Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 817: Deal

Chapter 817: Deal

2''Say what?" Alex dug his ear to make sure he hadn't heard wrong.       0

''As I said, even I don't know where our headquarters is,'' Incursio repeated, and her face was serious.      

This time he heard her clearly, and his face changed color. He violently slammed his fist on the table. Fortunately, he still held back his strength, or the table would have been split into two.     

Alex's knuckles turned white from how tight his fists were clenched. At several points, he wanted to shout but managed to reign in his emotions.     

He couldn't be blamed; he risked everything for the unique purpose of knowing the Chaos organization headquarters; however, after Incursio, the one that should have that information was saying now that she didn't know.     

''Calm down, Alex, let's hear Incursio first. We might not know their headquarter, but I'm sure there are lots of information we might get.'' Sera took Alex's hand, trying to calm him down.      

Alex nodded and looked at Incursio as if to tell her to continue.      

Incursio heaved a sigh of relief when Alex finally calmed down. Then she began with a question.      

''How strong do you think our organization, I mean the Chaos organization is?"      

Both Alex and Sera exchanged a look before answering.      

''Strong like an empire, I guess,'' Alex said, not quite sure because nobody knew the extent of the Chaos organization forces, nobody except them, of course.     

''You are not wrong but not quite right simultaneously,'' Incursio said, confusing them.      

''Care to explain?"      

''Ugh! They're stronger than two combined empires, and when I say this, I'm talking about the two strongest empires in the world. The organization is too powerful, ugh! They can control monsters and cause d- ugh! Ahhhh! My head is splitting because of that damned covenant. I wish I could tell you more, but unfortunately, I can't, not before getting rid of the covenant.'' Incursio held her head and tried to fight the terrible headaches threatening to make her head explode.      

Alex smacked his lips; he had expected something like this because there was no way that organization would let someone run their mouth, divulging their secrets as she wished without a safety measure, even if this person was their greatest masterpiece.      

Alex had expected the silver bullet to erase any restraints inside her body, but unfortunately, there was still one left.     

''Alex, you fought Lord Thanos and saw how powerful he is, right?"      

To Incursio's question, Alex nodded; he remembered that short exchange they had and couldn't help but shudder. Lord Thanos was beyond powerful; he was like a big mountain trying to crush him.     

''That man is extremely strong. So strong that only Typhania, if she regained her strength, could fight him. What he did with you was a child's play compared to how powerful he is. You should try to improve quickly, your current strength is not enough, and not much time is left before they strike.'' Incursio warned.      

Alex sighed as he thought they could take it easy for a while but not anymore.      

Sera clenched her fists, feeling the urgency of the situation, but first, they had to take care of the problem on the other side. She would help Lilith accomplish her goal before thinking about increasing her strength; the next goal would be to step into the Demigod Realm.      

''Sera tell Lilith to quickly take over the demon continent because soon they will move. I mark some specific locations, and you and the others will help me destroy those locations. Fufufu! My revenge will begin. He tried to make it into the dragon vessel; how dare he.''      

Unexpectedly, Alex and Sera learned a piece of valuable information.      

'No wonder, Lord Thanos personally moved to secure her.' Alex finally understood why he encountered Lord Thanos.      

''Can you explain what you mean by saying that?"     

Sera asked for details, and Incursio nodded.     

''It is exactly as you heard. I found out recently that I'm a compatible vessel for the Lord dragon to possess. My brother is also compatible, but unfortunately, he kicked the bucket from what I heard. The two of us would have been used if he hadn't died and I hadn't fled.''      

When she was talking about her dead brother, no sorrow could be detected in her eyes; it was as if her brother's death had nothing to do with her.      

'I guess there's no love between them. Wait.'      

Suddenly, Alex had an ominous feeling, and he immediately asked to try to confirm his guess.      

''You said your brother is needed as well; who will be used as a replacement for him?"      

Sera didn't understand at first but soon did and she was shocked.      

