Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 740: Encounter?

Chapter 740: Encounter?

3Somewhere on the continent, at the headquarter of the Chaos organization, in a dark palace hall, the lord of the chaos organization sat on his throne, his chin resting on his hand.     

Suddenly, someone entered and kneeled before the man.      

''Greetings! Lord Thanos, I have come to make a report.'' The man that arrived declared with his head lowered.      

Lord Thanos, whose face could not be seen, nodded as if to say go ahead.     

The man immediately began to tell Lord Thanos the latest news.     

''I see, how interesting. We know how outstanding he was but think he was this smart? No wonder Lord dragon was so interested in him. Don't do anything. Making the Holy Crux empire suffer is advantageous to us.'' Lord Thanos declared after hearing about Alex's exploits.      

''Where are Incursio and Leonardo?" Lord Thanos asked.      

''We don't know their exact location.'' The messenger replied, and Lord Thanos felt compelled to massage his forehead.      

''That girl is a real troublemaker. Send someone to ask her to come back together with Leonardo. It's time to use them as carriers. The Lord is getting impatient.'' Lord Thanos ordered, and the messenger nodded and immediately disappeared to carry out his orders.      

Once alone, Lord Thanos sighed and left his throne; strangely, his face didn't look old; it was extremely young, and he was slightly older than Alex's group. After putting on a mask, he disappeared; he was heading toward their Lord. Despite knowing that their Lord knew almost everything happening on the continent, he must still go there to inform him of the recent news.      

En route, Lord Thanos looked in a certain direction; in that direction was the dungeon where Elseria, Freya, and Armstrong were trapping Zero, Incursio's big brother.     

For an instant, Lord Thanos wanted to go there but knew he would be falling into the enemy's trap if he were to go there. With Elseria's strength, no, Typhania's strength, it would be easy to kill Zero no matter how great the latter was. Still, she chose not to do so simply because she wanted to use this opportunity to lure another big shot and kill this big shot together with Zero.     

Unfortunately, Lord Thanos had seen through her plan as she had seen through his but didn't have the choice but take a gamble. Elseria knew she was being lured away but still chose to go there; this could only mean one thing, she was confident enough to stop them, but Lord Thanos thought that this thinking was naive; as a former survivor of that war or not, she had underestimated them, and for this mistake, she would pay a greater price. Well, she was already paying for this mistake.     

They had recovered four keys; the fifth key would be acquired soon. This key was located deep in a dungeon on the Elven continent. It was a high elf, a former member of the elder's council, who was sent to recover the key. Elseria (Typhania) knew this person well; unfortunately, she was trapped in a dungeon, unable to leave; except for her, nobody could stop the man they sent after strengthening him.      

''Hehehehe! In this round, you have already lost Typhania.'' Lord Thanos mumbled with a smile, but suddenly his expression changed. He felt a presence that seemed awfully similar to Incursio and Zero. Just as he was about to make a move and locate this presence, the latter vanished like he was an illusion, shocking Lord Thanos.      

One had to know that he was extremely strong, one of the strongest existences right now, but he could not locate someone.      

Naturally, that presence Lord Thanos was trying to locate was none other than Alice. She noticed Lord Thanos's gaze and immediately acted, activating one of her trump cards, void teleportation. Not many could walk into the void, which was a higher level of space element; the void could be said to be the true essence of the universe. Not many could access it; Alex and Noire were among those who could access the void. Noire offered something to Katherine, a void teleportation scroll, and it was this thing that saved Alice; after crushing the scroll, she was immediately sent inside the void, thus successfully escaping the calamity known as Lord Thanos.      

There was no doubt nothing good awaited her if she were ever to get caught; she would return to being a guinea pig, a fate she wouldn't want at any cost; it had been extremely hard to leave if not thanks to Alex, while she escaped from someone else control to end up under another person control, the difference between those two was fundamentally different as being under Alex's control was far more good than being under the Chaos organization control. There was no experiment; she lived as she pleased and even made a friend; she would never exchange this life for anything.      

So Alice, immediately after entering the void, headed toward the demon's continent; from time to time, she would leave the void before re-entering it again. The purpose being her action was to draw Lord Thanos's attention, like that Lilith, who was still behind, would quickly pass.      

Naturally, Lord Thanos noticed Alice reappearing and disappearing; he frowned; although he wanted to catch her, to dissect her to know how this unknown ability works, he knew this was not his priority; as for Alice's direction, he could speculate her goal. However, he didn't inform Lucifer; this would serve as a test and also as punishment; the boy was becoming greedy; lately, and this would serve as a good punishment to let him know his place.     

''Don't disappoint me, girl; you and your accomplices must cause some damage to that ambitious boy.'' Lord Thanos mumbled before leaving. He was talking about Alice and her group; while he didn't notice Lilith's presence, he knew Alice was not alone. Whoever this group must be, at least they must make Lucifer suffer a small loss; if not, the next they met, he would kill them in the most painful way.     

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