Death Guns In Another World

[Bonus Chapter] Chapter 701: Three against one 5

[Bonus Chapter] Chapter 701: Three against one 5


Arriving before Sakuya, Alex released all of his strength and stomped heavily on the ground.     

Instantly, Sakuya's legs buckled, and she slowed down.     

The knife pierced through her body before she knew it; her eyes widened in horror. The sensation of the silver knife piercing through her heart was so vivid that it surpassed the scope of a mere illusion; she felt like slowly escaping from her body, her body began to fall toward the ground.     

Outside, Sakuya's body froze and began falling toward the ground. Finally, both Artemia and Maria noticed that something was not right; the two minutes asked, one minute and twenty-five seconds had been spent, and yet she had already lost.      

Artemia flashed next to Sakuya in an instant, her spear cut through the air at an impossible angle, forcing Alex to jump back; using this opportunity, Artemia caught Sakuya and retreated to Maria's side, the latter slapped Sakuya forcing her awake, she sweated upon learning that she had been put under an illusion, the three secretly vowed to be vigilant around Alex, not to stare into his eyes for fear of falling again under an illusion.     

Artemia glared at Alex, and lightning danced wildly around her body; she vanished; her speed rivaled that of Alex, she thrust her spear repeatedly toward Alex. Still, he had no trouble easily dodging them; the princess was frustrated; she thus increased the number of thrusts she performed, but to no avail; she could only sigh, she was but a bait the real attack was coming. She was just tasked to temporarily occupy Alex until she was ready.     

Suddenly, Alex, who was dodging Artemia's slash one by one, felt goosebumps rising all over his body as alarm bells rang in his heart. Without hesitation, he switched weapons, two silver guns appeared inside his hands, and his senses sharpened.      

''Yami major: Jigen Girl!" Sakuya's voice rang out from behind, Artemia disappeared. The world around Alex became monochrome before getting slashed into two, instead of one-dimensional slash like in the past, two-dimensional slash was released, coming from a different direction, they were swift, arriving before Alex in a millisecond, the black prince was forced to unleash his time ability, time and space element temporarily clashed together forced into a stalemate, it was exactly what Alex was aiming for he unleashed bullets simultaneously from the two guns, the timing was perfect, he pulled the trigger at the same time, the two bullets left the gun's barrel at the same time. They crashed against the two-dimensional slashes, everything had been perfectly calculated, any missteps, and he would have been badly injured.      


When the two bullets clashed against the two-dimensional slashes, they emitted a screeching sound before breaking apart, destroying each other.      

Sakuya vomited blood and staggered three steps back.     

''Ice goddess mode: Frozen Zero!"      


Maria activated her strongest ability, her black hair turned white, her two eyes turned white as well, she disappeared and reappeared before Alex and slashed downward with her crystal sword, the frost coming from her sword was so powerful that it froze the air, Alex blocked the blow with his right arm covered in black chain.      


Maria's lips were curled slightly, showing a faint smirk. Alex immediately had a bad feeling; he might be able to block her sword, the Eternal Chain might be special, capable of not being affected by any element, but the same thing could not be said of his body, and he had the feeling that whatever Maria was about to say it had something to do with that.      

''Frost: Crystalize !"      

Chi! Chi!      

Temperature plummeted to almost zero degrees, Alex's movements became sluggish even under Time acceleration effect, his blood pressure was lowering at an alarming degree, his lips quivering.      

Suddenly, from corner of his eyes, Alex caught sight of Artemia moving toward him; all he saw was a flash of lightning and the sensation of something locking him into place.      

''Nineteen Layered Lightning Chain: Sixteenth Form: Lightning Cage!"      

A golden lightning cage enveloped Alex's body. Together with Maria, the two jumped back and helped Sakuya get back on her feet.     

Then something astonishing happened, both Maria and Artemia extended their left hand forward, they entwined their fingers and let their mana out of their body and shouted.      

''Absolute Frost Spear!"      

A 1.5 meters long spear appeared in the air, in front of them; the moment this spear appeared, the temperature inside the underground training room plummeted, almost to the lowest degree, frost started gathering everywhere.      

Nobody was shocked by the fact that Artemia seemed to be able to use the Ice element as well because if she was not capable of doing that, she could not create that kind of technique together with Maria.     

Alex was alarmed; this ice spear was not weaker than his crimson bullet; if he were to take it head-on, he would lose. Besides, the moment this spear appeared, his blood pressure fell further.      

Upon hearing Sakuya's words, Alex knew he must not hesitate anymore.      

''Yami Maho: Jigen Giri!"      

Using the last bit of mana she had, Sakuya launched her ultimate skill; together with the Absolute frost spear, they headed in Alex's direction, still locked inside the lightning cage.      

Taking a deep breath, Alex closed his eyes and was about to say.      

''No good, quickly escape!" Leon shouted at the three girls on the platform, but it was already too late when the three understood what he meant.      

''Asura Form!"      


Crimson light burst out from Alex's body; it was so powerful that the floor under their feet cracked, everyone present felt like they were in the presence of an ancient evil lord. Their surprises didn't end up there. The lighting cage broke easily like an egg falling onto the ground.     

''Asura's might!"     

Alex, who had now turned into a crimson-haired man, opened his mouth and roared.     


Time stopped before, the platform was destroyed , followed by their eardrums rupturing, every one of them suffered from the Asura's might, those far from Alex manly kneeled with bleeding ears. At the same time, Artemia, Maria, and Sakuya fainted on the spot; their combined attacks dissipated like a puff of smoke, even the door leading outside was destroyed. A small part of Asura's Might traveled outside, covering the whole villa; every employee inside the villa trembled; some even fainted, thankfully it happened only in a mansion; if not, it would have alerted the surrounding.      

Asura's Might was truly powerful.     

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