Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 803: Meeting Goddess Mea again

Chapter 803: Meeting Goddess Mea again

0''Cough! Cough! It's not like I wish to be a killjoy, but can we move on to the real topic now?" Alex, who couldn't take it anymore, finally said.     4

''Oh My! Please forgive us. Let's continue with our topic. You were trying to tell me why you asked me to contact the gods, Goddess Mea in particular.'' Priscilla said while she extended her hands, clapped twice, and soon after, a priest in a maid's outfit drifted toward them and served them tea.     

Artemia enjoyed her tea while she waited patiently for Alex to continue.      

After taking a sip of his tea and enjoying its scent, Alex stared at Priscilla, trying to read her reaction.      

''I believed that the Chaos organization and whoever behind them specially targeted Mysthia, and I wanted to know why. Only the Gods above can give me the answer, and having already interacted with Goddess Mea; I wished to ask her; I'm sure she will give me the answer I want.''      

Alex detected no change on Priscilla's face when he said there must be a reason why the Chaos organization targeted Mysthia. This could only mean one thing; even though she was the proxy between the Gods and this world, she didn't know much, for example, why they targeted this world. She might know something but act like she knew nothing; however, Alex doubted it was the case. If Priscilla were lying, Silveria would have told him.     

''I understand now. No wonder you wanted to speak to her. After hearing your reason, I'm more eager to help you. I will go and pray. Let's hope she will quickly answer like this; you won't wait for too long. Then, excuse me, I have a goddess to contact.'' Priscilla said before leaving.      

''Sigh! Let's hope she answers soon.'' Artemia said after she heaved a sigh.      

''Don't worry, she will because it's me. Maybe she is already aware of my presence. Either way, we won't have to wait for too long; I'm sure I can talk to her soon. However, I wonder if she will take over your sister's body to have a chat with me, or I'll need to talk to her statue. Do you know what method she will use?" Alex asked as this was what he was curious about the most; he had hoped Artemia would have the answer.      

Unfortunately, not even Artemia, one of the former local gods, knows something.      

''Sorry, I don't know anything. Let's wait. I hope Lilith is progressing toward her goal: Revenge.''      

''Don't worry, I'm sure we will hear news soon.''     

Alex closed his eyes to meditate in the meantime, but soon he forced them open because he remembered something he had always been curious about.      

''Eretria, Tell me, other than welcoming otherworlders, what use did this Temple has?"     

''Well, besides welcoming otherworlders, the temples have another purpose, which is to be a worship place. It's like a church but a little bit different, though. Their primary objective is still to welcome people from other worlds. This temple is the headquarters; besides this temple, there are two other Temple of Gods. One in the Lionheart Empire, another one in the Far East Empire. The most used temple is still the headquarters, here.''     

Artemia explained to Alex the purposes of the Temple of Gods.      

''Didn't I say it won't take long before we get an answer?" Alex pointed his finger at the entrance where Priscilla could be seen coming from.      

''Wow! That was fast. Big sister, how was it?"     

Artemia helped her big sister sit down. Priscilla's face was pale as if she had just performed hard labor.      

''Don't worry, it went smoothly. The goddess accepted your request.'' Priscilla answered after drinking water.      

''That's good. So, when do we begin?" Alex asked, assuming that maybe Goddess Mea was already inside Priscilla's body; it was why her face had become pale. Unfortunately, his assumption was wrong.     

''I don't know. She just said she would meet you; as for how or when I'm completely oblivious to it. So, the best thing to do is stay here until she manifested.'' Priscilla told them something unexpected, but there was nothing they could do other than patiently wait for the goddess to appear.      

Alex decided to use this opportunity to tour the temple again; he decided to read some books in the library. It had been a long time since he did something like this.      

Five hours later, there was still no sign of the goddess, and Alex became annoyed. He decided he might as well use this opportunity to train in Nyx's world.      

It was at that moment it happened. Instead of appearing in a dark space, Alex found himself in a white space that gave him a strange feeling of familiarity. Soon, Alex recalled where he felt this feeling; it was the same room they woke up in after the accident where they lost their lives.     

''Welcome, Alexander. Long time no see.''      

The same voice and the same beautiful face. It was indeed her.      

''We meet again, Goddess Mea,'' Alex said while observing the beauty in front of him. Compared to the past, when he could easily lose himself in her beauty and his heart would beat faster, this time he was perfectly calm. After meeting beauties like Silveria and Nyx, it was pretty normal that he would become immune to women's beauty. It was not like Goddess Mea was more beautiful than Silveria and Nyx; in Alex's opinion, she lacked a bit when compared to those two.      

''You are thinking about something rude right now.''      

As expected of a woman's intuition, Goddess Mea was able to notice something; however, there was no way Alex would admit that he was comparing her beauty to Silveria and Nyx, thinking she was not beautiful as them.     

''Hahahaha! That must be your imagination. I was thinking of beautiful you are. You are even more beautiful than before. What's your secret?" Alex used his silver tongue to change the subject.      

''Glib tongue.'' Goddess Mea smiled.      

'As expected, women are still women. Always weak before compliments.' Alex secretly thought.      

'I should use this move often.'     

''I heard you want to see me?" Goddess Mea said, breaking Alex from his formulating thoughts     

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