Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 811: Huge Improvement

Chapter 811: Huge Improvement

3Two hours later, Sera woke up feeling a little bit refreshed.      4

''Thank you for the lap pillow. It was exactly what I needed. You're the best.'' Sera kissed Alex as a reward. It was a light kiss.     

''You welcome but don't you think I deserve a higher reward than this one? For example, a deep kiss!" Alex wasn't satisfied, so he shamelessly suggested.     

Sera blushed hard because she had never done something like that; she couldn't help but blush when she heard his demand.      

At first, she considered refusing but soon shook her head; they started their relationship today; not even before today, they could be said to be in a relationship already because she assisted at that meeting where Alex's women (actual and future women) discussed.      

''Okay!" Sera accepted after gathering her courage.      

Alex smiled before shifting her position; she was now sitting on his thighs; they were face to face.      

Sera's breathing quickened when she saw Alex's face getting closer until his lips met hers.      


It was as if an electric shock had run through her body, paralyzing her body.      

Alex could feel her body stiffen, and he embraced her closer to his chest, letting her feel his beating heart. His action seemed to have a magical effect on Sera, who slowly regained control of her body and hugged Alex.      

Then Alex used his tongue to lick her lips, sending shivers down her spine. She was forced to open her little mouth, and Alex didn't miss this opportunity and sneaked his tongue in.     

''Mmhh! Mmhh!"      

Sera was shocked by the unexpected action and tried to struggle, but then Alex's next attack followed. His tongue, agile like a snake, coiled around Sera's tongue, making her body shudder by the unexpected stimulus. Unconsciously, her tongue began to fight back, and a wild battle followed.     

Outside, Sera's face had turned red, and slowly, she was becoming aroused; she violently sought Alex going wild.     

It was a good thing that it was already evening; if not, people would have stopped to watch this couple kissing like there was no tomorrow.     

After two minutes of a wild french kiss, they stopped with Sera lowering her head.     

'I can believe I did that. I wondered what had gotten into me. Well, not that I disliked it or anything. Kissing was fun. I might get addicted to it.'      

Not having the slightest idea that he had awakened something within Sera, Alex proposed.      

''Let's go back, but before going, why not stop at a restaurant to eat?"      

''Sure, let's do that.'' Sera accepted, and the two left hands in hand.      

The restaurant was somewhat rustic and the customers already present were quite rowdy, but neither Alex nor Sera minded because they were both adventurers who visited many places. They were not picky about restaurants. In the morning, they visited a high-class restaurant, but this evening they decided to go for some simple.      

Fortunately, Alex and Sera were both disguised, or else it would have been troublesome when people identified Alex. He had become famous lately, so to avoid people praising him, he decided to put on a disguise.      

Choosing a place in the corner, they sat and waited for a waitress to take their commands.      

Seating like that and observing the other people present, Alex felt once again that everything was peaceful.      

"Here! Hot and delicious. The chef even added an extra service for the couple. I hope you will like it."     

The waitress came back while holding two plates. Alex had commanded some braised chicken with a little bit of rice, and Sera had just asked for a bit of wine and a chicken and some chips.      

The food was rather tasty, and they began to eat in silence.      

''It's delicious. As expected, never judge a book by its cover.'' Alex complimented the waitress, who came to bring them a dessert.      

''Thank you, we are happy that our food is to your liking. Here is your dessert. A strawberry cake.''     

The waitress bowed after putting the strawberry cake on the table.     

Alex and Sera happily finished the cake. After paying the bills, they left, going back to their villa.      

They stopped by Smith's store, and the father and daughter pair exchanged a few jokes before she followed Alex back to the villa.      

''This brings back some memories. Back then, he accompanied her back to the store after their date and left after I teased him, but now he was going back with the bribe. They look good together. I wish you everlasting happiness, my daughter and my son-in-law. We will be watching over you.'' Smith watching their backs, mumbled before entering and closing the store. From the beginning to the end smile never left his face when there were tears as well. They were tears of happiness.     


Late in the night. Alex looked at Sera sleeping soundlessly beside him and smiled. Even though she had said she would visit Incursio when they arrived, she couldn't because she immediately went to sleep after bathing.      

''I wonder what she went through to be this exhausted.'' Alex wondered when suddenly Nyx's voice echoed inside his brain.     

〖You will know once you check her status.〗She had said.      

Alex nodded and immediately appraised Sera using the Eye of Truth, and he was shocked by what he saw.      

[Sera Olivia Wexon]     

Class: Assassin     

Age: 23     


Race: Human     

Rank 14 [Saint]     

Level 137     

Experience Value: 20000/410000     

Magic Power: 4040/4040     

Magic: Darkness/Wind     

Attack: 2070     

Defense: 2040     

Agility: 2140     

Intelligence: 1340     

Luck: 1140     

Gift: Eternal Sword     

BP: 70     

SP: 20     

Skills: [Slash Level 10] [Evasion Level 10] [Wind Steps Level 5] [Shadowless Steps Level 8] [Wind Blast Level 4] [Close Quarters Combat Level 10 Max] [Wind Arrows Level 3] [Sword Art Level 7]     

Special Abilities: [Death Hand] [Shadow World]      

Titles: [Slaughterer] [Assassin Queen] [goddess of Death] [Huntress] [Slayer]      

''I see; no wonder she was this exhausted. They must be raiding dungeons nonstop to increase their level. I knew something was strange when I hadn't heard anything since they left. So, it was what they were doing. It's good, but they must not overdo it.'' Alex kissed her on the forehead before leaving the bed.      

He was sure Lilith must be raiding dungeons like a madman to regain her former strength. Thinking about how powerful she would become, Alex was excited to fight against her to know how far he still was from the former good.      

''Well, I must increase my strength as well but first, let's pay that guy a visit as it had been a long time since we had a chat,'' Alex said before vanishing from the room.     

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