Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 738: The Death of a cardinal 1

Chapter 738: The Death of a cardinal 1

2The eastern part of the holy capital was reserved for the cardinals to build their houses; each house was separated by a long distance, sometimes reaching five kilometers.      0

Seven grand mansions filled the eastern part of the holy capital, forming a beautiful picture.     

People knew this part of the capital was forbidden if you were not members of the tower of babel. Since the creation of the empire, nothing happened; nobody dared to attempt an assassination on the capital, firstly because it would be like courting your death and secondly because all the seven Cardinals were strong, all Saint Realm experts, Saints are below Demigod, so nobody would want to mess with such expert.      

However, tonight it was about to change; Zero arrived before cardinal Jean's mansion, the second strongest cardinal; it was beautifully built with a touch of nature.      

The mansion stood there as if the surrounding nature had embraced it, that the flora flowed within it as much as around it. The architect had loved the trees so much that there was a mighty oak in the center, centuries-old, and a great house had been built around it.     

''What a waste for such pig to own it,'' Sera commented as she infiltrated the mansion, maybe because they were confident that nobody would ever try to assassinate them, or it was because of blind confidence; the security around the mansion was too lass. There was no formation in the walls or near the wall.     

Sera easily infiltrated the mansion; the guards were even playing cards obvious to her presence. The mansion was really big; if not for their intelligence network, it would have been hard to locate cardinal Jean's room easily. His room was located deep underground near how hidden chamber where he used to perform his wicked hobby.      

Currently, cardinal Jean was enjoying himself; he tied a young lady around fourteen against a cross and was raping her.      

''Ahhh! Please stop, ahhhhhhh, stop it, it hurts, please....'' the young lady whose skin was filled with injuries kept crying, begging for help, but the cardinal never stopped swinging his plump waist as he slammed into her, pinching her undeveloped chest. Earrings were piercing through her pink and swollen nipples; at the end of these earrings was a chain.      

''Uhihihihi! Keep crying, keep shouting, it excited me, your lowly sow be grateful that I'm willing to purify your dirty body with my pure body.'' Cardinal Jean murmured like a degenerate as he rammed into the young lady's sacred land.      

Slowly the young lady did not emit any sound; life slowly left her body as she had given up; she would rather die than suffer like this. For the outside, the cardinals and members of the Holy church were noble existences, she thought like that one time, but the reality had shocked her; they are the lowest scums existing. For example, this man above her, adored by many, was just a sick pervert whose hobby was raping young girls barely fifteen.     

'Oh! What have I done to deserve this? If there is a goddess, please save me.' the young lady made one last desperate plea to life.      

Meanwhile, cardinal Jean frowned as the girl beneath him was showing less and less reaction; it would be boring this way. Cardinal Jean grinned evilly and was about to completely heal the young girl, even her hymen, before raping her again when out of the blue, he felt something penetrating his body.      

The cardinal's body shook violently for a moment, and he vomited blood; he immediately jumped off the young girl, putting some distance between them.     

He saw a girl dressed in black standing there; her beautiful lips were visible.      

'Assassin!' Cardinal Jean thought and felt chill, but still calmed down.     

''How do you enter here?'' he asked, but Sera ignored him and scanned the young girl; she would not die. She heaved a sigh of relief, and her eyes turned frighteningly calm.      

Cardinal Jean jumped in fright as he saw this; he hurriedly asked.      

''W-what do you want?"      

While asking this question, he secretly fished out a small scroll from the spacial ring around his finger; it was an instant teleportation scroll. The teleportation range was not too wide, but in his current situation, it would greatly help him. If he were to go back into the hall, this assassin would be dead meat. The reason why the cardinal didn't want to fight here was that he didn't wish to destroy his sacred place where he would come to enjoy his hobby and also because he didn't wish for too many people to let about this place.     

While clutching the small scroll and secretly sending mana into it, ready to activate it at any moment, the cardinal waited for the assassin to answer his question; it was a pity; if she had been younger by a few years, it would have been perfect, after capturing her he would thoroughly discipline her into an obedient bitch.      

In the darkness, Sera laughed as if she was baring her fangs and brandishing her claws. She looked at cardinal Jean and calmly made her request,      

''Hand over your life.''      

Bold, too bold, the young lady lying on the ground was shocked by Sera's demand. Normally, an assassin would strike its target, not speak as Sera did; she wondered how the cardinal would react.     

Cardinal Jean laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke before stopping abruptly.      

''You want my life? Come take my life, you fool.''      

After saying those words, he crushed the instant teleportation scroll, and golden light enveloped his body, and he got teleported away.     


The young lady lying on the cross shouted in despair, the assassin had missed her chance, but upon hearing the following words uttered by the assassin, she was shocked.      

''Fool!" Sera said after the cardinal ran away. It was precisely what she was aiming for; there was no doubt she would have killed him if she wanted, just that it would not be easy, but her goal was not only to kill the cardinal, it was to completely crush the cardinal, meaning killing him alongside his subordinates, only this way she would feel like she completed Alex's mission.     

''Take this!'' Sera fed the young girl a healing potion after removing her from the cross and covering her body.      

Just as she was about to leave, the young lady held her hand and said.      

''Be careful.''      

Sera nodded, ''I will be back.''      

Then she vanished.     

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