be best friend Alexander Kael Touch, and Alex, this is my sister, Leandra Zariel Lionheart.''      

''Oh, nice to meet you, little princess. I have heard so much about you. Now that I have the chance to meet you, I understand why your brother was so proud of you.'' Alex said, trying to get closer to the cute little creature, but she jumped back and bared her fangs like a mother protecting her child in front of a predator.      

Seeing her action, Alex was lost for words; he froze, not knowing what to do. Among all responses he had anticipated, there wasn't anything like this.      

Leon was about to burst into laughter but still managed to suppress it. However, just as he was about to say something to help his friend in a pinch, his sister once again talked faster.      

''Aha! So you're the thief trying to steal my brother from me?" Leandra said with her arms around her hips; the way she stood was like a general on the battlefield. It was too cute, but Alex couldn't laugh, he decided to play with this cute little girl.      

''No, no, I would never do something like that. I also have a sister, so I'll never try to steal another sister's brother no matter how cute this brother was.'' Alex declared with his hands up.      

Leon felt like smashing his friend's face against the ground because he dared to call him cute, but he succeeded in controlling his urge. Leon decided to watch how his friend would handle his sister calmly. Would he be able to subdue the little devil quickly? He couldn't wait to see how he would do that.      

Crossing his arms, Leon stood on the side, watching the interaction between Alex and his beloved sister.     

Meanwhile, Leandra, who had gone on the defensive, couldn't help but lessen her defense, but she didn't want to appear cheap; therefore, looking at Alex, she tried to appear tough.     

''It is that so?''      

Alex nodded to show her that he was being sincere. This made the little girl smile, but she was not totally convinced; therefore, she proposed.      

''I don't believe in you. However, I will if you can accept to become my worse for fifteen minutes.'' She proposed, from the story her brother had told her, that Alex was exceptional, almost like her father; he was like an emperor, so he would never accept playing children's games because it would be beneath him.      

Leandra would have never expected Alex to go all four and look at her.      

''Sure! Let's play.''      

The little devil was shocked; she had never expected Alex to accept playing a game with her. Unknowingly, the little dissatisfaction she had toward him diminished. Every time she would talk with her brother wanting his attention, he would only talk about his new awesome friend. It was to the extent that the little girl began hating Alex even when she had never seen him. She felt like he was like a big thief trying to steal her beloved brother.      

However, everything changed when he encountered Alex; he was nothing like she thought.      

''Ok, let's but don't come complaining later.'' Leandra declared before mounting Alex's back.      

''Don't worry, I won't complain,'' Alex promised before starting to move.      

This development dumbfounded Leon.     

'I guess you will always keep surprising me.' He thought.     


Alex played with Leon's sister until she was tired. He couldn't help but admit that the little girl was exceptional; they played until evening. For a seven years girl, she had monstrous stamina.      

Leon silently accompanied the two until their played enough. Taking his sister, who had fallen asleep with him, he bid farewell to Alex, who returned to their temporary villa.      

En route, he couldn't help smiling.      

He was smiling like a fool, so much that Silveria decided to tease him.     

〖If you want to play with children so much, why not make one?〗     

Her question was to tease her master; never she would have expected him to consider her suggestion seriously.      

''Well, maybe I should consider whether I should have a child or not. Children are such wonderful things; they are the proof that you existed in this world.''      

〖Oi! Can't you be seriously saying that, right? I was joking. You don't have to consider what I've said seriously. It is good to want a child, but you know better than me now that it is not the best time to have a child. So chill out and stop seriously considering my joke. Got it?〗Silveria said, seriously panicking; she had never been so panicked before. It was to the extent that it made Alex laugh; he felt like he had discovered another side of her.      

''Hahaha! Don't worry. I was joking. I know that right now, I can't start a family. The world is not peaceful, and I could never let my children live in a world that could be destroyed at any moment. As a parent, it would be irresponsible to do that.''      

Silveria sighed in relief after hearing Alex's words. She finally understood that her master had been playing with her.      

〖It is good that you understand that. Let's first clear the universe from chaos beings. I believe we can do that.〗She said, and Alex nodded while silently walking back to their villa. He could have directly teleported inside the villa but doing that would have been boring, so he decided to walk there; he would use this time to organize his thoughts.     

 Meanwhile, while Alex was heading toward the villa, his sister Gracier was waiting anxiously. Since she woke up, she had been like this. Even though Maria and the others told her not to think about it because knowing Alex he would take care of everything, this didn't stop Gracier from feeling anxious.      

She was worried that if her actions made her brother lose a considerable amount of money, she could never forget herself if this were to happen.      

Just as her frustration was about to peak, her brother arrived, and she immediately ran toward him.     

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