Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 698: Three against one 2

Chapter 698: Three against one 2

1The first match would be the three beastmen facing Alex, the three exchanged looks and smiled, today could be said to be the first time the three would be working together, in the past they have worked as a duo but never as a trio before nevertheless, they believed that they could pull up something amazing and who knows maybe with their combined might they might win.     

''Begin!" Sera was acting like a temporary referee until her turn signaled the beginning of the fight.     

Leon disappeared and reappeared before Alex and threw a punch; with his enormous physics, his punch cut through the air like a bullet; however, in front of such a fast punch, Alex acted extremely calm; he sidestepped to the side and easily dodged the punch while throwing his knee into Leon's unguarded stomach, Leon who was preparing a sneak attack with his other hand was forced to switch into a defensive posture, bringing his hands gently above Alex's knee he used the rebound to jump back, immediately, Eris's figure blurred and appeared and launched an attack, the timing was perfect.      

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!      

Her rapier was thrust repeatedly; it was extremely swift and deadly, always aiming for Alex's vitals; he was forced to when suddenly he did something completely out of Eris's expectation, he stepped forward instead of retreating, making Eris momentarily pause before thrusting her rapier forward with all her might.      

Alex dropped his body extremely low with his head almost touching the ground; at the same time, a fireball launched by Kuina happened to come from his back, but because he lowered his body at the last moment, the fireball missed its initial target and targeted Eris, everything happened too fast.      



Even though she was surprised, she could have defended against this friendly fire; however, Eris couldn't because Alex kicked her leg and she bore the brunt of the explosion; even so, she proved that she was still an elite, in the last second she created a wind armor on her upper body to defend against the terrible heat coming from Kuina's fireball.      

Meanwhile, Alex used this opportunity to throw Eris toward Leon, coming from the right with a hammer.      

''What?" Leon exclaimed before quickly shifting the hammer to another hand and catching Eris's body flying in his direction.     

''Sorry, I made a mistake.'' Eris apologized, but Leon shook his head.     

''It's not over; prepare for the next move,'' Leon said before throwing Eris into the air.     

Alex, who was about to attack Kuina and remove her from the stage, stopped and frowned; he was sure that Leon throwing Eris into the sky must not be simple; there was a reason behind this action.      

Leon sighed before calling Lionheart; his bloodline boiled, and once again, the golden armor appeared majestically on his body; he became taller, emitting an aura of majesty befitting a powerful ruler; Alex admitted that the golden armor does look good on his friend.      

''So you become serious,'' Alex mumbled while looking at Leon in the golden armor. Behind him, Kuina summoned a fire domain.      

''Ancestral bloodline!"      


A tyrannical aura burst out from Kuina's body. An illusionnary image of a giant fox appeared, however instead of nine tails, it had six tails. A seven tail was growing from this illusionnary fox's back; Kuina had also launched her trump card.      

Alex was submerged by two different auras, and yet he was calm. He looked up, and as expected, Eris also joined the two; wind wings appeared on her back while another tail grew out of her back; she now held a translucent bow.      

Saying that he was not shocked by all of this would be a lie, but Alex kept a poker face, not letting his inner shock reflect on his face. The others watching the match were shocked; it was their first time since the three were so serious, and the power the three were using now shocked them. They wondered if Alex would not lose at this rate, facing the full strength of three Rank 14, even though he was a Demi-God (Rank 15), he would feel pressure, to top it, he had just stepped into the realm he couldn't be considered as a proper Demigod yet.     

Because of this, every one of them turned their heads in Alex's direction but were shocked to see perfectly calm before suddenly he released his own aura.      

Boom! Boom!      

Compared to the other three, Alex's aura was more powerful tyrannical; it made the surrounding space quake.      

Leon and the girls exchanged glances and secretly gulped; even with his armor on, Leon still felt a tingling sensation on his skin, and the hair on his back stood up on end. Demigod is not a joke, and this person is sure dangerous.      

Even so, they must fight even when the odds are against them. Grinning, Leon took a step forward; the ground under his feet cracked as he shot forward like a super rocket.      

Alex knew Leon would attack first, followed by Eris, then Kuina.      

Leon threw a punch, space broke, and the void on the other side could be vaguely seen; Alex knew that he must not face this punch barehanded; his physics might be enhanced, but it was nowhere near that of a pure-blooded Lion beastman, worse this person was wearing a Goldy armor.      

Just as Alex was about to summon Silveria, he stopped because he remembered something, his lips curved upward into a smile.      

He also threw a punch, Leon's eyes behind the helmet widened he wondered if his friend had lost the reason until he saw the black tattoo on Alex's right hand, it finally dawned on him what his friend was trying to do, he smiled and was eager to know the outcome of this clash.      

After all, real men talk with their fists first. The golden punch traversed through space and was about to collide against Alex's hand when suddenly the black chain tattoo on Alex's right hand seemed to have come to life and wrapped around Alex's hand like a glove before the two collided.      


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