Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 765: Sakuya's Trial 1

Chapter 765: Sakuya's Trial 1

4At the entrance of the artificial dungeon stood two people, Alex and Saeko. Sakura had just entered the dungeon.     

Saeko was watching Alex with shining eyes when suddenly Alex sighed and asked.     


''Yes, benefactor, I'm listening.'' Saeko's body trembled; she was beyond happy for Alex to call her.      

Alex ignored the benefactor thing and asked while looking straight into Saeko's eyes.      

''Tell me am I wrong for going all out to rescue my woman?"      

He was unable to understand what he had done wrong, and after having thought about it all the time, he decided to ask a woman's opinion, someone outside of his family.      

Facing Alex's question, Saeko sighed. While most people would have found Alex's action heroic, saving his lover almost at the cost of his life, as a woman, she found Alex's action quite hard to swallow. She might have never been in a relationship, but she could understand how Luna felt. No woman would love seeing the one they love dying leaving them. She heard what happened, she was not happy with Alex's action, and she understood what Luna was trying to achieve by not forgiving him.      

For Alex, what he did was normal; he would do anything for those he loved, even if it meant sacrificing his life; it is where lies the problem. He must change this mindset; if not, he will die one day if he keeps acting like this.     

''You should cherish your life because your life is not yours anymore. It's good to want to do anything for those we love, but it doesn't mean you should throw away your life. What you need to do is to do anything while still keeping your life. Nobody will like to live happily if you sacrifice your life to save them, as a world without you will not be worth living any longer once you depart. You should keep in mind that when you're going to the extreme to save someone you love, you must never sacrifice your life, because only by being alive will you say you did everything for those you loved.''      

Saeko had become mature all of a sudden. Alex understood what he should do better now. He never really thought how his women would feel when he acted as he did. From now on, he must be prudent.      

''Thank you, Saeko. Will you come with us?" Alex is still staring at Saeko.     

''Yes!" Saeko's reply was immediate. She would gladly follow Alex's group. The first reason was what she wanted, while the second reason was that her father wanted this.      

''Good!" Alex nodded. He had no reason to refuse a talented person sent to him. As for whether she would become his woman or not, only the future would tell. Her father must have thought he could use Alex if he let his daughter become his woman but unfortunately, if this were to happen, he would not enjoy the benefits because they would be gone from Mysthia by then.      

Alex closed his eyes, thinking he must apologize sincerely this time to Luna and others. He opened his eyes again; he stared at the door. Behind this door was Sakuya taking a test.     

                    * * *     

At the same time, Sakuya entered the first floor where the trial to inherent Masamune would begin.      

[You've entered Boss Room No.1.]     

[Please find the boss and clear the trial.]     

A robotic voice sounded and a large, deep cave sprawled out in front of Sakuya's eyes.      

This was the Boss Room. In order to meet the true boss, there were a few hurdles she had to get past first.      


Slither, ssk!     

Kling, Klang—     

Various monsters appeared out of the cave.      

'Acid Snakes, Lizardmen, Orc, and Goblin.'      

Armed Orcs and Goblins, Acid Snakes and Lizardmen. Hostile monsters that couldn't cohabitate together were all staring down at Sakuya. This was something that normally would have been impossible, but on this trail, it wasn't. Sakuya was curious about how the creator of this test made the impossible possible, but she knew she didn't have the time to ponder about that.      

She scanned the cave. There were at least a few hundred monsters just within her sight.      

The Goblin and Orc raised their shields, strengthening their defensive formation.      


The Lizardmen poked out their swords and spears through the openings between the shields. These monsters were like a well-trained army.      


On the floor, a long, thin snake slithered around.      

"Wow. Seriously?" Sakuya couldn't help but ask this before a pleasant smile dawned on her face. She had never encountered something like this, so it would be fun.      

Sakuya started walking towards the monsters' shield formation while unsheathing her katana.      

Dark green mana pulsated from Sakuya's sword. Extreme cold and a razor-sharp aura enveloped her. It resulted from combining two elements, space and wind elements.     

Sakuya continued to walk closer and closer to the monsters.     

Tap! Tap!     

There was a heavy tension in the air. She looked like she was taking slow steps, but the gap between Sakuya and the monsters closed quickly.      

It had only been a few seconds. After taking a few steps, in a flash.     


She disappeared.     

After disappearing…     


Sakuya landed on top of the monsters' heads.      


Her katana started flying between the Orcs, Goblins, and Lizardmen. The monsters cried out in pain as a dark green storm brewing around them.      

The extreme cold slowed their movements, and every time the katana flashed, multiple heads dropped.      

And in just a few seconds.     

Thud! Thud!!!     

A pathway was created between the Orcs and Goblins, blocking the way.     

If someone were present, this person would have shouted in shock.      

''What in the world?"      

In an instant, Sakuya had penetrated the monsters' defenses and committed a slaughter with just a single katana.      


The boss of this room, a five-meter-tall ogre, appeared and growled, seeing its subordinate's heads on the ground. The monster was about to raise its club, but Sakuya appeared behind the monster while sheathing her katana. The ogre got vertically cut into two, with both parts falling into the floor.      

''Next.'' Sakuya said, walking toward the next floor.     

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