Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 730: Against Silveria Part 1

Chapter 730: Against Silveria Part 1

1Having no idea that he had a fan in the Far East Empire, Alex, back in his villa, kept training. He kept climbing the tower until he arrived at the last floor.       2

Unlike on the previous floors where he faced some version of himself or fought monsters sealed in the tower by Silveria, on this floor, there was a single enemy. Alex had somewhat expected this person to be his final enemy; after all, she was the owner of this tower.     

This would be the first time he fought her; he could not deny that he was thrilled at the prospect of fighting her.      

Silver eyes and heterochromia eyes clashed; lightning flashed between them before they smiled, saying at the same time.      

''I knew it.''      

''Yes, it's me; let's begin, shall we?''      

Alex had nothing against Silveria's words; yes, the final boss of this tower was none other than Silveria, the tower's owner.     

Suddenly, Alex, who was trying to appraise, frowned; his left eye hurt, he almost closed it.      

Silveria chuckled, having expected this.     

''You know nobody can use magic before me except for a few, or if I don't let them use it, naturally you can't appraise me; after all, your Eye of Truth is a magical eye, functioning with magic; it's easy to dispel it.''      

Alex smiled bitterly; he seemed to have forgotten about this; he thought on the spur of the moment he could appraise her as they were talking was about to fight. He hadn't truly understood why she was called Nemesis, magic nemesis; it meant in her presence, it was impossible to use magic. Even her silver eyes were special; just with them, she could deconstruct most of her skills and spells, rendering them unusable.      

''Ok,'' Alex mumbled, calming down his emotions; he felt chill, wondering if with her could he use the gun? He quickly shook his head; he was about to find out anyway.     

Just as a test, he fired a piercing bullet at Silveria; it happened too abruptly. The timing was perfect, and the bullet was too fast, yet before reaching Silveria, it disintegrated entirely, shocking Alex.      

Calming down, he fired a round of bullets, numerous bullets flew toward Silveria, Alex accel-ed and reappeared behind her and unleashed another round of bullets.      

Bang! Bang!!!!!!!      

Silveria was attacked from two sides, sandwiched between bullets, yet she chuckled before her silver eyes shone and the twenty-something bullets vanished.      

Alex calms when he sees the outcome; his goal by attacking like this was to analyze Silveria's domain, yes, her domain, a domain where if not fully activated could still work to a certain extent, but the scope was reduced, for example, two meters around her would be a no magic zone. His magically created bullets were no exception; once they reached the no magic zone, they were immediately canceled.     

To fight Silveria, there were only two solutions, either land your attack just at the boundary of her domain or directly fight her at a close range; normally, she should be weak at close range, but Alex did not really believe this when he saw the mysterious smile on his partner's face. She must be aware of her ability shortcomings and would have prepared some countermeasures; being good at close-range combat should be one.      

''If you manage to injure me, I'll give you a wonderful present on top of the original present.''     

Silveria declared, trying to entice him, and it worked.      

Alex's eyes shone, and his lips curved upward into a smile, and he asked.      

''What kind of present?"      

His heart was beating, and he was secretly praying that it would be that ability.      

Seeing his reaction, Silveria could pretty much guess what he was thinking about, so she answered.      

''I will merge my domain into yours. Your speed will increase in your domain, you can cancel any magic, any magic-related skills in your domain, but the cost will depend on your enemy's strength. How is it? An awesome reward, isn't it?"      

Alex nodded his head like he was possessed. He was beyond happy; how could he not? Silveria's domain is one hell of a domain. What concept is to be able to make your enemy unable to use any magic before you because they could not access the mana that filled the universe? It means your chance of survival would increase; it means you will force your enemy to rely on physical strength; for example, a magic swordsman would use magic to complement his sword skills would be unable to use them, meaning that he could only count on his sword's skills.      

One should know that in the current world, no in the whole universe people really heavily in mana, so once this got cut off, they would become vulnerable. What made Silveria's ability, her domain, more dreadful was the fact that as the caster she could still perfectly use magic (mana) while her enemy could not. If Alex managed to get her domain, while making his enemy unable to have access to mana, he could still use his guns to create magic bullets. It was a godly domain, and it didn't matter if there was a time limit; if used wisely, he could easily kill or seriously injure his enemy.     

In the past, others feared him because of his special bullet, the silver bullet: Erase, capable of canceling any magic fired at him; however, this time, he could literally stop his opponent from using mana, from activating most of their skills as those skills worked mostly on mana.      

'What awesome ability. I want this domain. This will greatly help me in my current mission and the future. I must succeed in  landing a blow on her.'     

Alex mumbled, filled with determination; he must acquire this domain at all cost; as for winning against Silveria, hell, he never thought about it. Not because he was afraid but because the current him was not strong enough to beat her; most of the abilities he had come from her; she knew them better; in a situation like this, would it be easy to beat the owner of these abilities? Probably not. Although he could not now, he was sure he could win in the future.     

Taking a deep breath, Alex opened his mouth.     

''I will win.''     

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