''It is your friend Leonardo, the spy you send to infiltrate the organization,'' Incursio said something he feared.      

''Sigh! I'm in trouble.'' Alex massaged his temple while thinking of a certain girl with a fiery temper, nothing stays hidden forever, and she wouldn't forgive him if her man were to die or become someone's else carrier no matter what kind of sin he had committed.     

''Don't worry, they will need another compatible girl or me to perform the ritual. I believe it won't happen in a while. Until then, you must think of a plan to rescue your friend.'' Incursio told him that there was still something before Leonardo would be gone forever.      

''He is not my friend.'' Alex corrected Incursio, but she chuckled in response.      

There was something Alex was curious about.      

''Did that dragon plan to possess one of the bodies after getting unsealed?" He asked.     

''I don't really know the details, but it seems to be something around that line. I'm going to find out and mess with their plans. I must act before they got all the keys.''      

''How many keys did they have?" Alex asked, curious to how closer the organization was to unsealing the dragon.      

''3, no 2,'' Incursio responded with a nasty grin. Alex felt like there was something Incursio was not telling them, and he wanted to know what it was.      

〖This girl is hiding something.〗Even Silveria felt it.      

'I know I'm about to ask her.' Alex replied, and just as he was about to ask Incursio about what she was hiding, she took out a map of the demon's continent and quickly marked seven locations.      

''Those are the location of their laboratories. Please destroy them all. This will put Lucifer in a desperate situation; he will lose a part of his strength. I think this is beneficial for both of us. You should leave immediately.''      

Sera nodded; it was time for her to head back. As much she wanted to stay beside Alex to enjoy his warmth, she would have to postpone that for later.     

''Go, we will see each other soon anyway. Please take care of yourself and be reckless. Tell Lilith I'll be in touch.'' Alex also felt reluctant to let her go, but he steeled himself; the two began kissing; it was a passionate kiss conveying how they felt.     

Looking at the two kissings ignoring her presence, Incursio chuckled before touching her lips; she wondered how does a kiss taste? Sweat, considering what kind of expression Sera had as she kissed Alex.      

'Maybe I should try later.' Incursio thought.      

After kissing passionately for a few minutes, the lovebird got separated from Sera, turned into a cloud of smoke, and vanished.      

''Let's go to my bedroom. I have something to show you.'' Incursio said before going to the room where she was sleeping.      

Alex wanted to correct her, saying it was not her room but stopped because it would feel like he was being petty.      

He followed her, and soon he arrived; after entering, he saw Incursio sitting on the bed and tapping the space beside her.      

Alex sat beside her after heaving a sigh.      

''Let's go, please do not resist.'' She asked, and he nodded. Then her finger poked his forehead, and Alex immediately lost consciousness.      

Alex appeared somewhere, and an intense light blinded his sight. By the time he regained his sight, Alex felt strong pressure on his pupils. A vast sea of clouds loomed over a pure blue sky that gripped his heart. Below the clear blue sky, white steam bloomed upwards and stretched out like an endless carpet.     

"…What…" Alex couldn't help but admire the far-off horizon before him. Even words like vast and infinite seemed far too lacking to describe the scene. His dazed admiration was interrupted when Incursio, beside him, said.      

''Beautiful, isn't it?"      

''Indeed beautiful.'' Alex nodded before raising a question.      

''Where are we?"      

''In my inner world. Let's go.'' She said before walking down the stairs; the stairs were made of clouds. He wondered if he would have such a beautiful inner world one day but had no idea that his inner was more shocking than this; it was thanks to his inner world that Silveria and Nyx have such a stable world. He would find out soon.      

After walking for a while, they arrived at a white building; Incursio stopped and looked back.      

''Promise me that you will help me once no matter what kind of the situation I'll be in, and I'll give you this." She opened the door at the end of her sentence, and when Alex saw what was floating inside the hall, his response was immediate.      


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