Death Guns In Another World

[Bonus Chapter] Chapter 767: Sakuya's Trial 3

[Bonus Chapter] Chapter 767: Sakuya's Trial 3

1Sakuya nodded and declared.      0

''Let's continue.''     


The wind roared around Sakuya, dropping the room's temperature.      

In response to Sakuya's provocation, from within the old helm, a green light flashed from the swordsman's eyes.     


An unbelievable level of mana started radiating out of the swordsman.      

They both moved simultaneously.     


Every time Sakuya and the swordsman took a step, an imprint was left on the ground.     

A collision between two manas, a fight between katana users started.     

Kk-crack, crack!     


Clangs! Clangs!      

Boom! Boom!      

Every time they clashed, a small explosion would ring out.     

''Kuh!" Sakuya ground her teeth; she started losing in their exchanges; neither of them had used skills except for swinging their katanas. It was as if they were trying to understand each other through their katanas.      

The two kept exchanging blows until they were satisfied. The swordsman jumped back and sheathed his katana.      

The world around Sakuya darkened, goosebumps rose all over her body, and she knew if she failed to defend herself against this attack, she would die, not really, but it would be considered a failure of the trial; she could only come after one year to rechallenge this trial, so naturally, she could not afford to lose.      

Closing her eyes and freeing her soul from any unnecessary thoughts, she shouted.      

''Bring it!"      

At the same time, she opened her eyes, and the swordsman unsheathed his almost broken katana.      

The world seemed to have slowed down; she saw the katana moving toward her; it was too fast to be dodged, but surprisingly Sakuya was not afraid at the moment; on the contrary, in this world where everything was moving in a slow-motion except for the swordsman katana she was smiling.      

How can a sword be this fast? Was it just because of his stats? Not whole, Or was it because of the element it uses? Not entirely either. It was simply because of its sword intent. By combining this with the others, you will obtain such a godly strike.      

What Sakuya needed to do right now was to copy this move now that she knew the principle behind it.      

''Thank you.'' She mumbled before moving her katana.      

Despite having moved a step later, she was still faster.     


The swordsman's katana broke.     


Sakuya's katana sliced the swordsman's chest. She didn't manage to cut him in half as she intended, but it was still a deep slice. The tip of her katana likely cut into the swordsman's intestines.     



The swordsman fell to his knee. His helmet was sliced open, falling off his head.     

Plop, roll, roll, roll—     

The helmet rolled away, and the swordsman's face was revealed.      

A typical Asian face, but what attracted people's attention the most as you look at this man's face is the large scar running through half of his face, starting from above his left eyebrow.     

''Thank you for the valuable lesson.'' Sakuya curtsied with her katana sheathed.      

''N...not bad... I'm happy that someone worthy has finally shown up. Be wary of things on the next floor.'' The swordsman said before his body turned into dust.      

Sakuya closed her eyes for a moment as if to pay tribute to the man for his valuable lesson. After she was done, she took a mana recovery potion and drank it.      


''Let's go.'' She tossed the empty bottle aside and walked toward the next floor.     

The moment Sakuya entered the last floor, that robotic voice she hadn't heard in a while sounded again.      


As soon as that robotic voice rang out.     


The floor shook.      

The door opened wide, and from within, a faint cry could be heard.     


Goosebumps appeared across Sakuya's body. It wasn't just because the cry felt threatening. It was the killing intent and mana within the cry that she instinctively felt.     

Sakuya was unable to see the identity of the thing emitting that cry. She spent 11 skill points to increase her presence detection skill to the max. She could feel a nasty present ahead. Just as she was about to make a move, it roared.      


The head emerged from the room's depth and immediately started charging at Sakuya.      

She was surprised. It ran at her at such a high speed, that it was hard to recognize its form properly.     


The thing headbutted into Sakuya's katana.      


From that shock, its hard scales broke, and the hide underneath the scales was cut slightly.      



Sakuya was flung backward from the high-speed impact. If she hadn't gripped her katana harder, it would have flown out of her hand.      

'What kind of brute force…?' She questioned, trying to control her body but had trouble doing it. The blow was too strong.     


Sakuya, who was barely holding on with her feet digging into the ground, got flung away.      

Thud, roll, roll.     

Her body rolled on the floor.     


She quickly dug her hand covered with the wind element into the ground to stop her roll.      


Luckily, because she had already braced for impact, the shock wasn't too powerful.     

Sakuya quickly regained control over her body and stared back at the enemy that had suddenly appeared and attacked her.      


It was a giant snake.     

The thing slithered deeper into the room and swung its long tail around.     


A dust cloud erupted.      

Something must have enraged it because the snake started rampaging around the room.     

"I can't believe it. Isn't this thing that?" Sakuya mumbled, shocked to see a monster originating from the story from their culture back in Japan.     


The snake was eight meters long. Its body was meters thick, and its mouth was enormous. Its fangs alone were taller than Sakuya.      


Fss, fssss!     

Ominous mana and sinister killing intent exuded the creature in front of Sakuya.     

'This thing only has one head, but its killing intent is terrific.' Sakuya mumbled while trying to shake the feeling of fear she was feeling.     

''The real thing should have eight heads like in the history and was sealed in Susanoo's sword, the 「Kusanagi no Tsurugi]. So my predecessor is trying to recreate history here?"      

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