Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 789: Their First Meeting

Chapter 789: Their First Meeting

1Alex was shocked when he saw Incursio lying on the ground in a bloodied state. Although her injuries were recovering visibly, it was slow; Alex wondered what she went through to be this injured.     

For some unknown reason, Alex felt his heartbeat increasing; somewhere deep inside him, a voice seemed to be whispering to him to make this girl submit to him. If it were in the past, he would have dismissed this thought as a mere delusion, but currently, he couldn't because somehow he was sure that he could make this girl submit to him.      

Just this thought alone brought immense joy to Alex, and he couldn't stop smiling.      

Approaching her, Alex stood not too far from her, but instead of checking her state, he warned her.      

''Incursio, I know you're still conscious. Don't try to trick me, or else I don't know when my hands will slip, and I'll punch a hole through your injured body.''      

''Ugh! I must have run out of luck to have encountered you here; this is the worst possible scenario.'' Incursio lamented while trying to flip her body on her back but failed to do so; she was gravely injured, but she was also suffering from the backlash of using chaos form and the chaos wheels.      

Her current situation was dangerous; encountering Alex here could be said to be her greatest misfortune and her greatest chance to escape alive. It would be her misfortune because she got rescued by her enemy, someone she considered her greatest rival worthy of dying at her hands, and also because she knew he would not do it for free; he might ask for something ridiculous in return.      

However, not having a choice in the current situation, Incursio couldn't only ground her teeth and decided to ask for Alex's help.      

''Please help me. I'll listen to one of your requests and tell you something valuable in return.'' Incursio asked for Alex's help while immediately offering the price she was willing to pay.      

A pleasant smile dawned on Alex's face, and he felt like the first step to conquer this girl, to make this girl submit and work under him, was complete; he didn't care if he was previously an enemy against whom he almost lost his life, against whom he lost, what mattered right now was how invaluable Incursio was.      

''I a-"      

It happened when Alex was about to accept Incursio's offer and tell her what he wanted.      

''Shit!" Incursio swore, not hiding her displeasure, and despair was written all over her face.      

Somehow someone appeared and stood above Incursio's body, a handsome youth dressed in a black suit. Lord Thanos had personally come.     

The moment Alex laid his eyes on this man, only one word came to his mind: Strong.      

This man was ridiculously strong, stronger like that dragon and nine-headed hydra he faced in Exodus. A suffocating pressure coming from Lord Thanos tried to make Alex lose his will even before fighting; however, he bit his tongue, and the taste of iron helped him regain control of his body, and his eyes shone as he glared at Lord Thanos.      

For the first time since his arrival, Lord Thanos showed an emotion, there was a subtle change on his calm face, and he couldn't help but acknowledge Alex.      

''Not bad. I think this is our first time meeting each other I'm Lord Thanos. I've heard a lot about your otherworlder Alexander Kael Touch. Nice to meet you.''      

Unexpectedly the enemy introduced himself, he even acknowledged him, but Alex wasn't feeling happy about this. He felt like he had been humiliated; Lord Thanos was looking down on him, which was not a pleasant feeling.     

〖Master is not an enemy you can't win against, at least the current you can't win against him. Please be ready to escape; your survival is most important.〗Silveria warned Alex, and the latter responded.      

'I know.'      

He could tell this much; even without her warning, he knew he was not this young man's match. The difference between them was big.      

For some unknown reason, he could use the Eye of Truth without being obstructed, and the small information he acquired told him how ridiculously strong this man was.      

[Lord Thanos]     

Class: ????     

Age: ????     


Race: ????     

Level 17?     

MP: ???????/??????     

Magic: ????     

ATK: 5000     

DEF: 5000     

AGI: 5000     

INT: 4000     

LUK: 4000     

BP: ???     

SP: ????     

Gift: ????     

Skills: ??????????????????????     

Special abilities: ????????     

Titles: [Second in command of the Mysthia's Chaos organization] [Lord of Slaughter] [Chaos Servant] ????????????     

Facing someone this strong, someone whose full status couldn't be seen; the wisest choice should be to retreat because no matter what he would, his chance of winning was zero. Keeping his life intact and escaping didn't seem possible, but even so, Alex wouldn't escape, at least not before verifying something.     

''I'm Alexander Kael Touch; nice to meet you too, but I will gladly appreciate it if you let me take that girl lying on the ground. She and I have some unfinished business to take care of. So, I suggest that you step aside and let me take her.'' Alex said in the most respectful tone he could produce.     

Lord Thanos didn't immediately answer; he stayed silent as if contemplating over something while Incursio rolled her eyes at Alex wondering if he had a death wish daring to provoke Lord Thanos like that.     

''Pft! Hahahaha. You are surely interesting, Alex, but unfortunately, I can't grant your wish because I also have unfinished business with this child, you see, so I can't let you take her.'' Lord Thanos declared after laughing for a while. He was not angry at Alex's declaration; on the contrary, he felt amused. He had thought many times about how would be their first meeting? Bloody? Annoying? Exciting?     

This meeting was beyond exciting; Lord Thanos hadn't felt so much joy in a while, so he responded calmly to Alex, whose answer was.      

''It's that so? Then you leave no choice other than forcibly taking her away.''     

Lord Thanos's eyes widened, and he felt like he had heard the funniest joke in his life.     

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