Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 733: It Started Part 3: The Clown

Chapter 733: It Started Part 3: The Clown

2Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, Rubus opened his eyes, he thought he was still in the carriage, but something seemed to be amiss.     


He looked around him but saw nothing but darkness, confused he asked.     

''Have we arrived?"     

Nobody answered; Rubus frowned; finally, he came to his senses and felt an inexplicable chill. Looking around him, he saw nothing but darkness, then he understood that the situation was not right, he tried to move his body, but to his surprise, it refused to move as if someone had tied him up.     


''What is this?''     

''Who are you?''      

''Show yourself.''      

Rubus began to panic after seeing he could not move, nor could he use his strength; he might not be strong as the cardinals, but he was not weaker either. He was grandmaster, after all.      

However, his strength seemed to have vanished; he couldn't move, he couldn't see, all he could do was shout like a madman; still, nobody answered him.      

He felt fear, wondering if this was some dream, but the taste of iron inside his mouth as he bit his lip told him it was not a dream. Then he thought maybe it was a prank played by the others church member as tomorrow was his birthday but quickly shook his head, denying this possibility. It was too much for a prank.      

Just as he was beginning to despair as he was alone in this darkness that eyed him like a beast, he heard the sound of someone flicking his fingers.     

Then the light was born, blinding Rubus's eyes, but he quickly got adapted to the light, and he freaked out when he saw the thing before him.      


It was a sound he never knew he could produce. He was not to be blamed because before him was a clown, yes, a clown. He was two meters from his position, sitting crossed-legged on a chair floating magically in the air.      

Rubus could not rub his eyes as he was tied up against a chain, but he closed his eyes and reopened them; however, the clown in green clothes was still there.      

Gathering his courage, he asked, stuttering.      

''W-who a..are you and what .. do you want?"      

There was a silence before the clown answered.      

''I'm the clown.''      

Rubus's eyes became red, and he shouted, ''I know. Do you think I'm blind? I'm talking about your real identity.''     

The clown chuckled before repeating himself.      

''I'm the clown.''      

''Yeah! Yeah, I know. What the hell you want, mister clown?" Rubus snapped; he had forgotten about his fear and the fact he was still tied up; he only wanted one thing, crush this damned clown's head; he hated clowns; he was not the only one; most people in Mysthia hated clowns.      

''I'm here to judge you.'' the clown responded.      

Rubus's face twitched; he couldn't help but ask.      

''Who are you to judge me? Are you a judge, or you are a God?"      

''I'm the clown.''      

''You, you...'' Rubus felt suffocating just by hearing this clown's voice; his face turned red became of anger.     

Ignoring him, Alex, playing the clown, took a black paper and began reading.      

''Rubus Allen Crux. Arrived in Avalon three years ago, 35 years old, a virgin. He is the head priest of this branch of the Holy Church from the Holy Crux empire.''      

''Fuck your mother; it's your father who is a virgin,'' Rubus shouted, but Alex pretending to be the clown, ignored him; after a moment of pause, he continued.      

''Since his arrival, he converted 7203 believers.'' Alex declared.      

Rubus felt a chill on his back and had goosebumps all over his body. Alarm bells began to ring in his head. How did this clown get all those information? Only he and a few people here are aware of the exact number, and those people were tight-lipped. Once again, he looked at the clown sitting in the air and felt inexplicable fear.      

'What is this?'      

''Among the 7203 believers, 3444 were young children between the age of 7 and 14.''      


Rubus gulped; his back was drenched in sweat, he tightly gripped the armrest, his hands were turning white.     

''No way? He didn't know. He didn't know, right?" He kept asking himself praying the goddess that the clown mustn't know. He had never prayed their goddess so much, so he hoped for a miracle. Unfortunately, no miracle would happen.      

''You fed those 3444 children candies during your guidance. Those candies were, in fact, a seed that would corrupt the children, making them docile like pets; they would do anything once the seed was activated. You-"     

''You are lying, you are lying. I did nothing like that.'' Rubus lost his cool now that their secret got revealed.     

Alex sneered behind his back before releasing a bit of his killing intent that materialized into the form of a scary clown mask that tried to pounce on Rubus, his face turned ghastly pale, and he almost fainted. He kept shivering.     

When Alex read the report, he was furious; he finally understood how despicable the Holy Crux empire was, using children as a time bomb, how vicious. He wondered if Julius, the emperor knew this, but he was sure he knew it but did nothing; maybe he was waiting for the right time to make a move.      

'Hah! Troublesome. I shall focus on my task!' Alex mumbled before asking.      

''Rubus Allen Crux, what do you have to say? Do you regret it?''      

''Regret? No, it did all of this for the empire; you know nothing. Even if you cut off the snake head, another one will appear and continue. Everything is the goddess's will. We will conquer the world. You will die soon; the Holy Pope will not let you off.''      

Alex smiled behind his mask. He got what he wanted; it was time to wrap up this show.     

''I see; you felt no remorse. You are guilty, and your punishment is death.'' Alex declared in a cold voice.      

Rubus froze; he thought with everything he said, this clown would hesitate, he would know what was good for him and let him go; unfortunately, he had miscalculated.     

Suddenly, he thought of a dreadful possibility, what if he did all these things to make him split everything? Wait, isn't it what he just did?      

''Shit!" Rubus cursed his mouth, and his face became white; he must salvage the situation.      

''Wait, please wait.'' He tried to plead, but the answer he got.      

''No. Ignite.'' Alex refused before flicking his fingers.      


A golden flame enveloped Rubus and started burning.      

''Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" His miserable cry resonated through the room. Soon he was reduced to ashes, the church got destroyed that night, shocking many, but the real shock would come during the day.     

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